Mother issues

Maya and Seth froze while Nash also wiped the grin off his face. The problem was not Seth’s age as much as Maya’s. She looked young for her actual age, but her appearance was still that of a woman in her mid or late twenties.

Seth was about to explain when Hilda surprised him by grabbing Maya’s hand and pulling her upstairs.

“You two stay here.”

Seth smiled wryly as he looked at Maya’s panicking face. As he was wondering whether or not to peek at their conversation, a hard hand pressed on his shoulder and his father came close to whisper in his ear.

“Good job, son. Those are some nice pumps she’s carrying.”

Seth’s face froze and turned towards his father, only to see him smile like an old lecher at him. Using his perfect control to prevent his expression from changing, he removed his father’s arm and walked towards the front door.