The start of my new Hell

(AN: this chapter is really dark and fu led up so if you get squeamish easily don't read it also the mc will grow and become strong when he gets a little older also I'm thinking of a way for him to get close to other characters within the naruto world.)


"Shit shit shit shit I'm sorry kit but you can't handle any more of my corrosive chakra in this weak body of yours I can't heal you any faster." The kyuubi announced through the telepathic link we now share.

'It's fine I know it isn't your fault, kyuubi.' I thought tiredly back to her. Gud they smell like they haven't washed in days also the alcohol on them almost made me vomit, and my eyesight is enhanced I noticed. I can hear some people farther away but I don't know if I yell out if they would help me or join in the beating.

'Kyuubi did you do something to my senses?' I asked her.

"Yes, I enhanced them and also focus on sensing their chakra." She said with a smug tone but there was an underlying tone of worry about what was about to happen to me as well.

As I started focusing on their chakra and noticed my sensor range has increased to the size of a football field. Also I could feel the people fear, hate, sadness, and other negative emotions. 'Damm thank you kyuubi for the support.' I exclaimed with all the happiness I could muster up while getting kicked and punched.

"Kurami" was the reply I got.

'What?' I questioned back.

"Call me kurami not kyuubi it's the name my father gave me." She answered back.

'Ok thank you kurami how would you like me to pay you bac..'"ahhh" I let out a startled and painful scream as I was stabbed with a kunai. As the kunai was pulled out I was getting ready for more stabs till I heard one of them speak.

"Wait don't just stab him you see all those scars (AN: the scars are from when amber and bear would cut him up) it means he doesn't heal all the way." The guy exclaimed.

"Ya and what does that have ti do with anything?" The one with a kunai questioned back.

"Ya what you mean by that boss?" The third and only one I couldn't get a proper read on with my negative emotion sensing asked. I could feel hate within him but also other emotions like pity and something else but I couldn't get my mind to register what it was.

"Simple it means we can mark him with what he truly is." The boss said with a evil grin and chuckle.

'Shivers' I shivered at the implication of his words. Already having a good idea or what was to come. Shit I need a way out of here they don't know I have my chakra unlocked also that I can run up walls. Yes that's it I'll release a chakra burst ti scare the then I'll… "ahhh shit fuck!" I yelled out as the kunai began carving up my skin.

"Shit cover his mouth you idiots." The boss exclaimed out loud.

"Yes boss." Came 2 replies in unison.

The words 'demon' and 'monster' were being carved deep into my skin in order to leave scars that will never leave me.

"Damm these humans I'll rip them apart and shit out there bodies!" Came an enraged yell from the kyuu.. I mean kurami. Just then I got 2 notifications.


[pain tolerance has been leveled up to level 7]


[emotional control leveled up to level 6]

'Well at least I'm getting something out of this' I joked darkly.

"Dammit kit now is not the time for shitty jokes." Kurami scolded me but she was worried to I could feel it through my connection with her.

After the boss was done with me he picked me up and threw me in a trash can that was nearby and put the lid back on so no one would see me. I could feel them all leaving but the one I could not get a read on like he was hiding part of himself and his feelings, hmm no it was more like burying them down deep. As he came closer he opens the trash can and lifted me up.

"Sorry kid but they are chunin and I'm just a genin so I couldn't help you back there." He said with an apologetic tone. There's something wrong here my instincts are yelling at me to get away but I can't handle any more of kurami's chakra so it's back to uzumaki healing factor till I've gotten strong enough to withstand her corrosive chakra.

"Don't worry I'll take you somewhere safe where you'll be able to heal up and get better." He said as his smile twisted a bit. 'Yes, something is definitely wrong with him shit kurami can you get a read on what I can't.' I asked in desperation.

"Sorry kit but whatever emotion he's hiding is buried deep but I can feel it surfacing slowly but surely." She answered back quickly.

As he started walking away he stuck to the shadows not wanting to be seen with an injured child in his arms after all that would make people ask questions. After an hour of walking to his house we finally got there. A normal looking apartment building. As we went to the fourth door to the left of the main office he took out a key and unlocked the door. What was inside I would say is a normal room for a single male a couch, a table, stove, microwave, and old school radio. I could see 2 more rooms one probably a bedroom and the other a bathroom.

But instead of going to the bedroom or the bathroom he started walking to the table and moved it and my instincts just went fucking haywire. As he moved the table he also shoved the carpet out of the way and opens a false floor. After that he grabbed my and I began trying to get out of his grip but i was to weak to.

"Don't worry I'll take good care of you little demon." The sound of his voice absolutely terrified me at this moment because I could finally sense the emotion that was being hidden from me and kurami and it was lust but not a normal lust but a perverted and malicious lust and the way he said little demon I could guess why.

"Oh fuck kit you need to get out of there now!" Came kurami's voice full of worry and fear.

'You think I don't know that I'm trying but I'm to weak I'm not as strong as an experienced genin I might be a jinchuuriki but I'm still 4 years old!' I said in both dear and resignation. 'Just focus on my physical condition once I regained enough strength give me as much of your chakra as you can so I can break free and get out of here.' I said then got ready for an even worse fate than my time with amber.

"Fine but please stay sane while I concentrate on your physical health". She said back to me.

'I'll do my best just don't leave me please.' I asked with a little hope.

"Don't worry lit I'll be right here." Came her soothing voice.

As I was talking to kurami the guy cuffed me to a bed and I got ready for what was to come.