Acquired Taste - Part One


Another day and a new hotel. If you can call it a hotel. It's more of a cabin with a bathtub than anything else. I'm not complaining, I have slept in places much worse than this. The bed we have is somewhat functional even though it squeaks with every single move I make. According to Victor, who is laying with his eyes closed behind me, the next city we are stopping in is one of the largest major cities before it gets bad again. Bad as in, there will be no more hotels, just huts, if we are lucky. On top of that, it will be getting drastically colder with every passing day.

Taking a deep breath in to brace myself to what is to come next, I close my eyes. I am not a fan of this idea, but it's time, and I think it is necessary. Morana will get her wish of teaching me. Plus, I want her to know that I know everything.

"If I try to freeze you, snap me out of it quickly. We don't want the time ghosts finding us." I look over my shoulder at the resting Victor.