Newfound Powers

[As from now on, this book will be primarily in 3rd POV although there will be {Blablabla's} POV in some chaps. (◔‿◔)]

'Maybe god shouldn't have given me this last hope. He's probably laughing in heaven as I struggle.' Jack thought as his body was about to become a red mess on the road.


He didn't find his body on the hard concrete mushed with organs and blood spilling out. He was on a cloud.

"What the fuck? Is this another one of god's jokes?" Jack worried looking about."Then I'll race home to give my last words to grandma."

The moment he said that, the cloud moved up into the sky and started and moved towards Jack's house. Being scared of heights, he let out screams as he sped accross the sky.

After ten minutes of flight, the cloud dropped him rather carelessly on the hard ground. It was night and thankfully, no one could see him walking about naked with little clothes to cover his groin.

"Ugh, damn cloud. I bet I'm giving god quite the entertainment." he fumed as he stood up and opened the door without knocking.

He found his grandma crawled up on the bed shaking and sweating in fear and Jack was surprised she hadn't gotten an heart attack by now.

His grandmother lifted her head and the moment she saw Jack she screamed in joy, "Jack honey!"

She moved off the bed and hugged him shakily while crying a river.

"I know I've not been the best grandson grandma. I'm the one who stole Mr Fredrick's watermelon and I sold it for ten dollars when I was six, I blamed it on Rudy back then. I joined some thieves to rob a Zenith bank so we could have some leftover bread to eat. I-" Jack confessed but he was cut off.

"Why are you saying all this?" grandma asked.

"Because... because..."

Jack couldn't finish his sentence, he cried and wailed like a baby and the grandma, grandson duo stood like that for ten minutes and then it grew silent.

Jack looked up expecting some holy thunder to strike him down but nothing happened. He waited five more minutes but nothing happened.

"Have some tea, Gregory's mother have us a packet this morning after you left." Grandma Zeus sniffled. She went to a corner and she dug out a little packet that was hidden under some sand and she started to prepare tea.

Jack went to seat on the bed and as he did there were many creaks and a distant crack. He was still looking up at the ceiling expecting some holy lightening but it didn't come.


His thoughts were cut short by his grandmother's voice and he looked down and he saw a little cup placed on his lap. The tea wasn't hot, it was made with some cold rain water and despite that Jack gulped it down without caring about the coldness.

As he finished it, some thoughts came into his mind,

'What was I doing at Maximus corp?'

'How did that bullet not injure me?'

'Why was I being chased!?'

'What was that cloud?'


"...ack? Jack? What's wrong?" Grandma Zeus inquired.

Jack looked up to his grandma and he noticed that he was on his knees with sweat pouring down from his face.

"Ah- No- It's nothing." he replied nervously.

"If there's anything bothering you, don't hesitate to tell me." his grandmother reassured. "I'm going to sleep now, turn off the candle."

"Ye- Yes." Jack answered though in his mind, he thought :

'As if I'd tell you, what if you get a heartattack. There's no money to send you to the hospital.'

He stood up and he wore a white shirt that was mostly brown with some parts turning black due to dirt and a brown khaki short that was a trouser for him when he was ten years old.

He moved to the candle and he was about to blow it out but then he decided to do something, a test. He placed his hand a few centimeters away from the candle fire and he noticed something strange.

He didn't feel any heat.

He moved his palm a little further down and he still felt nothing, he moved it down and down and down until he had placed his palm over it and quenched the fire.

His eyes widened in shock in the darkness of the room. He had somewhat expected this but seeing it happen still made him surprised.

He took a step back and he turned around and went to sleep on the hard ground instead of the bed.

A few hours later, Grandma Zeus stealthily sat on from the little bed surprisingly with no creaks or cracks. She glanced at Jack who was sleeping in a semi comfortable way on the floor and she let out a sigh.

Yes, the bed was that small.

In an instant, a blood red crystal emerged in her hands and two seconds later after seemingly staring at it, the crystal turned blue and lit up and a firm female voice cut through the silence of the room.

"What is it?" the voice demanded.

Grandma Zeus' hands seemed to shake in fear for a second and she replied, "My lady, I have completed my mission. It's Hermus' turn now."

"For real? It's been 18 years!"

"Yes, milady. Young master Jamir has awakened."

{The next day}

~chirp~ ~chirp~ ~chirp~

~peck~ ~peck~ ~peck~


"KOOKOOROOCOO!!!!" a chicken in the neighborhood screamed.

"Urgh..." Jack groaned.

He opened his eyes for a second and he closed it back almost immediately wanting to sleep some more.

~peck~ ~peck~


His eyes opened again and he moved his gaze to the window. Some birds were hitting it with their beaks thinking it was some new type of food and the already damaged window glass was getting damaged even further.

Immediately he reached out to the glass and the moment the birds noticed him, they flew away in fear.

"Damn sparrows." he cursed.

It wasn't the first time they had done this, they had changed the glass about eight times in the eighteen years they had been living here and those times wasn't easy for them.

Going for a week without food, eating even people's dump in the alleys. One time it reached a point where Jack began to salivate at the sight of his own flesh and just when he was about to chomp on his arm, his dad stopped him back then.


A sigh escaped from his lips and he did the usual things he did in the mornings. Taking a tiny piece of bread from the covered plate in the corner table and gulping down a teaspoon of dirty rain water.

He glanced at his grandma who was still sleeping and he opened the door. Just then he heard his phone ring.

He had bought it recently after saving up money since childhood relentlessly even when times where tough.

He looked at the caller ID and he saw 'Jasper' on it. He clicked the answer button and what he the voice that came from the phone would have made the him of two days ago's ear drums to burst.


Jack had already kept the phone away from his ears and then he brought it back to his mouth and he whispered a sorry.