Maulana Sahib And Iqbal Dil

Iqbal sat sad in the heart of the mosque.Maulana Sahib looked at them:

Maulana Sahib:"Assalam Alaikum!."

Iqbal Dil:(turning towards them,and shaking hands):"Walalaikum Salaam."

Maulana Sahib:(sitting down):"What happened sir? You look very worried."

Iqbal Dil:"Yes,this government has made it prohibited to live.I am thinking that they should go to Turkey now,they will not be able to live here anymore,they will be left behind and all this."

Maulana Sahib:(quickly interrupting him):"Oye… I mean,sir,I have not seen anyone more in favor of this government than you,and you are the only one in this situation.I…Well, let's not speak against our country for no reason."

Iqbal Dil:"Where is the country now,now the situation is such that a person can't even take a breath here."

Maulana Sahib:"So don't take it.I mean, don't take tension.There will come a time when this country will be ahead of all other countries,Inshallah!."

Iqbal Dil:"Insha'Allah! But when? For now it is extremely difficult for me to live here,so I went to Turkey."

Maulana Sahib:"Oye….I mean brother, now you will go to another country and go there and do the evils of your country and curse your people.It is better not to spend the money you spend abroad for the sake of your country."

Iqbal Dil:"What's the use,sir,these people will not improve."

Maulana Sahib:(slowly shaking his face):"First, correct yourself."

Iqbal Dil:"Yes?"

Maulana Sahib:(frightened):"Yes,I mean society is not made from an individual,that's why I said."

Iqbal Dil:"Good, good! Maybe you are right,I should think again."

Maulana Sahib:"GG,Allah has given you intellect,use it, think."

Iqbal Dil:(Lost in thought)

Maulana Sahib:"Let's keep thinking,I'll walk,Allah Hafiz."

Iqbal Dil:(slowly):"Allah Hafiz!."

(Maulana Sahib gets up and leaves)

Second Meeting:Iqbal Dil Sahib entering the Masjid while busy cleaning the Maulana Sahib Masjid:Iqbal Dil:(Looking at Maulana Sahib in surprise):"Hey Maulana Sahib,how are you doing this work yourself?."

Maulana Sahib:"With hands sir."

Iqbal Dil:"I mean,why don't you make your children do this?."

Maulana Sahib:"Look,my heart does not believe that someone cleans the mosque without honor."

Iqbal Dil:(surprised):"Disrespectful?."

Maulana Sahib:"Yes, after all,not everyone is blessed with the honor of religious knowledge or passion,even if you made your children do five times adhan,memorize the Qur'an,but the honor of religion is the name of something else,sir.Tell me how you forgot the way home today."

Iqbal Dil:"Yes,the last meeting you explained me so well that I canceled my flight to Turkey and now I have another problem,I thought I would ask you."

Maulana Sahib:"Yes SubuhanAllah,absolutely,ask."

Iqbal Dil:"Yes, the question was why are we slaughtering the animals? I mean animals are also God's creations.Isn't it wrong to slaughter them? Isn't it against humanity?."

Maulana Sahib:(Heaving a long sigh):"Have you come here? I mean,look,we don't kill animals we slaughter them which means we slaughter them in the name of Allah.BTell yourself what will be their pain when they are being slaughtered in the name of the Lord who gave birth to them...huh?."

Iqbal Dil:"Yes,then tomorrow you cut my neck too,after all Allah Almighty has created me,right?."

Maulana Sahib:(smiling):"There is a difference between you and the animals that are slaughtered.See,animals are created for the work that is taken from them.You have been created,you should also take your job seriously,as if you are of no use."

Iqbal Dil:(started coughing)

Maulana Sahib:(continuing his talk):"Now you seem to have understood this problem,huh?."

Iqbal Dil:(Hesitantly):"Yes sir,here it is."

Maulana Sahib:"Very good!."

Iqbal Dil:"Thank you very much! Sir,now I'm going."

Maulana Sahib:"GG,Allah Hafiz."

Iqbal Dil: "Allah Hafiz."

(Iqbal Dil Sahib leaves and Maulana Sahib starts smiling)