Slow Down - Part One


The atmosphere in this bar is energetic, loud, and vibrant, as mostly young and jolly people drink posh alcohol while snuggly crammed against each other. Generally speaking, this is my scene, but the problem is Lizzy. She is sitting at the front, leaning her elbow against the black countertop while drinking a mimosa as she talks to a blonde girl with fake tits next to her. Taking a small sip, Lizzy scans around the massive space aimlessly, as if looking for someone –her potential erotic lover.

Her shirt is showing a little cleavage today from the light pink, and skin-tight shirt she is wearing. I wonder why the change of behavior if she doesn't care what anyone thinks about her, but I suppose it is a way to attract someone sleazy. A few more drinks into it, she is still sitting at the same spot, while I have not moved as well, the entire time stealing glances of her. Pathetic, I know, but I never had a woman have such an effect on me before.