Chapter : 6

My hands were bleeding profoundly, just increasing the number of swings of my sword by 500 seemed to backfire.

To be exact I could not feel my arms they were way too heavy, although I finished today's training I was very tired. I could not muster the energy to get up.

"Jenny," I mustered in a weak voice, before I could continue she understood her role and fed me some portion.

All my pain and fatigue seemed to be disappearing slowly,' I need to take a bath and have something to eat' I thought.

After I finished my bath I went towards the dining but heard my parents talking about something very serious.

"Dear, it's the second assassination attempt since Roy's birth, have you found out anything" my mom seemed to ask.

"Anna, you have to be patient. Do you think I'm not angry about what happened, but the wanderer attempt is way too coincidental with the attack on Roy? When they came for the 1st time Roy was barely a year old, so we put heavy protection around him remember, but if the enemy managed to kill all of them and almost our baby, do you think that I will neglect this matter? If not for the protector I would have caused a rampage already.

Even with our Ishtart's scouting group, we found nothing about this mysterious guy." my father said with some visible anger.

My mother looked at my father's expression and sighed, "Should we ask for help from your father, dear?",

"With you doing the king's mission I think it's best if we ask him." she suggested.

"That sly old man huh, what a fate," my father said.

"I'll talk to him during the ceremony." my father said.

After hearing their talks my mind went on a rampage. 'Assassination attempt on me, but why. And that too it's happened twice. So the incident that happened 3 months ago must be my 2nd attempt, then when was the 1st one'.

My mind started to recall all my memories, where, where I thought, and suddenly I remembered the eagle.

'Why am I remembering that now' I thought, once again my mind started to think of another blunder, but then the same wave-like feeling appeared I regained my composure. I retained my CALM.

'No, no not now; I need to think, it must be somewhere hidden in my thoughts'.

I suddenly heard footsteps and sprang towards my room.

"Royii come down for breakfast," I heard my mom.

When I went down for eating, both of them acted as though nothing happened and talked about how awesome the food was and all, (I mean the food was good though..)

After my food, I went upstairs to my room. I took out a diary and started writing all the stuff that happened. But this diary I wrote in English, not the native language followed here.

I then made a note of all the strange things that have not been answered on a different page. I ranked them number-wise.

Even though very strange things happened during my 5 years in this world, and many more will come the highest-ranked mystery was my reincarnation.



It was a bright morning, the sun was up high in the sky the weather was perfect, and the spring breeze hit my face which felt very good.

Yes, it was the start of the spring and nearing my 6th birthday, the mana awakening day.

I completed my daily tasks and finished practicing my sword. In the previous month when I heard about my assassination attempt, I made sure to stay always alert and write down my everyday life in my diary. After a few days, my father taught me most of the basic stances, and now I do my daily exercise and practice my swordplay. My father has not taught me about the Aura thing yet, and till now I'm not allowed in the library.

"Roy, the Lancelot family will be arriving in an hour or so go in and get ready. The youngest miss and her brother will also be coming, if you have some luck the 'blue storm' himself might teach you " my father said.

'Che! blue storm, what kind of messed up title' I thought.

The so-called blue storm is the 2nd son of Christopher Lancelot. Their family wields a rapier, not the usual sword one can see everywhere.

I don't know why he is called blue storm though.

I quickly went towards my mansion and got ready.

I wore a comfortable brown colored shirt and neatly ironed black pants with a red bow tie.

I heard the sound of the carriage and quickly went to the door to greet them. My parents were already present and some maids also waited outside to greet them.

I went and stood next to my mother. A white-haired man with a stylish beard stepped out of the carriage, followed by him there was a blonde woman who stepped out. Both looked around the same age as my parents. The white-haired man who presumably is Christopher Lancelot had a Rapier hung on his waist. The bland-haired woman, the wife of Christopher, her name was Tina, looked quite beautiful actually. Anyway behind them, a blonde-haired boy stepped out of the carriage. He looked around a few years younger than my brother Roel. He then held a young girl's hand, she looked the same age as me. She had white silky hair, and her hair was as white as snow, 'what a surprise' I thought.

Christopher was discussing something as his eyes glanced at me. As I noticed his gaze I went forward and gave a short welcoming bow "I welcome my lady and my lord to the Ishtart mansion" I said in a welcoming tone.