Levon was still thinking about his past with Kayvin, while listening to the song I LOVE YOU STILL..

"What if kayvin Got married because I didn't show or even visited him for four years that why he decided to married and has a child? What am I thinking!he said while staring at the princess next to him..

"you know, if kayvin is the maddy you're talking about, I know that uou love him so much!

You can't deny it little girl, if kayvin was your father maybe he was looking for you right now.. He was worrying about your situation right now. You are lucky if he is your father, don't worry when we get back to Manila I will bring you home little one. Levon said while he was holding the chids hand.

WHILE KAYVIN he was also listening to the same radio station as Levon..

Kylie knocked on Kayvin's door to bring him food because he skipped it and didnt eat since morning, he keeps on searching for clarivel at the park even if he is is tired he doesnt care.

"kay! Eat first you know that clarivel doesn't want to see you like that..

Kylie said to him.

"If I had only paid attention to her she wouldn't have run away, I admit that I'm mad at his daddy and I felt sorry for our daughter, when clarivel came back! I'll introduce levon to her. She will be my priority. I dont even know if My daughter has already eaten, can someone take care of her now? If Someone is hugging her. Kylie just hugged her brother.

"I also miss clarivel, but for now, there is nothing we can do but to pray for her safety that whoever picked her up he or she has a clean heart and will return clarivel to us safely. Kylie responded.

After that Kayvin thought of an easier way to find the child quickly. To give a reward to anyone who can give them information where can they find clarivel and another reward if that person could bring clarivel safely at their house.


"Are you sure you are ready to give 500,000 to the person who can return clarivel to you? Eldie asked her son

" dad! I'm desperate! I want to find my daughter! Its just a small amout of money compare to the life and safety of my daughter. I will do everything to get back my child matter what happened , I just wanna find her dad! I miss belle.. Kayvin was already crying in front of his father.

Even though eldie wants to admit that he knows where clarivel is, he also doesn't want to destroy the bond between clarivel and levon. ..

"we'll find him too son! Go ahead and get ready!! We'll go to the station for that reward money...

Eldie said.

" thank you dad! Then he hugged his father...


"You didn't eat last night! Do you want me to serve you? Levon asked Clarivel.

"Okay uncle, thank you..

levon was looking at clarivel while still trying to stand with his eyes was closed...

When he sat down.. He smiled he always remember the gestures of kayvin to clarivels simple lokomotions, also on how she peeled the shrimp.

When clarivel tasted that dish, her tears fell and she remembered kayvin.

"Uncle! You know you and Maddy both cook so good but your cookinf it's only 2 percent better than maddy. Clarivel exclaimed.

" Wow! I have my first customer. You know I want to build a restaurant someday, so if I'll start would you mind if ill choose you as my first costumer? Levon asked the little girl . Thank you for complementing my cooking skill.. Eat now because we're going to ride bike and you're going to teach me to write and read, right! levon smiled while he was looking at clarivels cute face....


Levon taught her how to ride a bike, but little by little, Clarivel is getting what Levon is teaching her.... Even if she falls again and again, she gets up immediately and tries to ride a bike again..

After levon teach her to ride a bike..

"uncle levon! I know how to ride a bike now! Yeheeeyyyy thankyou for teching me Said the child while smiling at levon.

" You're sweaty and you stink! Come, let's bathe in the sea!

"Uncle! I don't know how to swim! Said the child.?

" Is that so! If thats the case dont worry cause uncle levon will going to teach you how to swim, come on! Enjoy the moments while you're still here on the island.

That's why clarivel was happy to respond to levon...

They had fun playing in the sea and he taught clarivel how to swim..

"you know, Uncle Levon, Auntie Kylie teaches me to swim too! That's why I want Maddy to be with me! Grandpa Eldie enrolled me in swimming school, but my teacher gets highblood. Because I put a frog in the pool! It almost got killed him so they don't want to teach me anymore... Clarivel said

levon's heart beat fast when he heard the name of kylie and daddy eldie in the child's mouth

"are you really my daughter! He said to himself as he hugged Clarivel tightly. Is it possible that Kayvin will tell me something important that day and that important thing would be his pregnacy? .. Levon really got si confused that time.!

" Uncle Levon! Are you okay! Clarivel asked him.

"I'm fine! Come on, let's rinse and you'll teach me to read and write too....

They both rinsed and levon finished first...

Levon saw clarivel feels so hot that even bernard can feel the hot temperature because its already summer thats why levon thinks of a way so that he can get electric fan for the childs sake.

And a few moments later problem solved because someone brings electricfan to make a trade or exchange it with a money.

" Levon, maybe you want to take this, I just really need money! My son is sick and the hospital is still far from here. Nanding said to him.

"Yes, Im gonna take that. He gave Nanding five thousand.

"Man! That's too much! That only two thousand!" Nanding said.

"Treat your son, if I can help you!! Just come closer and I'll give you more Thanks to this, man, the little girl will use this so she feel won't hot anymore. Levon said.

" thank you too bro!! Thank you!!!

It's natural for levon to be helpful, even though he looks like strange and doesn't do anything sensible, he's kind and reliable...

After clarivel got dressed, levon fixed her, put baby powder on her back and put a bimpo on her back too.

"You know Uncle Levon, your future son is lucky, because you were kind enough to help that person earlier! If only I had the money, I would do the same thing," maddy said, that my money is still in the trust fund.

levon just laughed at what belle was saying.

"You know I'm really curious about who that maddy is! Levon said with a smile.

"My maddy is also kind, he didn't teach me to curse all the kids who want to play with me, just like you, maddy is naturally helpful. You know. he's a bit grumpy and always busy! At my awarding, he said he would go but his meeting was much important than me, Maddy is my boyfriend, she always tells me that my daddy is kind! Even though her hair looks like corn, she is so sweet. Even if he looks like he won't do good. He is the opposite of everything you see in him, that is the attitude he has...

Levon swallowed what he found out!! Everything the little girl describes, Because he's blonde, that's why when she was imprisoned, she went bald and she grew her hair long again...

"You're my daughter! Levon whispered.

"okay belle its your turn you should teach me how to read and write to levon said....

That's exactly what clarivel did. They also watched videos so that levon could learn the letter sounds more easily so that he could read more easily..



when levon turned on the TELEVISION TO SEE THE NEWS..


CLARIVEL IS His daughter.