Curtain falls

By the time Seth and Henrietta returned from the underground, the preparations were complete, and all that was left was the arrival of the enemy troops.

“Where the hell were you two? Why didn’t you tell us Henrietta would leave as well?” asked Elise as soon as Seth and Henrietta appeared from the underground.

Henrietta giggled, and Seth was about to explain when Elise’s eyes darted toward the mark on her hand. Ignoring the two, she rushed to Henrietta’s side and lifted her hand, her eyes glued to the golden heart mark on her head.

Looking directly at Seth, she asked: “Is this real? It wasn’t destroyed in the war?”

Henrietta was surprised Elise seemed to know about the human heart, but Seth nodded and said with a smile: “It was not. It was protected by the Guardian of Fire deep under Oath capital.”

“That lizard? She didn’t leave with the others?” asked Elise, the blood slowly draining from her face.