Reasoning with the unreasonable (part 3)

"You want to talk? Let's talk then. Not that we would reach anywhere," she said with a tone filled with bitterness.

A shadow of concern clouded his dark eyes. "What's causing you to feel that way?"

"...I've just informed you that it's a prophecy, not just a dream."

He smiled, "But you see, that's still your perspective, not an established truth or a firsthand experience. I'm entitled to disagree if it's merely an opinion, right? You haven't become an irredeemable tyrant corrupted by power yet, have you?"

The admiration in his eyes struck her as oddly timed and somewhat inscrutable.

"...Let's entertain the notion that it's just an opinion, even as such, it holds a fifty percent chance of being correct. That's a fifty percent chance that you will embrace the transformation."