32 – The Facility

Liz gave us a report from our house. Instead of just using words, the mechanic sent a video of Bonnie hugging her. The tiny girl buried her face into Liz's chest.

"Her shortness of breath is becoming more frequent, Axel." The mechanic explained. "Any food that enters her mouth must also come out again. She can only drink water."

This mission should succeed, then. Whatever happens.

"I have to admit, you fly better than Bonnie, Ciara," I mumbled to take my mind off as we made our way to the research facility. "Your maneuvers feel smoother."

The super soldier replied. "But my aiming ability is far behind her. And I'm sure because she is more used to fighting with E.E.S., her combat ability is also higher than mine."

"Well, we'll see."

We flew low in a town with destroyed buildings, some distance from Azalea's burnt oasis. I've retrieved the map data from the military vehicle I bypassed back then, so it's not difficult to find the facility we're looking for.

"Is that it?" Ciara asked as we were about to reach the white building covered in cobwebs.

"Yeah." I hissed, staring at the cobwebs that were so numerous they almost covered the entire tall building. "Remember, they are different from normal spiders. You have to be careful with their projectiles."

Just after she said that, a white capsule-like object shot toward Ciara. Fortunately, the super soldier can still avoid it.

I looked back, and the human head-sized projectile exploded as it hit a building, scattering white spider webs.

At the very least, the attacks of those creatures are still the same as those in Project Axiom.

Ciara then flew high, avoiding further projectile shots. She also slashed those things in the air.

This time I also played a role. Liz moved the machine gun's location in this E.E.S to the right shoulder and added a small camera. So I can control that thing to shoot the giant red spiders on the ground.

However, I'm not sure my attacks have much effect.

"Keep going, Ciara!!!" I screamed with all my might. "Watch out, there are spiders crawling on the building!!!"

Ciara must dodge or slash projectiles from under and from the building. As more and more of those things came to her, she was starting to get overwhelmed.

And finally, a projectile hit her, enveloping that girl in cobwebs, sending her into free fall, unable to control her thruster.

I pulled myself away from Ciara's shoulder. Luckily, I didn't get caught in that cobweb. I cut the web that bound the super soldier's hands with my mini chainsaw.

However, we were close to the spiders waiting for us below.

"Thanks, sir." Finally, Ciara was able to use her free hand to swing her sword, freeing herself from those webs.

She maneuvered her way up again, cutting through the thick glass of the building with her sword, then entered. As soon as she landed inside a lab, she ran, kicked a door, and went out into a hallway.

I did see some spiders trying to get in through the hole Ciara made, but they couldn't because their bodies were too big.

"I told you, Ciara." I praised her as she started down the hall while catching her breath. "You are better than Bonnie at E.E.S."

"Thank you for the compliment." From her tone, I could tell she was smiling. "But we wouldn't know if we didn't see Bonnie give her all."

Even though she was clearly a special soldier who already knew various kinds of military weapons from birth, she kept a low profile. Maybe they designed the super soldier to be humble because that would make them likable to others.

By being liked by others, the possibility of them triggering a quarrel will be minimal. Without conflict, the squad will become more solid.

The scientists who made the super soldier creation device thought that far, huh?

"This place is a medical university, a hospital, and a research center. The laboratory for specific diseases is in the basement." I explained while opening the map of this building. "I'm not sure if the elevator in this place is still alive. So, use the stairs after this passage."

"Roger that." Ciara froze when she saw several roots of evil spreading on one part of the wall. "Could there be monsters here as well, sir?"

I sighed. "Possibly more than that. Otherwise, what would those spiders stand guard outside for?"

They are protecting something.

"Yeah, I think so." The super soldier continues her steps.

"Maybe we could do a little detour to get meds and stuff. While we're here."

"I agree, sir." She responded. "Maybe we don't just need the serum for Bonnie's recovery. There could be something in here that will ease her pain while she's healing."

You really care about your comrade, huh?