Chapter : 5

It's been 3 months since the attack incident and the news about the ambush on the Ishtart family was spreading very fast.

In a castle that looked as big as a mountain was a small room in which few members were sitting.

At the extreme center, there was a man who looked somewhat in his mid-thirties furring his head.

"Zenith are you sure that the Zephrons are behind this,?" he asked.

"I wouldn't say completely but most clues lead towards them, if we ever manage to find the entire proof there would a blood bath Arthur," Zenith said.

The man named Arthur who is the current king of the Vaun Der empire was very agitated as he heard this.

"Aah, what a mess, Zenith what about the 6th wanderer did you find anything about him," the king asked.

"No my lord, he seems to have Gaia's blessing is all we know" he answered.

Hearing this the monarch's face turned very pale," A, track down the wanderer and be careful he is already a wanderer, and on top of that he has Gaia's blessing.",

"DO NOT DIE, if the situation goes out of hand use the teleportation scroll," the king said.

A man who was covered in strange clothing with a mask on his face come out of the shadow. His mask had the letter 'A' engraved in it.

"Yes my lord" the man answered and disappeared from there.

"Zenith, trouble might be approaching us," the king said as he went out of the room.


After constant morning training and rigorous exercise, my stance with the sword improved drastically. Although all I have been doing is swinging my sword a thousand times and doing 100 squats my grip had improved very much.

But even now I was not allowed inside the library,

still, I got some information. Julian Ishtart who is my grandfather was called the sword saint, he played a very major role in the 2 wars of the Underworld which again I have no information on.

But the thing is, he is going to visit me during my mana awakening. Although he did visit me a couple of times I thought he was a simple old man.

Anyway, all my cousins and my father's brothers will be arriving during my mana awakening. Why? you might ask, well in our family except for my grandfather no one has ever had an ounce of mana present in them, and that is the reason all of them use Aura to enhance their body and their weapon, but what is aura I don't know.

My elder brother who pretty much had a very huge talent in Aura wanted to become a merchant.

Although Ian the male twin is very adept in Aura I don't know what he does. Schooling I guess, but I don't know a single rice of grain about my sister.

My thoughts were interrupted by my father

"Kid, one interesting news for you, from tomorrow onwards you will receive basic sword techniques but let me tell you, kid it is going to be very hard from now." my father said with a huge grin on his face.


I was currently standing on a huge ground, it had many trees surrounding it and in front, there was a dummy kept.

"Kid now looks at me closely," my father said.

He rhythmically swung his sword, it seemed as though he was moving like water, no it was as though he was dancing, he cut the dummy into very small pieces. The movement was so smooth, it looked as though the sword didn't have any strength, just pure momentum.

Watching my father my heart started to beat fast, I was getting excited, maybe because in my old life there was no thrill or I'm just getting excited about new things, either way, I was getting excited.

By the time my father finished the dummy was incinerated. "Here you go kid," my father said tossing me a Sword which was much smaller in size.

"Kid, it would years for you to learn this, but for now we have to inculcate the same basics in you.", "Remember, the first day when I told you to come did you wonder why would I ask a 5-year-old kid who never had combat to fight me," my father asked.

"Perhaps because you wanted to check my battle talent," I said.

"Very good kid, yes battle talent; although your footwork, battle style and all had many flaws, your idea to attack behind me and your calmness that you kept during the fight are very important." he finished.

"Now hold you're sword in your right hand, twist your left leg a bit and bend your right leg facing the front and now slash the sword laterally," he commented.

The moment I did as he told the sword moved more easily, by the way, I swung the sword I could tell; this move was a 'Lateral slash'.

I once again held my sword and did the lateral slash, I just kept repeating the same move again and again until my arms were sore.

'Huh', my father sighed, "That's enough kid from tomorrow along with this move you have to do all your basic morning exercises and your sword exercise, but this time you will swing the sword 500 times more than the last time, after completing the exercise you can take a 10 minute break and start to practice your move, although I won't accompany you to the ground I will be watching you," my father said and left the ground.

I lay down on the rough ground and look at the beautiful morning sky.

Ever since I came to this world although I have seen the sky I never paid attention. The sky is still as beautiful as it was back on earth, but the air feels fresher.

'I wish it would remain this peaceful forever', I thought.