Irrational Fears - Part One.


Another day, and another hotel. This one is worse than the last one, but the further North you go the worse things get. So, this is not as bad as it will get. The last few nights we will be sleeping in the middle of nowhere with temperatures dropping well below zero, so I will take what I can get for now.

No wonder, Lucian, a Dark Lord in the Underworld that has been keeping the dragon egg hidden for the past seven hundred years, has picked the place he did. It is inhabitable, but with proper magic, it is possible to hide it there without anyone ever finding it. Key word being, 'proper'. To know someone powerful enough to do magic like this is rare, and not all witches are to be trusted. That is why my uncle trusted this task to the Dark Lord – he knows someone powerful enough.

"One king bed, please." I tell the receptionist who is very obviously eyeing me as she blows a bubble with her gum.