Champion Of Rising Star!

"It was expected."

Unlike others, Alan had already expected such a result. Though he was also happy that the result turned out to be just as he had thought. He could truly say now that they were winners.

'Result would speak for itself', without result Alan was not like some fool who thinks that everything would turn out just like they thought and arrogantly brag.

Even with the excellent quality song and Irina & Cecilia being talented, Alan was not certain that they would win the competition. But he trusted them and was confident in them. And now this was the result.

It was an expected result and something that Alan is happy about. But it was not what most of the people were feeling or thought. They are extremely excited and think that the result is something akin to a miracle for Cecilia and Irina.

Unlike Alan, most of them have no hope for Irina and Cecilia to win and come out as surprised.

"T-this… They must have cheated!"

Jun's manager couldn't accept the reality and immediately resorted to accusing Irina and Cecilia of cheating. She simply couldn't fathom the idea that Jun and Mina could lose to them, finding it unbelievable.

So, what do one do when one can't accept defeat? Just accuse them of cheating or whatnot!

In the face of defeat, her instinctive response was to hurl baseless accusations and attempt to diminish their victory.

Alan's gaze hardened as he locked eyes with Jun's manager. He had no desire to dignify her with a response, as he believed she didn't deserve it and hoped that this defeat would serve as a humbling lesson for her inflated ego.

However, it seemed that even with the irrefutable evidence before her, she refused to back down without a fight.

"Old woman, what nonsense are you babbling about?" Alan retorted with disdain. "If you're suffering from a mental illness, I can recommend a good mental hospital where you can seek help. I'd even graciously pay for your treatment."

His biting words lingered in the air, leaving Jun's manager visibly taken aback and struggling to come up with a retort.

"Who do you think you are? How dare a brat like you speak to me in such a manner!" she shot back, her voice trembling with a mixture of anger and humiliation. "You and your mediocre idol may have lucked out this time, but mark my words, the truth will be revealed!"

Jun's manager spat, her fury evident. The joy and smile that had once adorned her face were now replaced by humiliation and anger.

"I'll eagerly await the unveiling of your so-called 'truth'! Perhaps you can take your complaints directly to the competition's manager," Alan sneered in response.

Jun's manager's face flushed with anger as she glared at Alan. She desired to argue further, but she realized that no matter what she said, she would emerge as the loser since Jun had lost to Irina and Cecilia.

She decided to keep silent and quietly sat down!

Alan also had no further interest in arguing with her. He believed that It was better to invest that time to watch Irina and Cecilia.

Irina and Cecilia stood side by side on the stage, their hearts pounding with a mix of excitement and disbelief. The applause and cheers from the audience washed over them like a wave of validation, and a bright smile adorned their faces.

Cecilia turned to Irina, her eyes shimmering with tears of joy. "We did it, Irina! Can you believe it? We actually won!"

Irina's eyes sparkled with pride and happiness. She reached out and clasped Cecilia's hand tightly. "Cecilia, we worked so hard for this moment. All those countless hours of practice, the sacrifices we made— it was all worth it."

They had faced a rough start, but now, standing before millions of people, they had achieved what seemed impossible. They were about to receive a major trophy, and they both knew it was thanks to a certain someone.

Their gazes turned in Alan's direction, where he watched them with a smile.

As their eyes met, Irina and Cecilia exchanged a knowing smile with Alan. They recognized that without his support and unwavering belief in them, they wouldn't have come this far.

Their moment of celebration was interrupted by the host, who approached them with a microphone in hand. "Ladies and gentlemen, let's give another round of applause to the winners of this season's competition, Irina and Cecilia!"

The applause grew even louder as the host continued, "Your performance was truly exceptional, captivating the hearts of millions. How does it feel to be crowned the champion?"

Irina took a deep breath, her eyes shining with gratitude. "It's an indescribable feeling, honestly. We poured our hearts and souls into our music, and to see it resonate with so many people is beyond anything we could have imagined. We are incredibly grateful for this recognition."

Cecilia added, her voice filled with emotion, "Winning this competition is an absolute dream come true," Cecilia began, her voice carrying a sense of awe. "To stand here as the champions is something we never could have imagined when we first embarked on this journey."

The host then asked, "Is there anyone special you would like to thank for your success?"

Cecilia smiled and nodded. "Absolutely. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our incredible manager, who has supported us every step of the way. Without his guidance and belief in our talent, we wouldn't be standing here today. Thank you for your unwavering dedication and for helping me."

Cecilia said while glancing at Alan.

As Cecilia's words of gratitude and appreciation filled the air, Alan couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions swirling inside him. His heart skipped a beat as he looked into Cecilia's eyes, her gaze filled with sincerity and warmth. In that moment, it felt as if time stood still.

A mixture of joy, pride, and a hint of vulnerability washed over Alan. To hear his crush, Cecilia, acknowledge his support and express her heartfelt gratitude was an incredibly humbling and gratifying experience. It was a validation of his unwavering belief in her and Irina, and it meant more to him than he could put into words.

Alan's eyes sparkled with a mixture of happiness and a touch of disbelief. It was as if all the efforts, sacrifices, and countless hours he had invested in supporting Cecilia and Irina had culminated in this very moment.

To see Cecilia, the person he admired and cared for deeply, to look at him with such genuine appreciation filled him with a sense of fulfillment and contentment.

Irina interjected, "And of course, we would like to thank our families, friends, and fans who have been with us every step of the way. Your love, encouragement, and unwavering support have been the fuel that kept us going. We couldn't have done this without you. This victory is not just ours; it belongs to all of you."

The host nodded, a smile of genuine joy on his face. "Well said, Irina and Cecilia. Your talent and dedication have earned you this moment. Cherish it, and may this be the beginning of a remarkable Idols."

With their heads held high, Irina and Cecilia took one final bow, soaking in the applause and cheers from the audience.