Acquired Taste - Part Two


This place is a complete dump with some very suspicious people staying here. You don't come to stay at a place like this for a family vacation, but my wild woman walked off to the bar. The hurt on her eyes was evident, but she clearly needed some time alone, so I stayed behind. At this point thirty minutes or so passed, so I make my way down to find her.

Whatever happened between her and Morana, she should've had some time to cool down. Lizzy did not seem happy about going to see the mother who has left her to die, but she said it was necessary. Apparently, the time-ghosts are stronger than we have anticipated. At least I didn't have to use my fire to manage her power outburst, so that is progress on her side.

I'm sure Lizzy is capable of taking care of herself, but this place is unsafe. Plus, there is the not so small matter of the time ghosts looking for my dragon's heat signature. It is best we stick together until we know for sure they are no longer on our tail.