That night, Bernard, levon, and clarivel went to Pescador on the ship they boarded!

"Are you sure about your decision that we will take this child to our town?do you think no one really cared about her? One more levon! The girl seems to be smart, he looks rich," Bernard said.

"Uncle! There's nothing we can do! Because if we will leave the child, she might just get lost even more! Isn't it better if she was with us? Child trafficking is widespread in Manila, so it's good that we saw her, levon said while stroking the childs hair. They get a cabin so that the child could rest a lot more during the flight.

When the child woke up!.

"Uncle Levon! Where are we? The child asked

"can i ask a favor? ! When you're with me, dont speak English, because i can't understand what you're saying. I can't even read, I can't even write! Then You add more to my thoughts!! Levon pleaded

"it's like daddy too! You want uncle levon ill teach you how to read and write! We'll learn together! uncle, where are we? Is this a ship?" asked the wondering child.

"I'll take you to my province first. I'm sorry, I haven't bought your clothes. Let's buy them in town when we get there! It looks like your stomach is saying something! they'll bring us breakfast later," Levon said.

"Thank you Uncle Levon! Even though you don't know me, you still brought me to your province," clarivel said

"Last night we were together but we still don't know your name! What are we going to call you! It seems strange if we were only a child right? Levon asked

"my name is clarivelle the child replied.

Until later, their food did arrive..

"belle! Take it easy, you might choke! Are you really that hungry! Levon asked again.

"You know what uncle, even if the food they gave us was simple, it's still delicious when you're with someone!, Clarivel smiled.

"Why can I see Kayvin in her smiles? Levon just closed his eyes. Bernard and Levon watched Clarivel as she ate and they were happy with how the girl was satisfied with the food she was eating...

" doesn't she eat vegetables? Levon asked.

"No! It's only sometimes! Maddy's vegetables are the best. The girl suddenly felt sad.

"see! You miss my family too! After we get back from Manila! We'll find your house! I'll drop you off right but right now you can come with us first so you can be enjoy province life first!" Levon said.

"Uncle, is there electricity in your place? The child asked.

"I have one but I don't have a T.V. There you usually find radio ! Besides, gadgets aren't very trendy there! There's no cellphone! I saw you have a phone," Levon said.

"Yes! You can still use your cell phone to learn a lot, and like I said, I will teach you to write and read, even if it's just basic. Clarivel said.

"How old are you? You sound like an old lady !" Levon smiled at her.

"I'll be 5 next year, I'm only 4 right now..

Levon was surprised by what the boy said.

"Merciful God! You were only 4 when you thought of running away. You know if you were my child, I would really tie you around my waist! You are only 4, but your thoughts are so serious, maybe when you are 7, you will be in trouble! Oh! You need a body guard, you're still a child, Levon said to him, then he scratched his head again...

"You're so cute! Uncle, do you want to apply to me as my persolal body guard? You know my grandfather has a lot of money! He can pay you! It looks like when you bring me back home! They're going to hire a body guard to watch over me. You're not a bad person, so maybe it's possible," clarivel exclaimed.

"I just have a criminal record! Maybe if they find out instead of letting me watch over you, they'll say I kidnapped you! He said in his mind..

"I just want you to be my body guard uncle Levon. Clarivel said.

"Is there an uneducated body guard? Belle you know there are more of them that you deserve to be guarded! Because they are better! Just eat.. Levon replied

After clarivel ate, she and levon went sight seeing.

"Why are you crying? Do you miss your mom? Levon asked.

"It's just now because I'm on a ship! I told maddy before even on the yacht as long as he's with me! But he doesn't have time for me. he has a lot of meetings to do.

levon just picked up clarivel.

" Your maddy just wants to give you a good life so don't sulk! I know he's worried about you too.. Then levon hugged the child....

A few hours later they arrived at the pier and before they boarded to the boat going to pescador island, he bought Belle some clothes! And nightgowns, he also bought a fan and a lamp because they might have lost the light in their house.. He also bought a little grocery so that the little one can still have a snack..



"DADDY! Are you really just reading a newspaper over there? Kayvin asked his father..

Im just reading some article here and I saw news about child trafficking, that still trend now, maybe later my granddaughter will be taken away by them," Eldefonso said.

"daddy you are not helping! Kayvin said to him..

"son! With the amount of kidnapping news today, you can't help but think that maybe later a syndicate got my granddaughter.. His father said again.

eldie knows where his granddaughter is and he's just scaring kayvin so he can spend his time looking for his child! Because he noticed that kayvin really focused on his work.

"when we find my granddaughter! I will hire the perfect body guard for her...

Kayvin just nodded to his father and hugged him.


After they shopped ... They went on a boat!! To get back to their house. Clarivel is very happy with what she sees...

"Are you happy? Levon asked.

"Yes! Uncle.. Clarivel exclaimed

Until they got to their place everyone knew levon and clarivel was surprised because they were brought some fruit levons house ..

"wow those fruits are delicious!!

Levon just laugh!! At the child's reaction..

Clarivel charged her cellphone first while Levon chopped vegetables.

"Uncle! Will just play outside!

"okay, just don't go far away! Levon replied he was happy because he seems to have a child. But he still couldn't get over what Pipoy said that the lives of his child and husband is in danger..

While he was thinking about this, he suddenly heard a cry..

He went out and saw clarivel fall off the bike.

"What are you doing? Levon said in a worried voice.. Levon blew on clarivels wound.

"That's right, it doesn't hurt anymore, let's wash it, I'll treat it!

Clarivel was crying because of the wound she got.

"it hurts! You know it's normal to fall! But you must learn to get up. And fight! It's okay to fall and get injured but you must get up immediately! Okay levon said in a warm voice

"Ouch uncle! The child said!

So levon blows her wound..

"don't you know how to ride a bike? Or this is how I'm going to teach you to ride a bike! While you, you will teach me how to read and write.. So get better right away, just stay here and watch me cook, do you eat vegetables with shrimp? Levon asked .

"Maddy always cook that for me, go ahead and ill taste it uncle..

"Who is that maddy! You have been opening your mouth for a while.. He asked.

"Don't worry uncle, just cook there..

Levon noticed that the girl was sleepy

"You must have been tired from the flight! Come and lie down on the bed! Tomorrow we will go back to town to buy an electric fan. belle can i asked what is your full name? Levon asked

" CLARIVEL LEVIN DEL VALLE MARASIGAN , as the girl fell asleep...

Bernard dropped the knife he was holding.

" levon! The girl is del valle?? Then the last name is marasigan?

Levon looked at the girl..

"Maybe it's just a coincidence, uncle! There are many people who has a surname del valle in the world," Levon said.

" but the combination of del valle and MARASIGAN ? Levon what do you think?