Chapter 56

Those weren't Byung-ho's men for sure. But if they aren't, then who were they? And why did they attack us?" Seokjin asked, his voice filled with concern and confusion as they sped down the highway.

"They can't be Mr. Hong's men," Yoongi replied, shaking his head from the passenger seat. "He doesn't have such skilled assassins."

"Hyung, we must check the CCTV footage from the basement when we get home. We might find some clues," Jimin suggested urgently from the back seat.

"Right," Seokjin nodded, glancing in the rearview mirror. "Jimin, you and Kai handle the CCTV footage as soon as we get back. Look for anything unusual, and make sure to secure the original copy."

Jimin and Hueningkai nodded, determination etched on their faces.

"Jungkook," Seokjin continued, his eyes fixed on the road, "once we're home, sweep the perimeter. Make sure there are no more surprises waiting for us."

"On it, hyung," Jungkook responded, already mentally preparing for the task.

"Taehyung, Hoseok," Seokjin said, addressing the next pair, "get in touch with our informants. I want to know if there's been any unusual chatter about us or any new players in the field."

"Understood," Taehyung and Hoseok replied in unison, pulling out their phones to make the necessary calls.

"Yoongi, Namjoon," Seokjin continued, his voice steady despite the chaos, "I need you to analyze the weapons those men used once we're back. See if you can trace them back to any known suppliers. That might give us a lead on who we're dealing with."

"Will do," Yoongi replied, while Namjoon gave a curt nod, already deep in thought.

As the car sped towards their home, Seokjin took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of thoughts in his mind. He turned to Beomgyu and Soobin, who were sitting quietly, waiting for instructions.

"You two, stay on high alert. Once we're home, monitor our communications and make sure our network is secure. I don't want any leaks about this attack getting out."

"Got it, hyung," Beomgyu responded, and Soobin gave a determined nod.

"Yeonjun and Taehyun see the updates on today's party as well as see if we can get any information about Mr. Hong recruiting new skilled persons"

With everyone clear on their tasks, Seokjin focused on getting them home safely. Whoever was behind this attack had made a grave mistake. And he was going to make sure they paid for it.

When they finally reached home, the group quickly dispersed to carry out Seokjin's orders. The atmosphere was tense, but everyone knew their roles. Seokjin and Yoongi, however, had another task in mind. They pulled Namjoon aside, away from the others.

"Namjoon, do you have any injuries?" Seokjin asked, his eyes scanning Namjoon for any signs of discomfort or wounds.

Namjoon leaned casually against the wall, crossing his arms. "Why do you ask, hyung? Worried about me?" he replied with a cold smirk, evading the question.

Yoongi's eyes narrowed, his patience already thin. "You know your habits better than we do. We've seen you hide injuries before. Just tell us if you're hurt."

Namjoon shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, you mean like a scratch or something? I don't think I have any. But then again, who knows?"

Seokjin's eyebrows furrowed in frustration. "Namjoon, this is serious. We need to know if you're okay. Stop being difficult."

Namjoon chuckled, a hint of arrogance in his voice. "I'm fine, hyung. Really. But it's amusing how worried you are."

Yoongi exchanged a glance with Seokjin, both of them clearly exasperated. "Namjoon, cut the crap. If you're hurt, you need to get checked out. We can't afford to have you down because you were too stubborn to admit you were injured."

Namjoon tilted his head, pretending to think. "Well, I might have a bruise or two. But nothing to worry about. You know, just the usual."

Seokjin took a deep breath, trying to keep his cool. "Fine. But if you start feeling worse, you tell us immediately. Got it?"

Namjoon nodded, still with that infuriating smirk. "Got it, hyung. Don't worry so much. I'm tougher than I look."

Yoongi shook his head, a mix of relief and annoyance on his face. "Just don't push yourself too hard, Namjoon. We need you in top shape."

Namjoon saluted mockingly. "Yes, sir!"

Seokjin and Yoongi couldn't help but sigh. They knew Namjoon well enough to understand that he was hiding his pain, but getting a straight answer out of him was like pulling teeth. They'd just have to keep an eye on him and hope for the best.

As they walked back to the rest of the group, Seokjin muttered to Yoongi, "He's going to be the death of us one day."

Yoongi nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but he's our responsibility now. We just have to deal with it."

After Seokjin and Yoongi finished their frustrating exchange with Namjoon, they rejoined the others. Seokjin clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.

"Alright, everyone, make sure to treat your injuries before getting to work. We need everyone in top shape," he ordered, his voice firm but caring.

The others nodded in agreement, moving to the living room where a makeshift first-aid station had been set up. A more relaxed atmosphere began to settle over the group as they tended to their wounds. Beomgyu, always the jokester, started acting like a baby, playfully teasing Yeonjun.

"Yeonjun-ah, it hurts so much! Be gentle!" Beomgyu whined, putting on an exaggerated pout.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes but couldn't help smiling. "You big baby. Hold still or you'll make it worse."

The playful banter brought smiles to everyone's faces, lightening the mood after the intense confrontation and attack. Namjoon, however, remained serious. He stood apart from the group, his intense gaze fixed on Yeonjun and Beomgyu. His expression was unreadable, as if he were lost in thought or trying to remember something.

Taehyun noticed Namjoon's demeanor and nudged Soobin when they got back to their work. "Did you see how Namjoon was staring at Yeonjun and Beomgyu? It's like he's trying to figure something out."

Soobin glanced over at Namjoon, who was now leaning against the wall, still observing the others. "Yeah, I saw. It's strange. It's like he recognizes something but can't quite place it."

Taehyun nodded, concern etched on his face. "I hope he remembers soon. It must be hard for him, not knowing who we are or why we're important to him."

Soobin sighed, patting Taehyun on the back. "We'll just have to be patient and give him time. He's here with us, and that's what matters right now."

As they continued their tasks, the group gradually fell into a comfortable routine. Despite the underlying tension and uncertainty, they found solace in each other's presence, knowing they were stronger together. And while Namjoon might not remember everything, the bond they shared was undeniable, and they were determined to help him find his way back to them.

As the night deepened, Yeonjun and Beomgyu returned to the main room, frustration evident on their faces. "We didn't find anything," Yeonjun announced, his voice laced with disappointment.

The others also gathered, each reporting the same lack of progress. The room grew quiet, a sense of helplessness settling over them. Soobin, though visibly tense, tried to maintain his composure.

Madam Hana, who had been babysitting Joon-wo in their absence since they went to Mr. Hong's party , noticed Soobin's troubled expression. "Is everything alright, Soobin?"

Soobin nodded, forcing a smile. "Yeah, just a lot on my mind."

Hana raised an eyebrow, sensing there was more to it. "What's bothering you?"

Soobin hesitated for a moment before asking, "Is Namjoon hyung a powerful hybrid?"

Hana nodded slowly. "Yes, why do you ask? Want to test him?"

Soobin shook his head quickly. "No, just curious. Thank you."

Without further explanation, Soobin walked out of the room, heading straight to where the other four were gathered, deep in discussion. He approached them, his mind made up.

"It's time we tell Namjoon about our identity as hybrids," Soobin declared, his voice firm.

Yeonjun, noticing the tension in Soobin's demeanor, frowned. "Why are you so tense, Soobin? What's going on?"

Soobin sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I think Namjoon needs to know the truth about who we are. It might help him remember or at least understand why he feels the way he does."

The others exchanged glances, the weight of Soobin's words sinking in. Taehyun, always the practical one, nodded. "It's a risky move, but it might be the push he needs."

Hueningkai ever the emotional one, added, "We can't keep him in the dark forever. He deserves to know the truth."

Beomgyu, his expression serious, agreed. "And if it helps him remember, it's worth the risk."

As the tension in the room began to settle, Yeonjun couldn't shake off a nagging suspicion. He turned to Soobin, his eyes narrowing. "Soobin, are you sure you really want to help Namjoon remember? Or do you have another intention behind telling him about our identity?"

The room fell silent, all eyes on Soobin. He hesitated for a moment, then sighed, deciding it was time to reveal the truth. "Alright, I'll tell you why I brought this up."

Everyone leaned in, the atmosphere thick with anticipation.

"I watched the CCTV footage of the basement attack very carefully," Soobin began, his voice steady. "Those assailants, the ones who attacked us, they weren't just any mercenaries. They were focusing on the four of us specifically the five of us. They were there to catch us."

Yeonjun clenched his fists, his mind racing. "Hunters? But why now? And how did they find us?"

"I don't know how they found us," Soobin admitted, "but it's clear they're targeting hybrids. They must have some inside information."

Taehyun looked at Soobin, his earlier suspicion replaced with concern. "Do you really think Namjoon can help us against hunters?"

"I do," Soobin replied firmly. "Namjoon has always been the strongest among us. If anyone can help us, it's him. And if we're to stand a chance against these hunters, we need to trust each other completely."

Taehyun nodded in agreement, his mind racing with possibilities. "We need to tell Namjoon. He deserves to know. He may also get in danger"

Beomgyu glanced at the door, his expression conflicted. "But how do we approach him? He's not exactly in the mood for heartfelt conversations."

Soobin exhaled deeply, steeling himself for what needed to be done. "We need to be straightforward. He may not remember us, but he needs to understand the danger we're facing."

They exchanged determined glances, silently reaffirming their unity. Despite their fears and uncertainties, they knew they couldn't afford to hesitate.

"Let's go," Taehyun said decisively, leading the way out of the room.

They walked down the corridor in solemn silence, each lost in their own thoughts. The gravity of their secret weighed heavily on their hearts, but they knew they had no choice.

Arriving at Namjoon's door, Soobin raised his hand to knock, then hesitated for a moment. "We're doing the right thing," he muttered to himself, seeking reassurance.

With a deep breath, he knocked firmly on the door. After a brief pause, they heard Namjoon's voice from inside. "Come in."

Pushing open the door, they found Namjoon sitting by the window glancing at the moon, his expression unreadable. He glanced up as they entered, his eyes assessing them with a hint of curiosity.

"We need to talk," Soobin began, his voice steady despite the tension in the room. "It's about who we really are."

As Soobin stood before Namjoon, the weight of their revelation hung heavy in the room. Namjoon stood up and sat on his bed, one hand propping up his head, his expression inscrutable.

"Really? Who are you then?" Namjoon's voice was calm, almost disinterested.

"Promise that you won't tell anyone!" Soobin's tone was firm, his eyes searching Namjoon's for any sign of recognition.

"Aren't promises made just to be broken?" Namjoon countered, his gaze piercing.

"Promise us, hyung," Yeonjun interjected, his voice pleading.

Namjoon sighed audibly. "Tell me what you want. I promise I won't tell anyone."

"We are hybrids, just like you," Soobin stated plainly, bracing for Namjoon's reaction.

"And?" Namjoon's response was nonchalant, almost dismissive.

"And!?" Beomgyu echoed incredulously. "We just told you we're hybrids. Aren't you surprised?"

"I already knew that you are hybrids," Namjoon replied coolly. "I can smell you. Don't you know that? You must have sensed me back then, didn't you?"

"So you knew from the time we met that we are hybrids," Taehyun said, seeking confirmation.

"No, I was not well developed. I was a very weak hybrid," Namjoon admitted. "I came to know when we were kidnapped. I overheard everything, and there was no need for me to listen to the recording. I knew, but I didn't tell you because I wanted you to tell me."

"You... You remember everything. You haven't forgotten anything. You lied to all of us," Yeonjun accused, his voice tinged with betrayal.

"No, since the start I've been forgetting memories," Namjoon explained, his tone softening slightly. "So I started jotting them down in my phone. I read it today and confirmed my suspicions about you. I need to know people around me so i read it everyday but sadly,still did not regain any part of my memory."

The room fell into a stunned silence. The four boys exchanged glances, grappling with the revelation that Namjoon had known their secret all along. It was a mixture of relief and disbelief.

"So you knew" Soobin finally said, breaking the silence. "All this time..."

Namjoon nodded slowly. "I didn't want to confront you until I was sure."

"Hyung, we're sorry for not telling you sooner," Beomgyu apologized, his voice filled with regret.

"We were scared," Taehyun admitted quietly. "Scared of how you would react."

"But why did you tell me your secret all of a sudden? Anything troubling you guys? " Asks Namjoon with concern etched on his face.

Taking this a cue, Soobin narrates everything and shows the video to Namjoon.

Namjoon, who had been listening and watching intently, his expression intense. "So, you think telling me about you being hybrids will help protect you? You believe me to protect have so much trust in me. Even your hyungs don't trust me till now. Why do you trust me so much? "

"Because we have seen you hyung, see how you protect others over you. Seen how strategic and powerful you are. And also seen that our other hyungs are a little bit of stupid" Said Beomgyu.

"Yes, hyung we belive you. Believe you and trust you. We know that you will never fail us"

Soobin nodded. "If you know the truth, you can help us stay ahead of them. You're one of us, Namjoon. And you're powerful. We need you on our side, fully aware and prepared."

Namjoon sat up on the bed, his expression contemplative. "I understand. Thank you guys. But now that we're all on the same page, we need to figure out why those assassins targeted you."

Yeonjun nodded. "They were after us. They knew we're hybrids."

"We need to be cautious," Soobin said, his mind racing with the implications of their conversation. "They might come after us again."

Namjoon stood up, a determined look in his eyes. "Then we'll be ready for them."

The six boys nodded in unison, a newfound sense of solidarity filling the room. Despite the tumultuous revelations, they knew they were stronger together.

The next lazy Sunday, found the boys lounging around in various states of disarray. Namjoon, still processing the revelations from the previous night, sat quietly by the window, lost in thought. Soobin was sprawled out on the couch, scrolling through his phone with little enthusiasm. Yeonjun and Beomgyu were in the kitchen attempting to cook breakfast, a task they were notoriously bad at. Taehyun was engrossed in a book, occasionally sighing in. exasperation at the plot twists.

As Beomgyu attempted to flip a pancake, it soared too high and landed squarely on Yeonjun's head, dripping with syrup and batter. Yeonjun, startled, jumped back, only to slip on a patch of spilled milk. With a crash, he fell onto the kitchen floor, pancake still clinging to his hair.

At first, the scene was comedic chaos. Soobin burst out laughing from the couch, while Namjoon smirked slightly, finding amusement in the situation. Taehyun, trying to stifle his laughter, failed miserably, and even Namjoon couldn't help but chuckle under his breath.

However, the laughter abruptly ceased when they noticed Yeonjun clutching his ankle in pain. He had twisted it during his fall. The mood quickly shifted from amusement to concern as the boys rushed to his side.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Beomgyu asked, kneeling beside him.

Yeonjun winced but managed a weak smile. "I think I twisted it pretty bad."

"We should get some ice on that," Soobin suggested, already moving to the freezer.

As they tended to Yeonjun's injury, the atmosphere softened. Namjoon fetched a bag of ice and handed it to Beomgyu, who carefully applied it to Yeonjun's ankle. Taehyun brought a pillow for Yeonjun to elevate his foot, while Soobin hovered nearby with a concerned expression.

"Sorry, hyung," Beomgyu apologized sheepishly. "I didn't mean to... you know, pancake your head."

Yeonjun chuckled weakly. "It's alright, Gyu. Just... watch where you're flipping next time."

The room fell into a quiet lull as they waited for Yeonjun to feel better. Namjoon, feeling oddly protective, sat close by, silently observing the scene. His earlier amusement had given way to a sense of responsibility towards his friends, a feeling he hadn't experienced before.

Yeonjun glanced up at Namjoon, catching his gaze. "Thanks, Joon hyung. "

Namjoon nodded slightly, unsure how to respond but appreciating the gesture nonetheless. It was a rare moment of vulnerability among them, one that deepened their bond even further.

The boys were tending to Yeonjun's sprained ankle, their concern palpable in the once-lively kitchen. It was then that the front door creaked open, and the other six boys strolled in, bringing a fresh wave of energy into the room.

"Hey, what happened here?" Jungkook asked, eyes widening as he took in the scene: Yeonjun on the floor with an ice pack on his ankle, the remnants of pancake batter on his head, and a palpable shift in the room's mood.

"Oh, just a little mishap with breakfast," Soobin replied with a chuckle, gesturing to the spilled milk and the haphazardly scattered ingredients. "Beomgyu's cooking skills struck again."

Jungkook laughed, his earlier curiosity melting into amusement. "Looks like we arrived just in time to help clean up."

Taehyung and Jimin quickly joined the others, helping to restore order in the kitchen. Jin took one look at the scene and shook his head, a fond smile on his face. "Leave it to you guys to turn breakfast into a disaster."

As the older brothers began assisting, the atmosphere brightened significantly. Yoongi and Seokjin took charge, efficiently organizing the mess and delegating tasks. Hobi and Jimin took over the cooking, their playful banter filling the air with a sense of normalcy. Jungkook and Kai busied themselves setting the table, while Namjoon and Soobin made sure Yeonjun was comfortable.

Jimin, noticing Yeonjun's ankle still looked quite swollen, knelt beside him. "What happened to your ankle, Yeonjun? It's still quite red and swollen. "

Yeonjun gave a sheepish smile. "Slipped on some milk after Beomgyu tried to pancake my head."

Jimin shook his head, a mix of amusement and concern. "Only you guys could manage that. We need to be more careful."

As the older boys took control of the kitchen, Namjoon felt a surge of gratitude. Despite the morning's mishaps, there was a deep sense of togetherness that overshadowed everything else. It was a feeling of belonging, a bond that transcended mere friendship.

When breakfast was finally ready, everyone gathered around the table, the earlier chaos forgotten. Plates were filled with freshly cooked pancakes, eggs, and an assortment of fruits. The boys' laughter and chatter filled the dining room, creating a lively and joyous atmosphere.

"Here's to surviving another morning with Beomgyu's cooking," Jungkook toasted, raising his glass of orange juice, eliciting a chorus of cheers and laughter.

As they dug into their meal, conversations flowed easily. Taehyung shared the latest plot twist from his book, prompting debates and theories from the others. Hobi recounted a funny incident from their last outing, causing fits of laughter around the table. Even Namjoon, who had been relatively quiet, found himself joining in, his earlier contemplations replaced by the warmth of the present moment.

Seokjin's phone buzzed insistently, pulling him away from the playful breakfast he was enjoying with the others. With a sigh, he answered, putting the call on speaker so everyone could hear. The voice on the other end was curt and direct.

"Come to Hotel Empyrean at 11 tonight."

Before anyone could respond or inquire further, the call abruptly ended, leaving the room in tense silence.

"So, who was it?" Soobin asked, breaking the quiet with curiosity etched on his face.

"One of the four elders of the BTS gang. Bang Si-Hyuk nim," Seokjin replied, his tone darkening slightly as he spoke.

Yeonjun furrowed his brows. "Aren't elders supposed to look out for the gang's interests? Why would he call us out like this?"

Namjoon, ever analytical, chimed in. "If they're elders, wouldn't they always work for the gang's betterment?"

Seokjin shook his head, his expression growing more serious. "Not all of them. Bang Si-Hyuk nim has been a guiding hand for us, yes. But the others... they've always seen us as incapable, always testing us, never fully trusting us. They still treat us like novices, pushing their views onto us at every turn."

Taehyun frowned, contemplating the implications. "Do you think this is another one of their tests?"

"Probably," Seokjin replied, his voice tinged with frustration. "But we can't ignore it. Whatever their reasons, we need to go and hear what they have to say."

The room fell into a heavy silence as each member of their group mulled over the upcoming meeting. The elders' skepticism and constant challenges had long been a source of tension within the gang. While Bang Si-Hyuk nim had often provided valuable guidance, the others remained a formidable hurdle they had to navigate.

"Let's prepare for this," Seokjin finally said, breaking the quiet resolve. "We'll meet them at 11, but we'll be ready for whatever they throw at us."

His words were met with nods of agreement, each member steeling themselves mentally for the encounter ahead. Whatever the elders had planned, they were determined to face it head-on, ready to prove once again that they were more than capable of handling the challenges of the mafia business.

The tension in atmosphere was abruptly interrupted by the pitter-patter of small feet and giggles echoing down the hallway.

"Hyungs! Hyungs!" Joon-wo's voice rang out, filled with excitement.

The boys exchanged amused glances as their youngest charge burst into the room, his eyes sparkling with mischief. Joon-wo, the bundle of energy that he was, hopped around them like a little whirlwind.

"What's up, little buddy?" Hoseok asked with a smile, setting aside his mobile.

Joon-wo folded his arms and pouted dramatically. "You never listen to me! You just leave me with an old fashion lady!"

His words caught the boys off guard, and they exchanged puzzled looks. "Old fashion lady? Who are you talking about, Joon-wo?" Yoongi asked, trying to suppress a chuckle.

"You know, when you have meetings or go out, you leave me with Mrs. Hana !" Joon-wo explained with exaggerated exasperation.

The room erupted in laughter, the tension from earlier conversations dissipating instantly. Jungkook scooped Joon-wo up and swung him in the air, eliciting squeals of delight from the little boy.

"We're sorry, Joon-wo," Taehyung said, ruffling the boy's hair playfully. "We promise we'll pay more attention to you. Mrs. Hana is nice, though, right?"

Joon-wo nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, but she makes me eat vegetables!"

The brothers laughed again, thoroughly entertained by Joon-wo's antics. They made a mental note to spend more quality time with him, realizing how important it was for the little one to feel included and listened to.

"Alright, buddy," Seokjin said with a warm smile, pulling Joon-wo into a gentle hug. "From now on, we'll make sure to give you our full attention, okay?"

Joon-wo beamed up at them, his earlier complaint forgotten in the warmth of their reassurance. With the promise of undivided attention and a bit more mischief still glinting in his eyes, he settled down amongst his hyungs, content and happy in their company.

As the boys gathered around the dining table for lunch, the clinking of cutlery was interrupted by Namjoon's thoughtful expression. He glanced up from his plate, directing his question at Seokjin.

"Hyung, let me ask you one thing. Can I behave however I like in front of the elders?" Namjoon asked, his tone serious.

Seokjin took a moment to consider before replying, "Sure. In the mafia world, power is what speaks, not age. If you're capable, you can overthrow any team and become the king. But I would appreciate it if you don't cause trouble for Bang Si-hyuk nim. He's a good man."

Namjoon nodded thoughtfully. Jimin chimed in, frustration evident in his voice. "It would be great if you could keep the elders' mouths shut. They always force us, insult us, always tease us about our pasts. No one from our team has been able to speak in front of the elders without fear. Well, except Yoongi hyung. He's made different."

Namjoon raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Are the babies also coming?" he asked, using his fork to point at an imaginary list.

"Babies?" Seokjin repeated, confused.

"Cinq team," Namjoon clarified.

Seokjin chuckled. "Why are you calling them babies?"

Namjoon smirked. "They're younger siblings, so of course, I can call them whatever I like. They're too innocent. I want to keep them away from any harm. I'm not like other hyungs, implicating trouble for their younger ones."

The words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken emotions. The others exchanged glances, feeling a tinge of hurt. Namjoon's remark had hit close to home, reminding them of the times they had unknowingly made Namjoon suffer as the youngest in their team.

Jimin looked down at his plate, absentmindedly pushing the food around with his fork. "We never meant to make you suffer, Joon," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

Namjoon's gaze softened, but the sternness in his expression remained. He let out a sigh, his shoulders relaxing slightly. "I know, Jimin," he said, his tone carrying a hint of weariness. "But things have changed. We can't afford to let personal issues tear us apart now. We need to stand united against our common enemy. If we let our differences create rifts, it won't just hurt us individually – it will jeopardize the entire team."

Seokjin nodded, a resolute look in his eyes. "You're right, Namjoon. We'll face the elders together. And this time, we'll show them just how strong our team is."

As they resumed eating, the atmosphere at the table was a mix of determination and a shared understanding of their past mistakes. They knew they had a long way to go, but with Namjoon's newfound strength and their united front, they were ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

"So the Cinq team won't be coming. They need to be here for Joon-wo," Yoongi said, his voice low and serious. "But you, on the other hand, better be careful. The elders know you're a new member. They might send people to bully you. It's always been a bad habit of the elders to treat new ones in the team badly, bully them, or insult them. But that's the way of the mafia. It's the rule."

Namjoon chuckled, a sound that was more chilling than amused. "Rules, huh?" He leaned forward, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. "Let them come. Let them try. If they think they can bully me, they clearly don't know who they're dealing with. I've faced worse than a bunch of washed-up elders who think they still run the show."

The room fell silent as Namjoon's words sank in. His gaze swept across the table, meeting each of his brothers' eyes with unwavering confidence. "I've learned a lot in a short time. I may be new, but I'm not weak. If they want to test me, they'll find out just how big of a mistake that is."

Seokjin couldn't help but smile, pride evident in his expression. "That's the spirit, Namjoon. Show them why you're part of this team."

Yoongi nodded, his initial concern melting away in the face of Namjoon's resolve. "Just remember, we're all in this together. No matter what happens, we've got your back."

Namjoon inclined his head, a rare flicker of warmth in his eyes. "And I've got yours. Let's show them what it means to mess with the kings of the mafia."

The tension in the room eased, replaced by a shared sense of determination and unity. They knew the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but with Namjoon's strength and their unwavering bond, they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

As the black SUVs rolled up to the grand entrance of Hotel Empyrean, the seven brothers stepped out, each exuding a unique blend of power and sophistication. Seokjin led the group in an impeccably tailored black tuxedo adorned with subtle silver embroidery along the lapels, his broad shoulders and confident stride leaving no doubt that he was the leader. Yoongi followed, donning a deep burgundy velvet blazer over a crisp white dress shirt, paired with slim black trousers and polished black boots, his rebellious spirit hinted at by a single earring and silver rings. Hoseok, in a navy blue suit with a sleek, contemporary cut and a matching silk vest, added a touch of vibrancy with a patterned pocket square and tie. Jimin's dark emerald green suit, contrasted with a black dress shirt and accented by a silver tie clip, made him appear both graceful and commanding. Taehyung stood out in a deep plum-colored three-piece suit with an intricate paisley waistcoat and a playful smirk that suggested he was ready for any challenge. Jungkook opted for a classic black suit with a modern twist, his polished black shoes and minimalistic accessories, including a sleek silver watch, highlighting his youthful yet commanding presence. Finally, Namjoon, in a charcoal gray suit that emphasized his broad shoulders and muscular build, paired with a dark blue dress shirt and a black tie, exuded an imposing charisma. His cold, intense gaze and subtle smirk indicated he was prepared for anything the night might throw at him. As they made their entrance, the crowd parted, whispers of admiration and fear following in their wake, marking them not just as attendees, but as the true kings of the night. The air buzzed with anticipation, for everyone knew that whatever happened next would be nothing short of extraordinary.

The night was dark and quiet, with only the faint hum of distant traffic as the boys arrived at Hotel Empyrean. The entire street was deserted except for the gathered mafias, who had booked the entire hotel for their exclusive party night. The grand entrance was lit by dim, elegant lights, casting long shadows that added to the mysterious and dangerous allure of the scene.

As the seven brothers stepped out of their black SUVs, a hush fell over the crowd. A guard quickly approached and bowed deeply. "Namjoon-ssi, please come with me," he said respectfully, indicating a separate path. Another guard gestured for the rest of the brothers to follow him towards the grand ballroom where the elders awaited.

Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook exchanged quick, knowing glances with Namjoon. "We'll see you inside," Seokjin said, his voice steady and reassuring. Namjoon nodded, his eyes cold and focused.

"Don't cause too much trouble before we get there," Yoongi added with a smirk, trying to lighten the tension.

"Be careful, Joonie," Jimin said softly, his concern evident despite the playful nickname.

Namjoon merely nodded again, his face unreadable as he followed the guard down a separate hallway. The remaining six brothers straightened their suits and headed towards the ballroom, their expressions a mix of determination and readiness for whatever awaited them inside.

As Namjoon walked down the dimly lit corridor, the atmosphere grew heavier. The walls seemed to close in, amplifying the tension. He knew this was a test, a way for the elders to size him up. His mind raced with thoughts of strategy and caution, but his outward demeanor remained cool and composed.

The guard finally stopped in front of a large, ornate door and gestured for Namjoon to enter. "They're waiting for you inside," he said, bowing again.

Namjoon took a deep breath and pushed the door open, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, while the rest of his brothers braced themselves for their own confrontation with the elders in the grand ballroom.

Seokjin and the other five entered a grand hall, elegantly adorned with chandeliers and rich, dark wood paneling. The room was filled with the gentle hum of conversations and the soft strains of classical music playing in the background. Numerous people, all key figures in the mafia world, dined at long tables covered in pristine white cloths, their expressions a mix of caution and intrigue. At the far end of the hall, on a raised stage, sat the four elders—the most influential and formidable individuals in the mafia hierarchy.

Bang Si Hyuk, the elder who genuinely cared for the boys, was seated to the right. He was a stocky man with a kind face and a calm demeanor, often referred to as "Hyuk-nim." Despite his significant influence and wisdom, his voice was frequently overshadowed by the other, more ruthless elders.

To his left sat Elder Lee Joon, a tall, gaunt man with sharp features and piercing eyes. Known for his brutal methods and zero tolerance for failure, Elder Lee was feared throughout the underworld. His word was law, and he took a perverse pleasure in testing and tormenting those he considered beneath him.

Next to Elder Lee was Elder Park Sang-hoon, a stout man with a perpetually scowling face. Elder Park was notorious for his cunning and manipulative nature. He had a reputation for bending others to his will through both fear and deceit, and he relished the power he held over the younger mafias.

On the far left sat Elder Kim Tae-kyung, a sophisticated yet cold-hearted man with an air of arrogance. Elder Kim viewed everyone as pawns in his elaborate games of power and control. His strategies were as brilliant as they were cruel, and he often imposed his will with a calculated ruthlessness that left no room for dissent.

As Seokjin and his brothers made their way through the hall, they could feel the weight of the elders' gazes upon them. The atmosphere was thick with tension, and the boys knew that every move they made would be scrutinized.

Seokjin led the group, his face a mask of calm as they approached the stage. "Good evening, elders," he greeted, bowing respectfully. The others followed suit, their postures straight and their expressions serious.

Bang Si Hyuk nodded in acknowledgment, his eyes filled with a mixture of concern and support. "Good evening, boys. I hope you are well."

Elder Lee Joon's lips curled into a sneer. "Let's dispense with the pleasantries, shall we? We're here to discuss your recent performance—or lack thereof."

Elder Park Sang-hoon leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "Yes, it seems some of you are struggling to keep up with the expectations set for you."

Elder Kim Tae-kyung simply observed, a slight smirk playing on his lips as he waited to see how the boys would respond.

Despite the intimidating atmosphere, Seokjin remained composed. "We are here to listen and learn, elders. Your guidance is invaluable to us."

Meanwhile Namjoon stood in the dimly lit room, his back straight and his eyes sharp, as he faced the group of armed opponents surrounding him. Each one of them carried a different weapon—knives, chains, and bats—each with the same deadly intent. The air was thick with tension, and Namjoon could feel their hostility like a tangible force pressing in on him.

One of the attackers, a burly man with a scar running down his cheek, stepped forward, brandishing a bat. "Looks like we got a cocky one here," he sneered.

Namjoon smirked, his confidence unshaken. "You guys really think you can take me down that easily? I almost feel sorry for you."

The man snarled and lunged forward, swinging the bat with all his might. Namjoon sidestepped smoothly, grabbing the bat mid-swing and using the man's momentum against him. With a swift twist, he wrenched the bat from the man's hands and swung it in a wide arc, catching another attacker across the jaw and sending him sprawling to the ground.

"Is that all you've got?" Namjoon taunted, his eyes gleaming with defiance. "I've seen better moves from a dance crew."

A woman with a knife darted in, aiming for his ribs. Namjoon moved with lightning speed, grabbing her wrist and twisting it until she dropped the knife with a yelp of pain. He spun her around and used her as a shield as another attacker rushed in with a chain. The chain wrapped around the woman instead, and Namjoon shoved her into her ally, sending them both crashing to the floor.

"Seriously, you might want to rethink your strategy," he quipped, tossing the bat aside. "This is almost too easy."

The remaining attackers hesitated, glancing at each other uncertainly. Namjoon took advantage of their hesitation, launching himself at the nearest one and delivering a powerful kick to his midsection. The man doubled over, gasping for breath, and Namjoon followed up with a swift elbow to the back of his head, knocking him out cold.

"Next?" Namjoon called out, his tone mocking. "Or are we done playing?"

The last two attackers, a pair of twins wielding knives, exchanged a determined look and charged together. Namjoon met them head-on, his movements fluid and precise. He ducked under their synchronized slashes, grabbing one twin by the arm and flipping him over his shoulder. The second twin hesitated for a fraction of a second, and that was all Namjoon needed. He delivered a sharp punch to the twin's solar plexus, followed by an uppercut that sent him sprawling.

Breathing heavily, Namjoon surveyed the scene. The room was littered with groaning bodies, and he stood alone, victorious. He straightened his jacket, a satisfied grin on his face. "Well, that was fun. But next time, bring a real challenge, will you?"

Namjoon stood amidst the groaning bodies, his chest heaving slightly from the exertion. He spotted a man struggling to get up and strode over, yanking off the man's tie with a swift, practiced motion. With a few deft moves, he tied one end around the man's ankle, securing it tightly.

"You're coming with me," Namjoon said, his voice low and menacing.

The man's eyes widened in fear, but he didn't resist. Namjoon grabbed the other end of the tie and began to drag him across the floor, the man's protests ignored. As he moved toward the door, Namjoon glanced around, spotting a table with a bottle of wine and a glass. With a fluid motion, he picked up the glass and poured himself a generous serving, never once breaking his stride.

Namjoon took a sip of the wine, the rich flavor a sharp contrast to the violence of moments before. He walked confidently, dragging his captive behind him, exuding a palpable aura of power and control. The remaining conscious attackers and a few onlookers stared at him in stunned silence, their eyes wide with a mixture of fear and awe.

With a smirk, Namjoon looked around the room, his gaze challenging anyone to defy him. "Consider this a lesson," he said, his tone dripping with disdain. "Next time, think twice before you come after me and my team."

The three elders were again as usual taunting the six about their failures in a few deals that happened years ago. Seokjin and the others stood in tense silence, knowing this was coming. Elder Lee Joon was the first to speak, his voice dripping with disdain.

"You think you can lead the BTS gang, yet you have a history of botched deals. Remember the arms trade debacle with the Triad Alliance? Or the failed narcotics deal with the Russian Bratva? Embarrassing," Elder Lee spat, his piercing eyes glaring at each of them in turn.

Elder Park Sang-hoon leaned forward, his fingers steepled under his chin. "And let's not forget your mishandling of the smuggling operation in Busan. It cost us millions. Such incompetence cannot be overlooked."

Elder Kim Tae-kyung added, his voice cold and mocking, "It's no wonder the Red Vipers are always one step ahead of you. They manage their operations with precision and ruthlessness, qualities you evidently lack. The Red Vipers have been expanding their territory and influence, posing a significant threat to our dominance. They've exploited every misstep you've made, further solidifying their power."

Seokjin clenched his fists at his sides, struggling to maintain his composure. The mention of the Red Vipers, their most formidable rivals, hit a sore spot. The Red Vipers gang, led by the cunning and ruthless Han Seung-min, had always been a thorn in their side, often outmaneuvering them in key operations and deals.

"We are aware of our past mistakes, elders," Seokjin replied, his voice steady but firm. "But we have learned from them and have taken steps to ensure they won't happen again. We are stronger and more united than ever."

Elder Park scoffed, "Words are cheap, Seokjin. We need to see results. Prove to us that you can handle the pressure and outsmart the Red Vipers. Until then, consider your leadership under scrutiny."

Bang Si Hyuk, who had been silent, finally spoke up, his tone gentle but authoritative. "Give them a chance. They have shown remarkable resilience and growth. Every leader makes mistakes, but it's how they rise from them that defines their true strength."

Elder Lee snorted but didn't push back further. But, Elder Park Sang-hoon, known for his ruthless demeanor, leaned forward with a slight grin. "We have found a solution to stop the Red Vipers from rebelling against BTS," he announced, his voice dripping with superiority.

Seokjin's gaze narrowed as he demanded, "What solution?"

"You'll see soon enough," Elder Lee Joon replied smugly, reclining in his chair.

Elder Kim Tae-kyung scoffed, "And speaking of mistakes, adding a new member, the youngest no less, was folly. Your team was already weakweak and you just made it more weaker. "

Before anyone could respond, the heavy doors swung open with a resounding bang. Namjoon entered, a tie in his hand tied around the leg of the burly man he was dragging. The man was injured and barely conscious, blood trickling from his mouth. Namjoon's demeanor was casual yet menacing as he sipped wine from a glass, striding confidently to the front of the room.

With a nonchalant flick, Namjoon tossed the man at the elders' feet, the body landing heavily. The room fell silent, all eyes on Namjoon as he took another sip of his wine, his expression one of cold amusement.

Downing the last of his wine, Namjoon casually discarded the glass, letting it shatter on the floor. "So, these are the 'so called elders ' you were talking about?" he queried, his voice laced with sarcasm. "Sending weaklings like this to test us?"

Elder Lee Joon's face contorted with anger. "How dare you speak to us like this!"

Namjoon smirked, stepping forward to loom over the elders. "How dare I? How dare you question my capabilities and those of my team? This man you sent couldn't even last a minute against me. Your test was too easy."

The elders were visibly taken aback, unused to such defiance. Before they could respondThe elders were visibly taken aback, unused to such defiance. Before they could respond, three young women entered the hall, their presence immediately commanding attention. They were the daughters of Han Seung-min, the leader of the rival Red Vipers. Han Yoo-jin, Han Soo-jin, and Han Ji-min walked confidently to the front, their gazes fixed on Seokjin, Hoseok, and Taehyung respectively.

"We have an announcement to make. Today's party is to celebrate our engagement to Seokjin, Hoseok, and Taehyung," Han Yoo-jin announced, her voice ringing with determination.

The atmosphere in the opulent halls of Hotel Empyrean turned tense and charged with disbelief as the elders of both the BTS gang and the Red Vipers made their unexpected decree. Seokjin, Hoseok, and Taehyung stood defiantly, their faces a mix of shock and outrage as the elders laid out their plan. The announcement of the engagement to the Red Vipers' daughters was met with open resistance.

"You can't be serious!" Seokjin exclaimed, his voice echoing with disbelief through the grand room. "We won't accept this!"

Hoseok's fists clenched at his sides, his expression hardening with resolve. "This is manipulation, not a solution! You can't force us into marriage!"

The elders, unmoved by the boys' protestations, remained stoic and unyielding. "This alliance is necessary for the stability of both gangs," one elder stated firmly, his tone brooking no argument. "You will accept this arrangement."

Taehyung stepped forward, his voice carrying a mixture of anger and desperation. "We won't be pawns in your power games!"

"Whether you agree or disagree with this marriage will be decided one month from now. During this time, the girls will be staying at your mansion. After living together for a month, if you still don't agree, we may call it off," said Elder Lee Joon with a smirk.

The boys exchanged incredulous glances, their resistance now met with the cold reality of their predicament. Namjoon, usually aloof and observant, couldn't hide his frustration. "This is absurd," he muttered under his breath, his eyes narrowing in defiance.

Jimin shook his head in disbelief, his voice rising with indignation. "We won't stand for this!"

Yoongi, typically composed, couldn't suppress a scowl. "We need to find a way out of this mess," he declared, his words carrying a sense of urgency.

As emotions ran high and alliances hung in the balance, the seven soulamtes found themselves thrust into a tumultuous situation where their autonomy was challenged, and their futures were dictated by the ruthless rules of the mafia world.