The return journey went without incident and in three and a half months, they had arrived at the capital. He also had to increase the weight of the girls’ clothes twice, but their physical condition was on another level compared to when they left the capital.
Rebecca was the next to break through into the second shell after Leora, with the others still lagging behind. Seth’s progress was at around 59% for his primary energies, and the entire group used energy vials as often as possible.
His parents also got used to the scene of the girls training like slaves from dusk till dawn without stopping and didn’t pester Seth about it anymore.
Caitlin kept pouting for the first two weeks, but seeing it got her nowhere, she listened to Seth’s advice and got closer to the other girls in class.
Looking at the huge city walls ahead, Seth had the girls clean up and get changed out of their heavy garbs into a few new clothes he had prepared for them. He also did the same with his parents.