Stage 29: A Mesmerizing Scene

Peter elaborated, "You can't use any old water when boiling the ingredients. You have to use distilled water. It has fewer contaminants which will keep the Reinteat's balance from being thrown off. To preserve their properties, boil them for no longer than 10 minutes; and afterward, utilizing a scooper sterilized ahead of time put them in a storage container - any will do - though make sure to sanitize it first."

Then tapping his ring the NPC pulled out a receptacle from thin air and set it on the table. Lixin furrowed his brow when he saw it. When the man said any container would do he didn't think he meant that literally. This looked like something he could find at a dollar store.

As if sensing his skepticism, Peter said, "I know what you're thinking. 'With all your precautions to ensure the ingredients stay sanitized, why would you put it in such a flimsy thing?' The answer is simple. It's because the container is safe in my ring's storage space. My family learned through trial and error that keeping it there makes it last twice as long as if we were to store it in the fridge."

Lixin nodded; the Herba recipes were much more challenging to make than he thought they'd be - but following strict instructions wasn't something unfamiliar to him; he had learned many complicated recipes in the past so even though he was a little rusty it shouldn't be a problem for him.

However, something Peter said gave him pause. He thought inventories couldn't hold perishable items. So shouldn't the ingredients decay faster inside the storage space? This piqued Lixin's curiosity, so he asked exactly that.

"You are correct that perishable products degrade faster in typical storage spaces, however, my ring space is different. It is designed to store perishable items. Although these types of storage are uncommon, there are many out there."

"Let's say I put a meal inside one of these types of storage spaces, how long would it last?" questioned Lixin.

Peter rubbed his chin in thought before answering, "I would say at least a week for a normal one. But mine is special and food can last two weeks before spoiling."

This was the first time Lixin had heard about there being different kinds of inventories. He had always assumed that this game just had the conventional one. He couldn't help but wonder if there were any others.

As thoughts swam around his head about the possibilities of what the different inventories there could be, he realized they didn't matter. The only one he needed to be concerned about was the one Peter had. He knew a storage space for perishable items would be beneficial to him in a variety of ways. Especially when he started cooking.

"That's so cool."

Peter smiled proudly as he rubbed his ring. "Yes, it is. I worked hard to get it to this point. It was a very expensive endeavor though."

"Where did you get it from?" Lixin asked. Maybe he could get a hint where to find one for himself.

"Don't even think about it. These rings cost an arm and a leg sometimes literally. There are other ways to make your ingredients last longer in regular storage. All you need to do is put a Tricare lid on them. The general store sells them for a low price." The NPC said.

Although a Tricare lid sounded promising, he had a feeling that there was some kind of fault with it. Otherwise, why would Peter spend so much on the ring? However, he didn't voice that opinion out loud, he just nodded in understanding.

"Now, let's get back on topic," Peter said. "Once the ingredients are in your storage, leave them there for at least an hour before using them." Before you ask, I don't know why either. My great-grandfather once told me that the storage compartment destroys any lingering bacteria once an item is placed inside, but if that is the case, there is no reason for it to stay in it for an hour, yet I continue to do so for safety."

Lixin felt that Peter's ancestors were just being extra cautious and there was no real reason why he had to wait. He decided to test that theory when he made the recipe by himself.

But first, he had to follow Peter's instructions. Okay, so once I boil the ingredients, I put them in a container and then place them in storage for an hour's worth of time?" he asked for clarification.

"That is correct. Once all of that is completed they are ready to use," the NPC said before becoming flustered. "Oh, I almost forgot. Put these on." Peter tapped his ring and pulled out two pairs of gloves for them to wear.

"What are these for?" Lixin asked.

The man motioned to the gloves, " Besides keeping you from contaminating the ingredients, they will protect your hands from any plants that may come into contact with them. Some have properties that are harmful or even deadly on their own."

After putting on the gloves, Peter instructed him on how to use the Reinteat. Which was very easy to do. The NPC then explained all of the buttons and what they did, as well as the meaning of their symbols.

Surprisingly, it was not difficult to learn, and the symbols became legible to him once he understood what they signified. Lixin could only surmise that the game's translation function was at work.

"Good job, my boy! I knew you would be a fast learner!" Peter exclaimed proudly. "Since you know how to use the Reinteat it's time to teach you some recipes. The first one is called Panax."

"Panax?" Lixin asked. He couldn't help but wonder who came up with that name. It sounded like cold medicine.

"I know the name sounds a little funky, but the benefits of it are wonderful. This tea boosts the drinker's power for a short period of time. It will come in handy in a battle."

Lixin realized that the boost of power probably meant the drink had the ability to raise stats. If he was right that would be an incredible skill to have. He would definitely make use of it. "So how do I make it?"

"First you will need ginseng and Camellia Sinensis leaves," Peter began, taking out the said ingredients and showing them to him. "They will need to be finely chopped, which has already been done. Then you have to place them in this glass box."

So that he would know what to do next time, he carefully watched what the NPC was doing. He saw the man placing both ingredients inside the glass box with the small holes he noticed previously.

"Once the ingredients are placed inside the glass box you need to fill the base of the hourglass with purple papaya extract," Peter said, taking out a small bottle filled with liquid. Pressing another button, the NPC opened the hourglass base and poured it inside. "You only need one ounce."

"I see," Lixin nodded as he followed along.

Peter glanced at Lixin with a satisfied smile at how conscientious he was about learning from him. Every teacher would want such an attentive student. "The last step is to press these three symbols. Why don't you do the honor?"

Doing what he was instructed, he pressed the three buttons the NPC pointed at. Looking closer at them, he could finally make out what they said in his language. Heat, mix, and roll.

Lixin pressed the buttons, and a series of satisfying clicks echoed through the room. He watched in awe as the flaxen sand in the hourglass swirled like a miniature tornado, its glowing light illuminating the glass.

Suddenly, the glass boxes started to swing and a warm golden light radiated from within the one that held the ingredients. As wisps of steam escaped from its surface, Lixin was mesmerized by the sight before him. He finally realized what those tiny holes on the top were for.


Author Says:

MomoCatt: *Munch Munch Munch*

Lixin: What are you eating?

MomoCatt: Popcorn. This type of scene calls for some.

Lixin: Hmm… you're right. Give me some.