Chapter Eighty-seven [ The Missing Identity]

Chapter Eighty-seven [ The Missing Identity]

On that same night, sailors on the immeasurable, vast ocean observed blinking lights throughout their moments of surveillance over the immeasurable ocean.

Some of them noticed that Rhoda's phone was still blinking inside her thin, transparent plastic bag pack, which was still securely fastened to her back. Because Rhoda's phone is wrapped in plastic and her bag pack is light and watertight, seawater couldn't get inside the plastic pouch and instantly rendered the phone safe and protected.

They communicate with one another via the link, tracking the source of the blinking light from a distant area, until they discover Rhoda Schurz Wagner's comatose and partially dead body—the missionary woman they never knew existed.

They swiftly retrieved and moved her lifeless body to larger sailboats, which they continued to move farther from the port area until they were at the large ship they considered to be their primary watercraft carrier.