HWI 316

Hollywood What If Chapter 316

"This is the screenplay for 21 Jump Street."

Kazir gave the script to Lee Himura, one of the producers at Sony-Columbia. Lee Himura was the producer who made a deal with Kazir in exchange for four movie distribution deals.

"Thank you, director." Lee Himura read the script seriously.

Sony-Colombia acquired Bruce Almighty, Anchorman and Horrible Bosses from Kazir. The studio paid Kazir $3.5 million and four film distribution deals just to close the deal. Kazir was also required to write a script for Sony-Columbia for $1 million.

Sony-Colombia, or more specifically Colombia Pictures, at the time had a successful TV series called 21 Jump Street. The show had 5 seasons and its ratings were quite high, starring Johnny Depp as Tom Hanson Jr. The main reason why the show ended after 5 seasons was that Johnny Depp became a superstar after the success of Edward Scissorhands.

Now Sony-Colombia wanted to revive this series as a movie franchise and they asked Kazir to be the screenwriter. Kazir Grey was a famous comedy screenwriter and all the movies he wrote were successful. He has never had a flop. So Sony-Colombia was confident about this project.

Sony-Colombia gave him two years to finish the script. Quite a long time, but this script was an adapted screenplay from a TV show, so Sony-Colombia gave Kazir the time to watch the TV show to get an idea of what to write.

"Pfft-haha! I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh." Lee Himura apologized for his behavior. He read the script seriously, but he didn't expect to laugh instead.

He realized that Kazir was indeed a talented screenwriter. The story was just on paper, but it already made Lee Himura laugh. The scenes where the two male leads fall into drugs and have hallucinations were very funny.

"Actually, I don't know why you decided to make this movie a comedy. If I remember correctly, 21 Jump Street is a police, crime, drama TV show. May I know who thought of making it a comedy?"

Kazir was quite interested.

"About that, it was actually the head producer, Jezebel Salome."

"Her? I didn't expect Jezebel was the one who came up with that idea."

Jezebel Salome was the producer of Spider-Man. She was a workaholic woman and you could tell by her demeanor. For some reason, this producer was very strict with women. Kazir didn't expect someone like her to come up with the idea.

"CEO Frank Price heard her idea and decided to try it. However, we can't find anyone to write the script, so we decided to ask you instead."

"I see..."

Fortunately, Kazir saw the two movies, 21 and 22 Jump Street. Both movies were funny. Too bad the trilogy never happened. Kazir didn't know the exact reason, but he heard that the cast didn't agree. But he was not sure.

When Lee Himura realized that he was disturbing Kazir, he excused himself. He wanted to read the script in a comfortable place. He could just ask Kazir later if there was anything Sony-Colombia wanted to change about the script. However, Lee Himura felt that the script was already perfect the way it was.




Christmas Eve was an important date for many families in the United States. They celebrate this holiday. Many parents prepared gifts for their children to surprise them. Most of the time, the parents would tell the children that Santa Claus visited their homes to give them presents.

Like many young children, Alissa believed that Santa Claus was real.

"Sister Angel, will Santa bwing me a pwesent tomorrow?"

The little girl asked Angelina Jolie about Santa Claus. Her speech was very adorable.

Alissa was Aaron's daughter. Kazir and Angelina decided to spend their Christmas Eve in New York with Kazir's little family.

Kazir had already met Angelina's family on Thanksgiving, so this time the couple spent time with Kazir's family.

"Are you a good kid or a bad kid this year?" Angelina asked her while holding a Barbie doll.

"I think I am, I'm gwood to my mommy and daddy. I also learned how to use the potty." The little girl said excitedly.

"Wow, you're such a nice girl!" Angelina gently pinched her cheek and Alissa giggled.

"Thank you, Sister Angel."

"I'm just curious, why do you call Angelina Sister Angel? Is it because of her name?" Kazir joined the game and asked Alissa.

"Because she lwooks like an angel."

"Aww, you're so sweet, Alissa. Let me hug you!" Angelina cuddled the little girl.

"Is she?" Kazir was confused. Angelina had never been an angel, especially in bed. She was more like an active kitten who loved attention.

"What do you mean? So I don't look like an angel?" Angelina stared at Kazir, so the man immediately took back his opinion.

"Of course not. You're better than an angel, you're a goddess."

"Huh!" She scoffed and continued to play with Alissa. Kazir smiled, he knew he had messed up tonight and he would have to make it up to her in bed so the woman wouldn't be angry.

A few minutes later, Alissa's parents announced that dinner was ready.

Aaron, Victor and Kazir started talking about their lives and business. Victor and Aaron felt that the Internet had a great future. Kazir gave them the idea of creating an advertising team to promote products on the Internet. In fact, Grey Pictures wanted to hire their company to promote Pirates of the Caribbean on the Internet.

This year was fruitful for all of them. Especially when you compare it to the tragedy they experienced last year. New York was hit by 9/11, luckily Victor's company was still going strong, maybe even stronger.

The next day Alissa received many toys. The little girl was very happy and promised to be a good kid next year.

Just like that, 2002 was over and 2003 arrived. Kazir and Angelina decided to spend the New Year together on a tropical island. They have the whole vacation to themselves.


[Author's note: For some reason I can't change the cover of this novel in Webnovel.]