Chapter Five [The Joy of Forgiveness]
Rhoda and Rudolf attended the gang gathering that night in the save house. The gang members are all there setting and chatting with one another when they arrived.
"I wanted to let you know that I intend to hire Rose as a business partner and massage therapist,”
Rudolf started the meeting with the topic explained. As he looked across at Rhoda, who was putting one leg forward to position the baby on her lap for breastfeeding.
He said,
"I wanted all of us to know it and no more questions."
As he turns his attention to Rhoda, no one dares to ask.
"How old is your baby, Rose?"
Rudolf asks quietly. Rhoda answered,
“He’s turning two years old soon.”
"From now on, I'd want to offer to be a baby caregiver to her newborn while she's at work so that I may have some de-light and experience having someone to be with," Rudolf adds.
Rhoda is constantly reminded of God's Word, which gives her wisdom and strength to pray unceasingly which the group doesn't forbid her to do, and she believes that everything happens as a result, including miracles, as she read,
'Seek the Lord and His Strength, seek His presence consistently.'
"It is said here,”
'So teach us the number of our days, so we may receive understanding,'
“and I am confident that God will send wisdom to us in this tough time, Honey! “
Rudolf says quietly, his gaze falling on Rhoda, who is calculating her pieces in her lap.
"How does that affect our situation, Honey?"
Rhoda inquires.
"You swear to me, Honey, that whatever happens, you will be faithful to me until I return, and you will never let or listen to any news, issues, or intrigues against us, promise me?"
Rudolf whispers to Rhoda as she begins to apply the ointment to Rudolf's back for massage therapy.
"Where are you going?"
Rhoda inquires.
“No! not yet, It will come that the same incident may be repeated that I’ll vanish without further notice. You should face it positively and trusts that your husband is an expert in handling difficult dangerous situations.”
Rudolf expresses.
” I can’t say anything if you’re expecting it to happen again because it seems you have so many connections like this. “
Rhoda commented.
"And what do you think I'm doing?" added,
"Are you suggesting I'm not faithful to you, despite your sneering and womanizing?"
she asked,
"Because you've been having so much fun with Josie for so long!"
Rhoda continued, privately sneering at him.
"I'll never acknowledge it, but you did,"
she muttered as she caressed Rudolf's torso massaging,
"Do we now fulfill each other's duty?"
Rudolf questioned, grasping his intimate parts..
She muttered,
"It's no longer a business partner's obligation to do what you desire."
"Josie is a business partner,"
Rudolf asserts,
"but she's never had any other commitments except you!" Rhoda counters,
"You're a liar and a traitor!” Rhoda nags with jealousy.
“I already miss you so much, honey, and I adore you!"
Rudolf admits to Rhoda.
"How could you have forgotten about me? “
Rhoda sneers, her voice shaking as she restrains herself from sobbing out.
” You didn’t even look back to where I was, instead you enjoy being with your alluring woman who maltreated me ruthlessly!"
Rhoda sits slightly apart, conscious that their argument may pique the interest of other housemates.
As the lights dim, Rhoda finds a reason to get rid of him as she exclaims,
"Baby is wet!"
Rudolf smiles as he holds Rhoda by the shoulders and lovingly kisses her. Rudolf is unable to resist his desires toward Rhoda, despite the fact that he is aware of how much he misses and loves his wife. Rhoda is the same way.
The recently reunited pair rises early in the morning on their own.
While Rudolf stays at the safe house, Rhoda and her baby work in the sales booth to supplement their income. She is pleased and content, despite the fact that they are under the gangsters' leadership's restraining order. She is reflecting all the time while under the group supervision.
“We are referred to as prisoners and captives here! "
She exclaimed softly adding.
” even though they treated me nicely. I can’t deny the fact that we’re under the group’s dominion.”
Rhoda says she feels like she's suffocating and can hardly breathe.
"God doesn't want his people enslaved by their own people." she wonders, but God's Word reminds her that,
"He has made everything wonderful in His time."
That day, Rudolf disembarks from his car, which has been transporting a variety of items to Rhoda's sales booth, at 3 p.m. Rudolf notices his son’s awake and wiggling in his place as he approaches Rhoda, who is busy entertaining her customer.
"Hello baby, Mommy is busy, so I will attend to your needs for a while,"
Rudolf says as people stare at him with puzzled expressions. "Is he the father of your baby, Rose?”
They enquire. Rhoda explained.
"He's my business partner, Rudolf,"
she added.
"And my buddy who protected me and my son."
“They have features that are similar to each other, don't they?” adds the woman.
While a rushing sound like jangling reaches the site nearby, Bong rushes towards her and flees from the police enforcement group, and hides at Rhoda's sales booth. Rudolf and the infant are in the same area.
Rhoda is mending the items purchased by one of the buyers in the corner.
"Have you seen a man sprinting towards this location?"
the cops ask Rhoda, while the gang leader silences them with his forefinger over his mouth.
Other buyers leave the area until everyone has gone, leaving Rhoda alone.
"How come you didn't detect him when he ran by your sales booth?"
police asked Rhoda again.
" "Sir, I was merely here to see my business colleague and a kid!
Bong emerges and tells the cop,
"Don't move, I'll kill this woman!"
as he drags Rhoda slowly toward the post, which is only a few meters away. The officers carefully approach the post on the other side of Rhoda.
While Rudolf’s cradled his son, Bong had no idea that Rudolf would turn on him. Rudolf snuck out and smacked Bong in the head, knocking him out, while Rhoda went rapidly towards Rudolf and grabbed her baby from the couch. Because Bong will be imprisoned for committing several offenses against the law, the family will now be safe.
Rudolf hugged Rhoda and his kid for a time, and the two worked together to get out of the premises before dusk. "Where shall we go now, honey?”
Rhoda asks.
“We’ll get rid of them and hide from other gangsters?" Rudolf answers.
Rhoda is interested to know Rudolf's plans for his family
Rudolf says,
"Don't worry, wife. I requested my lawyer to create our travel documents for us,"
Rudolf recalls.
"They couldn't follow us abroad at once unless they had legal papers and millions of cash to get outside."
The couple and their infant began to leave the sidewalk in search of a safer spot away from the syndicate as Rhoda began to remove her camouflage and eradicate wicked de-sires by being truthful and honest to one another.
"Wifey, the air force Chopper will be ready to pick us up at any moment,"
Rudolf yelled excitedly. When she quickly sees Sulema holding her binoculars as she stands on the next rooftop and she seemed to wave her hands to Rhoda.
” Honey, Sulema seemed hunting us!”
Rhoda exclaimed.
“Sulema might not yet be informed of what happened to Bong!”
Rudolf replied.
” Hurry1we should not waste time now. Let them solve their own problem”
Rudolf shouted as the chopper’s getting closer.
“I have pity on her. She’s already a friend!”
Rhoda insists.
“You can do it later honey. Come on!”
Rudolf says.
Rhoda grabs her son from the crib and sprints up to Rudolf, as they witness a thunderous air wave lowering the rope towards the rooftop to pick up them. Rhoda ponders,
"That is why a man leaves his father and mother and becomes one flesh with his wife,” Rhoda recalls.
'Don't worry about those who do evil or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. Trust in the Lord and do good. Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.'
“And that’s what happens to Josie. God forgive her for all she committed against you and against us when she was still alive, in Jesus's name I pray, men” Rhoda prays.
Rhoda is hugging them when she feels a rapid leap in her womb and spins Rudolf around, exclaiming,
"Praise God, there's a new life here!"
While flying with the rescuers, Rhoda sensed a life inside her womb,
"Hey Honey, something strange inside my body feels unnoticed.”
"What's new?"
Rudolf asked quickly as he cradled baby Robert.
"We'll go for a check-up once we're in a safe place,"
she said as the chopper rushed into its assigned flight path," Rudolf said as one rescuer commented,
"I couldn't believe you became a member of the group and the cop failed to recognize you?"
“This will be the best time to know what kind of people we should trust and who shall we can give help.”
The rescuer named Ding said.
” If they are nice but can ruin us and led us to disasters, we should get rid of them for good. We might be the same as them and we’ll end up in jail like Bong”
Rudolf suggests.
“We can’t condemn Bong for being a lawbreaker. Perhaps, he was ignorant of the law and no one’s excuse of it,”
Rhoda insists as Robert becomes groggy and sleepy.
” Wife, turn Robert to me so that you can rest a bit anyhow,”
as he took Robert from Rhoda's arms he says.
”I really feel dizzy, honey! "Rhoda declares.
“Alright! We have some first aid kits here, take one tablet now for your travel sickness. It will be relieved soon”
Ding suggests. Rhoda leans on Rudolf for a while and the mother and son find comfort in the head of the family.***