Stage 30: Skills Learned

Lixin's gaze was fixated on the hourglass filled with flaxen sand as it twirled. Its glow became brighter and brighter in tune with the one emanating from the rotating glass box above it.

Every few seconds the box released a small puff of smoke causing a pleasant aroma to linger throughout the room. Suddenly the whirling became more intense before coming to an abrupt halt with a chime and one final flash of light. This flash appeared to originate from the unused box on the opposite side of the scale.

He had been curious about the purpose of the box, but when Peter opened it and took out the completed loose-leaf tea mixture Lixin finally understood. It was where the finished product was placed once it was ready.

"Perfect," Peter muttered, placing the Panax mixture on top of the worktable and showing it to Lixin.

At first glance, it looked like a normal tea mixture. However, when he looked closer at it, he noticed the mixture had a black and purple glittering substance on it. Additionally, a pungent smell emanated from it, reminding him of the scent of power.

"Do you feel it? The strong aura pulsating from the tea?" Peter asked, staring into Lixin's eyes. When he nodded, the NPC continued, "If that feeling isn't there after you complete the recipe then the tea mixture is a failure. Do you understand?"


"Good, because if you try to use the failed mixture it can cause terrible side effects that can be extremely dangerous," Peter warned.

Lixin couldn't help but wonder what those side effects could be. However, he knew he would never be curious enough to test them out on himself. "I understand."

"Wonderful, now let's set this mixture aside and work on the next recipe," the NPC said.

"Aren't you going to store it somewhere secure?" Lixin inquired, perplexed. The man had drilled into his brain that the Dextrim recipe couldn't be contaminated at practically every step of the process, so he couldn't understand why he was just leaving it out like this.

"Don't worry, once the mixture is complete, it can be treated like normal tea," Peter reassured him. "And before you inquire, the Reinteat is self-cleaning. The sand has magical properties and will clean the device automatically after every use."

Lixin, however, had no intention of asking that particular question. In fact, he didn't even think about it. But wouldn't tell the NPC that so he just smiled since it was something he needed to know.

"Do you have any more questions?"

Once Peter realized he didn't have any more questions, the man described the process of making a second Dextrim recipe called Ocimum. The NPC informed him that this tea could fortify his body, making it harder for others to harm him.

When Lixin heard that he was amazed. The tea would definitely come in handy when he was up against stronger monsters.

As the NPC taught him how to make it he made sure to pay close attention. However, he soon found out that besides having different ingredients, the recipe was prepared in a similar style to the previous one. The only significant difference was the buttons he pushed.

From what he could discern, he didn't have to think too hard about the Atropa recipes. All he had to be concerned about was not contaminating them. Nevertheless, he wouldn't disdain them just yet, either, because it's possible that only the low-leveled recipes were like that.

"And with that, the Ocimum is done," Peter said as he took the freshly prepared mixture out of the box. This time instead of a black and purple glitter effect it had a green and white one but it still radiated the same sort of power.

So caught up in looking at the tea mixture, Lixin didn't notice Peter leaving the work table until he heard glass clanging. Turning to the sound of the noise he noticed the man had opened the cabinet behind him and was rooting inside it.

Lixin saw that the clanging sound came from the jars that filled the cabinet. They were all filled with different tea mixtures he had never seen.

After a couple of moments of searching, Peter grabs two of them and brings them back to the table. "I really need to buy another cabinet. That one is getting way too full. One day it will overflow and all the Atropa tea mixtures will come crashing down."

"That would be a waste if that happened," Lixin said in response. But what he really thought was that the man should give the extras to him.

"It would," the NPC replied, opening a jar labeled Panax and pouring the mixture they just made into it before doing the same with the other one. After closing them back up, he turned to him and said, "So after watching me make the recipes do you feel confident about making them by yourself?"

Lixin became aware that this was the game's way of having him learn the recipes. He previously thought he would get them by having NPC teach them to him, but realized he needed to manufacture the mixture himself to obtain the skills.

"I can do it. I remember everything you taught me."

Smiling at his eagerness, the NPC placed the jars off to the side. He then took out everything Lixin would need to make the recipes and placed them on the table. "You can start when you're ready. If you need any help, I am here."

As someone who aspired to be a chef, Lixin was used to learning recipes quickly, even the more difficult ones. Therefore, he already had these two recipes memorized even after only seeing them once.


Following the steps, Peter showed him before Lixin was able to replicate the Panax recipe perfectly. As he showed the finished product to the NPC, the man smiled proudly at him.

"I can't believe you succeeded on your first try. It took me a week before I could make the mixture perfectly," Peter grinned in amazement.

"It must be because your teacher wasn't as talented as mine," Lixin boasted.

"I know sweet talk when I hear it," Peter huffed jokingly. However, Lixin could see the slight smile the NPC tried to hide. "What are you waiting for? Make the next one."

Smiling, Lixin started working on the Ocimum recipe. However, when he was about to pour the lime extract, he paused. "Peter, where do you get the extracts for the recipes?"

"I was waiting for you to ask that. I'm surprised it took you so long."

"I guess I overlooked it," Lixin said sheepishly.

"Haha, that's alright. I know you got a lot on your mind," Peter chuckled. "Extracts can be found at any general store or you can make them. But I just buy the ones I need."

Lixin nodded and noted that before continuing with the recipe. Once it was complete he showed it to the NPC, who smiled approvingly.

"You did so well. I can't believe how fast you learned these recipes."

"It was all thanks to your help," Lixin modestly said.

"You worked hard," the NPC said with a pleased expression. "Before I forget, I have something for you."

Opening one of the work table's drawers, Peter pulled out another Reinteat. It was different in design and slightly smaller, but he could tell what it was.

"Your father sent this a year after you were born. I almost forgot about it. At first, I didn't understand why your father sent it to me because I am bonded with my family's Reinteat and am unable to use another, but after reading his letter, I understand. Your father really planned everything. So I want you to take it, along with the knowledge I have given you, and work hard to get stronger."

Lixin wished he could make tears well up in his eyes, but he wasn't that talented of an actor, so he pretended to sniff and said, "I will do my best not to let either of you down."

"I know you won't," the man said with red eyes. "Also, take these two jars to get you started."

Once he said that a ding sounded in Lixin's ears, followed by the system's voice and a few notification screens.

[Cora:] [Quest completed!]

[Cora:] [You have gained: 80 EXP]

[Cora:] [You have gained: 80 Bronze Coins]

[Cora:] [You have Learned: Panax!]

Panax Lvl 1/10 (Ginseng + Black Tea): This will temporarily boost all your character's stats. The increase will be lost on death. Drinking this tea will have no effect when your stats are maxed out. All stats +5 for 30 minutes.

[Cora:] [You have Learned: Ocimum!]

Ocimum Lvl 1/10 ( Basil + Green Tea): This will temporarily boost all your character's defenses. The increase will be lost on death. You can use this simultaneously with other defensive buffs. A 5% increase in defense for 30 minutes.

[Cora:] [Two new skills have been added to your Herba tab!]

[Cora:] The Dextrim Tea Style has been unlocked!]

[Cora:] [You have gained a jar of (S Grade) Panax Tea Mixture & a jar of (S Grade) Ocimum Tea mixture]

[Cora:] [You have gained Ari's Reinteat!]


Author Says:

Momocatt: Finally the lesson is over. So boring.

Lixin: I thought it was fun.

Momocatt: You would.
