The great escape

(AN: this chapter is going to be the last of my little orphanage ark and the start of the street rat ark.)


It's been a few weeks since the old man visited I overheard bear talking about a hyuga clan incident so I guess hinata was kidnapped. Also tenten was adopted by a weapons smith yesterday so I'm starting my plan to escape now since I have nothing tying me down ti this hell hole. I have been observing both bear and ambers habits and routines so I know the best time to escape. I found out the only time bear leaves me alone is when they are having sex at night they sleep across the room in my bed while I sleep in the closet most nights and the floor on others.

I explored the closet a little and found a vent near the ceiling which I couldn't get to without the wall climbing chakra control technique. I timed their sex sessions so i know how much time I have before they come and get me. They mostly have sex for 3-4 hours must be the chakra that gives them that kinda stamina.

'Wait if a persons stamina increases with their chakra capacity and I'm a jinchuuriki that means I have a shit ton of stamina in the future, hehehe.' I thought ti myself with a perverse giggle. I was brought out of my inner monologue by a harsh slap and a kick to the face as I was launched into and locked in the closet for the night.

"Finally those 2 are fucking like rabbits I can get out of here." I said in a whisper with a grin. I used my chakra control to walk up the wall and quietly unscrewed the vent. I crawled in side and stared my journey to freedom and a better life on the streets. Or at least I hope it's better. As I was about to get a bit farther my sock got snagged on a crack in the vent and made me leave it behind. That was my only sock too. Your sacrifice will be remembered old sock.

Anyways after crawling around aimlessly for ten minutes I heard the voices of some kids.

"Did you hear what auntie amber about the basement though you should not go down there or the monster will get you." One kid said out loud only to have a hand shoved in front of his mouth followed by a

*Shhhhh* you don't want auntie to hear us do you" came the reply of another kid. "Plus remember what tenten said about the monster she said it was nice."

After a few seconds the first kid I heard talking answered back "Of course the monster is nice right now it's trying to lure us in I mean look what happend to tenten she went into the monsters room and then disappeared."

After a hesitant pause the second kid replied "ya your probably right that demon ate her."

"Ya so let's just go to sleep. Although I do wonder why they haven't killed that thing yet."

"It's probably invincible so they lock it up instead."

I crawled off not caring for the rest of their conversation. 'Damm that bitch infecting kids with their hate. Also auntie amber that's a load of bullshit she's been sexually and physically abusing me for years.' I mentally scoffed at her hypocrisy.

As I was thinking that I came across a a intersection 'what route to take I thought left or right hmmmmm.' I'm missing my left sock so ima take a right. 'It definitely was a sign' I thought proudly at my own observations going deeper into my own insanity.

After taking the right route for 10 more minutes I found a vent that goes up to the roof "yes finally I found it my way out hahahahahahah." I quietly exclaimed as I climbed up the vent I had a true smile on my face the first real smile since I was reincarnated in this world.

I let a single tear fall from my face as I looked at the setting sun.

Hoping from roof ti roof I get as far as I can from the orphanage and while lost in my euphoria of being free I didn't see the loose tile and ended up falling down from the three story roof and as I fell I felt a connection that I felt a year ago as everything went black. I looked around to see a blue pipe and a red pipe as well as water at my feet up to my ankles I tried to use chakra to stand on top of it to no avail. My chakra control hasn't progressed to water walking I guess. Looking back up I felt a warm breeze coming from a pathway to my left so I followed it having a suspicion of who the owner of the warm breeze is.

After walking for 5 minutes the tunnel opens up into an endless void with a watery floor and a giant cage with 2 gigantic slitted red eyes back at staring at me.

"SO MY JAILER HAS FINALLY DECIDED TO MEET ME HUH!" A booming voice came from the darkness as a huge nine tailed fox came into view.

"So your the kyuubi than." I calmly answered back.

"OH ARE YOU NOT SCARED LITTLE HUMAN!" The voice boomed at me again.

"Sigh" can you please stop yelling it's hiring my ears and no I'm not scared as long as your on that side of the cage I'm safe. Also I'm sorta falling to my death here can I get some help from the oh great king of demons." I asked in a polite tone.

The kyuubi's eyes shone with a hint of shock at my tone but mostly with amusement.

To my amazement the giant form of the kyuubi started glowing red shrinking and becoming more human like. And as the red glow subsided I found myself staring slack jawed at the sight of the hottest woman I have ever seen. 'She looks like a sexier version of mito uzumaki' a distant voice in the back of my head observed.

"Who said anything about being the king of demons i am the queen little human." She said with a little bit of venom. "Now I'll help you heal and survive the fall but only if you let me have access to your eyes and senses as well as memories."

"Well shit fine but you can't tell anyone what you see in my memories and we have a deal." I answered thinking about my past life's memories.

"Oh and who would I tell may I ask there's no one fucking in here but me and it's so boring." She replied.

I grin at that 'she looks just as bored as I did as a baby.' I noted with amusement.

"So how do I do this?"

"Simple tear off a piece of the seal the size of you thumb." She answered me.

"Ok simple enough I guess." I announced as I walked up to the cage and tore off a small piece of the paper seal. 'Hmmm I should learn sealing jutsu they are overpowered and I'm an uzumaki. I looked over to the kyuubi to see her staring at me with shock.

"YOUR NOT FROM THIS WORLD!" She yelled out.

"No I'm not I'm a reincarnator this world was a work of fiction to me before I was reborn here." I calmly answered her.

After a few moments she calmed down enough to ask a some questions. Such as what was my original world like and what kind of other worlds could there be out there.

"I also would like to for a telepathic connection with you it gets boring with no one to talk to." She said after a lull in tbe conversation.

"Sure how do we do it?" I asked

"Simple come here and take my hand." She said as she reached her hand out of the cage." The bars on the cage seemed to shrink with her so she could only fit an arm through the gap.

With only a second of hesitation I reached out and held her hand. 'Her hands are soft and smooth' I thought enjoying the comfort of another for the first time since coming here.

"So you like the feel of ny skin huh lover boy?" I was brought out of my thoughts by the kyuubi's voice that was laced with amusement. I blushed a little but quickly got my emotions back in control. "Also what's with this so called system it's interesting and I feel a connection with it now that I have met you."

After explaining the system and it's ability's she froze and then formed a superior smirk as she looked at me and opened her mouth, "well it seems I'm your secondary host I see the screen and I have some information that was just sent to my brain. Looks like we are going to be connected for a while also I have the option to give you quests and punishments." She said as her smirk turned into a full blown grin. "I'm going to abuse the shit out of this and have some fun making you my little errand boy."

I groaned as I looked up and cursed that damm goddess that decided to make my life her personal play thing. Deciding to get back to the main topic I announced

"So how are you going to save me from the fall."

"Oh that don't worry you'll live I'll just heal you once you hit the ground just don't land on your head i would rather you not going all stupid on me." She answered with a carefree smile.

Just than my surroundings darken as I am waking up and see the ground closing in fast deciding on taking the kyuubi's advice I maneuver so my legs are the first thing to hit the ground with a sickening crunch followed by a shout from me.

Groaning I look around to see some people coming near me as they began looking me over one of them with a forehead protector looked at me closely and widened his eyes as he pointed at me and announced

"It's the demon he got out."

"What this is the monster who took my family." One of the three said.

"Ya are you sure it's him Dan." The other said.

"Ya look at his stomach it's the yondames seal." Just then the closest one lifted my shirt revealing my seal. After that I had a bad feeling as they looked at me with hate.

'Shit I just can't get a fucking break can I.' I thought to myself getting ready for the pain that is sure to come with angry villagers.