“Seth, we’re alone.”

While listening to the food staff describe their experience with the king, Seth consulted the system.

‘I still need this idiot alive. Any ways to prevent these poor girls from getting tortured to death?’

‘Oh.’ Exclaimed Seth, a small smile appearing on his lips. ‘Are they dressed?’

Seth turned towards the chatting women and cleared his throat. After gaining all their attention, he smiled and said: “I have a solution that might work.”

Seeing that he caught their interest, he continued: “Next time he thinks about hurting you, simply say, ‘The Council will find out about this.’. The king won’t dare hurt you anymore after that.”

Katy, who was the one closest to Seth, asked the question that was on everyone’s minds. “What’s this Council?”

“Hehe, nothing you girls must worry about. Just try it. I promise nothing bad will happen to you.”