Molana's Next Class

Next class:

Molana Sahib: "So, do you all understand how important it is to carry on with your life concerning the Islamic rules?."

Umer Daraz: (sarcastically moans)

Molana: (disappointing face signs): "Umer? You have a problem?."

Umer: "Ummm.....yes actually...."

(Molana arms fold)

Umer: "I think of we were out of this country it was so easy for us to become rich, and if we were rich it was no difficult for us to become who we were mean't to be."

Molana: "What?."

Gul Faraz: "He is right! We were all gonna be true religious in our lives if we were just not having these every day Pakistani issues!."

Iqbal: "I agree."

Molana: "So you mean....if we just become millionaires....we will have more true connection with God?."

Umer: "Yeah! Why not?."

(Starts smoking cigarette)