Stage 31: Research Needed

"Thank you so much, Peter," Lixin says, appearing grateful. "Not just for the jar, but for teaching me as well. I don't know how I would be able to rescue my father without your help."

"Don't underestimate yourself. You are a smart young man. Even without me, I know you would find some way to save him. Look at what you have accomplished so far."

A modest smile spread across Lixin's face at the NPC's words. However, inwardly he wondered what he needed to do to trigger the next quest. If his storyline was unfolding as he expected, then after gaining the necessary skills it should be time to find clues.

There were many unanswered questions, including: Where was the Huánghé realm and how could he access it? The only possible clue that was given so far was that he might need to explore the Locust Mines. However, he didn't know where that was located either.

So his gut told him that if he brought up his persona's father, another storyline quest would be triggered. He finally realized that he was moving the story along and not the other way around.

"You might be right, but even if I was smart enough to find a way to gain power, I would still have problems knowing where to start looking for him," he stated.

As soon as he said that a thoughtful look came over Peter. "Although getting stronger should be the main priority right now, I also think we ought to gather more information. We need to learn more about the Kakodaimōns so we know what we are up against. You should also learn more about the Huánghé Realm and your species in case you have any weaknesses we need to be careful of."

[Cora:]New Quest has been Created!]

Storyline Quest created: The Mystery of the Golden Scale: A Young Koi's Journey.

New Challenges Part 5

Peter understood he had made a mistake. In his efforts to assist you in becoming stronger, he overlooked the most important aspect, which is research. There are many unknowns in this world. However, they don't have to include information about your heritage and the creatures that destroyed your realm and kidnapped your father.

Objective: Visit the library to discover more about the Huánghé Realm and the Kakodaimōns.

Reward: 90 EXP & 90 Bronze Coins

Skill: ??

Item: Water Lily Seeds

When Lixin saw the quest notification he had to fight back a smile. It was time to find some clues, just as he had thought. Yet he couldn't help but furrow his brow when he read the quest reward. 'Water Lily seeds? What would he need those for?'

Before he could think further about it, Peter said, "We should head to the library. Although this is a small town, maybe they have some books that can provide some information on the subject."

'So the NPC will accompany me.' After all, two heads are better than one, so Lixin wasn't complaining. With Peter there, he could find the information faster.

However, it seemed that he was getting ahead of himself because as soon as he agreed to Peter's proposition there was a knock on the door.

"Now who could it be? I told my staff not to disturb me." Peter wondered.

As the knocking grew louder, more insistent, Lixin could tell something was wrong. He glanced at Peter and the NPC rushed to the door.

Scrambling to follow, he watched as Peter opened the door. It was Chris on the other side wearing the same expression he had previously shown when he first collected the man. Once he saw this, Lixin knew he would have to research on his own.

"Peter, it's urgent. The Mayor wants to talk to you," Chris told him in a rush.

"What's going on?" Peter asked in confusion. "Did something happen?"

Chris shrugged, "I don't know, but he is waiting at the counter and appears upset."

"Alright, go serve him some of his favorite raspberry tea and I will be there in a few moments."

"I will also bring some blueberry scones. He loves them," Chris said before scurrying off.

After Chris left, Peter turned to Lixin with a sigh. "It looks like you will have to travel to the library alone. Make sure to ask Mrs. Mayflower the librarian for help and if you find anything of importance make sure to come back and tell me."

"Sure thing, go and see what the mayor needs," Lixin told him.


Peter and Lixin said their farewells as the NPC headed for the hidden staircase. Lixin then took his leave, walking out of the concealed lair and into the backyard.

Closing all of the notification screens in front of him, he reflected that although it would take longer without any help from the NPC, it was better this way. Staying in character had become tiresome so much so that he was looking forward to leaving the beginner's area soon.

His face lit up at the thought of leaving here and meeting Zeyu. If his cousin was here, traveling to the library would be more enjoyable. Oh, well it's his fault for remembering the wrong name.

Opening his Cora, Lixin clicked on the quest locator and started heading toward the library. But then a thought struck him - why not stock up on some food?

He'd experienced the effects of being under 50 percent fullness before and didn't want to do so again. So, spotting an NPC walking past, he stopped her to ask where he could find the nearest general store.

After getting the information he needed, Lixin ambled through the busy town searching for the shop. On his way there, he passed by many stalls and stands that were full of all sorts of goodies and trinkets. These included crystals, toys, and miscellaneous objects he had never seen before.

Even though he was tempted by these items he knew he didn't have any coins to spare, so he didn't. However, once he did he would certainly find a similar place and splurge to his heart's content.

A smile spread across Lixin's face at the thought. He continued to look around in awe until he arrived at the general store.

"Oh there it is," Lixin murmured as he looked toward the shop. It looked exactly how the NPC described it.

As the NPC said, the shop had green and red bricks with a sign brightly decorated with golden letters spelling out the word General Store in gaudy, flamboyant letters. There was no way he could have missed it.

Walking over to the shop's door, Lixin was eager to see what they had inside. He was really intrigued to see what types of items were available inside the game.

As he entered he had to remind himself that he only had 550 bronze coins and should only buy the things he needed. But when he got his first look at all the items inside the store he knew that would be more challenging to do than it sounded.


Author Says:

MomoCatt: Join our discord if you want the newest updates!

Lixin: Who are you talking to?

MomoCatt: New members will get virtual Lemon tea and sugar cookies!

Lixin: … I'm worried about you.