Chapter Eighty-six [ The missionary woman who vanished]

Chapter Eighty-six: The missionary woman who Vanished

After listening to Angel's statement, Rudolf expressed his depression.

He commanded everyone to continue looking for Rhoda, report her missing on social media, in newspapers and magazines, and pay them so that everyone could take the lead in assisting the family in their hunt for Rhoda. They handed the company on to their service assistant, saying,

"Kids, come on! Let's not give up on finding your grandma. I won't forgive myself if something happens to her." They make their way to the summit, where the steep is located, after progressively climbing the slopes. adding,

"What am I getting at, everyone? While working here, you keep an eye out for any notifications and accept any good or bad news. Please keep all records available so that we may alert you via our system."

Carina immediately yelled to declare that everyone was leaving in unison to conduct a thorough search.