Chapter Thirteen [The healing garden]

Chapter Thirteen [The healing garden]

After Rudolf's first immunization, his family obtains a decent night's sleep. Rudolf's adverse effects from the vaccine presented themselves at midnight in a feverish condition. He had slept so long that morning, in contrast to the previous day, that they awakened early to torture Rhoda and his child.

"The sun is rising, and the rays are becoming more powerful,"

Rhoda shouts as Robert follows.

"Come daddy, eat!"

Robert exclaims as he cuddles and kisses his father.

"Honey, are you able?" Rhoda inquires as she cuddles and kisses him as well.

"Honey, I feel weird this morning as if my body weakens and my bones tremble when I attempt to move and get up,"

Rudolf explains slowly.

"I know, it's a reaction of your body system to the vaccine," she agrees.

Rhoda adds, "You eat breakfast first, then take paracetamol to lower your body temperature, and I'll put fresh water and citrus juice by your bed."