Acquired Taste - Part Three


These stupid metallic boxes they call elevators still make me feel uncomfortable. Leaning against the silver wall, I close my eyes and try to relax. This hotel is the nicest one we will be staying in, and I plan to make frequent trips to the bar since this one is actually very nice. Vibrant colors, happy people, and decent drinks.

Out of nowhere Elizabeth stands right next to me and leans herself against the wall as well, pressing her arm again mine. Slightly taken back by the action, I look down at her. Her eyes are closed, and her forehead is scrunched.

"What are you doing?" I ask her.

"Trying to feel what you are feeling," she answers without opening her eyes to look at me, but her hand goes over mine.

"You're weird." I comment and close my eyes again, feeling the warmth her palm creates against the back of my hand.