Chapter 117: Overwhelming

Raven's determination remained unwavering as he stepped onto the path that led him to the next trial, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him ahead.

The transition to the Third Floor was marked by a sudden drop in temperature and a shift in the atmosphere. 

The very air seemed to grow heavier, laden with ominous energy that prickled at Raven's skin. The surroundings transformed into a dimly lit expanse of frozen pillars, each towering high above him like frozen sentinels.

This time, it wasn't just the cold that affected him but also a heavy pressure that descended on him, as if the gravity became stronger on his floor. 

A holographic screen materialized before him, displaying a message that sent a shiver down his spine.

[Welcome to the Third Floor of Frozen Tower]


Challenge Description: In this trial, the player must navigate through a forest of crystalline trees.