Stage 55: A Quick Goodbye

As Lixin stepped out of his bedroom and made his way to the living room where Peter awaited him, a sense of anticipation swelled within his chest. He couldn't help but wonder where his storyline would lead him next. So far, it has guided him through the fundamental aspects of the game.

This included showing him how to use his inventory, navigate his map, as well as teaching him the intricacies of both tea styles. In addition, it allowed him to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of his race. It also provided him with crucial clues to help him on the next stage of his journey.

He felt that he had already acquired all the necessary knowledge from staying in the beginner town. Lixin could be wrong in that assumption but he didn't think he was. Particularly after the last conversation he had with Peter. However, he would only know when the next quest is triggered what it entailed.

Upon entering the living room, Lixin's gaze fell upon Peter, who paced the floor with an air of worry enveloping him. The contrast between his current demeanor and their earlier conversation was stark. It was as if Peter was lost in his own thoughts, the weight of his concerns etched upon his face. Lixin cleared his throat, breaking Peter's reverie and capturing his attention.

"There you are, Fortuitous Fish," Peter finally spoke. His voice was tinged with a sense of urgency. "I have something I need to discuss with you."

"What's the matter, Peter? Is something wrong?" Lixin asked as he walked over toward him.

Peter took a deep breath before speaking. "While you rested, I thought about our talk, and I've come to the conclusion that it would be wise for you to begin your journey immediately. So, I took it upon myself to acquire a train ticket to Silverport on your behalf."

As he spoke, Peter reached into his pocket and carefully retrieved the ticket, holding it up for Lixin to see. The ticket was a combination of light and dark purple hues and adorned with intricate silver filigree, swirling gracefully around the edges. Embossed upon it were ornate symbols, reminiscent of ancient runes, exuding an aura of magic and mystique.

As Lixin delicately took the ticket from Peter's outstretched hand, his eyes widened in awe as he gazed at its exquisite design. He couldn't help but stare at it for a moment, captivated by its enchanting allure. Finally, he broke his gaze and turned his attention back to Peter.

"Thank you, Peter," Lixin said sincerely, happy that he wouldn't have to buy one himself. However, he was also confused. "Where is your ticket? Didn't you say you were coming to Silverport with me?"

Peter's expression became slightly solemn. "I did, but something unexpected happened. I met my shopkeeper, Chris, while I was out. He told me about a strange disease that has appeared in our town. There is a concern that it might spread if precautions are not taken."

"A strange disease?" Lixin asked, feigning concern but inwardly intrigued.

Peter nodded solemnly. "Yes, it's quite alarming. One man in the village has already contracted it, and there are two others showing symptoms. It manifests itself as giant green spots all over the body, accompanied by severe swelling of the tongue. So far, it hasn't proven fatal, but it's definitely a cause for worry."

As Peter spoke, Lixin's mind buzzed with anticipation. He couldn't help but wonder if this disease was happening because of a quest. His curiosity was piqued as to what kind of quest it was. He had a feeling that it might be related to another player's storyline.

Lixin nodded, understanding Peter's concerns. "That sounds terrible. If there's anything I can do to help with this situation, please let me know."

"It's alright, another young lad from our town has already volunteered to investigate the cause of the disease. I believe he will be able to do it. Plus I don't want to delay your journey or put you in unnecessary danger."

"I understand, Peter. I will do as you say," Lixin replied, sure that his assumption was correct that whatever illness was going around was due to another player's questline.

Peter smiled warmly, his eyes reflecting a mix of pride and concern. "Good. It's important that you stay focused on your mission. Your father is counting on you to save him."

"Don't worry, Peter. I won't let anything distract me. I'll continue getting stronger and rescue my father from the clutches of the Kakodaimōn." Lixin replied, letting the NPC see his determination.

"I know you will," Peter said, his voice filled with confidence. He walked over to the nearby table and picked up an envelope Lixin hadn't noticed before.

Curiosity sparked within Lixin as the man handed it to him. He turned it over in his hands, studying its texture and weight. "What's this?" he asked in confusion.

As if answering his question a familiar ding sounded in his ear.

[Cora:]New Quest has been Created!]

Storyline Quest created: The Mystery of the Golden Scale: A Young Koi's Journey.

The Start of a Journey Part 1

It is time for you to bid farewell to Azalea Cove and embark on a new chapter of your adventure. Peter, recognizing the importance of the journey, urges you to head to Silverport. However, aware of the challenges that lie ahead, Peter feels a sense of concern for your safety in venturing alone. To ensure your well-being, Peter has taken the initiative to write a letter to his trusted friend, requesting their assistance in looking out for you during your travels.

Objective: Deliver Peter's letter to his friend BlueBell Inn.

Reward: 200 EXP & 100 Bronze Coins

"It's a letter to my friend, Eugene Miller, who works in Silverport," Peter explained earnestly. "With the recent turn of events, I can't help but feel concerned about your safety, especially now that you have transformed into a child. So, I wrote this letter to Eugene, asking him to look after you and provide you with the care and support you need while you're in Silverport. He's a kind-hearted man, and I trust him to offer you a place to stay and ensure you have meals. However, he might request your assistance with a few tasks in return."

Lixin smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Peter. I truly appreciate everything you've done for me."

"No need to thank me, lad. It's simply what I want to do for you," Peter said with a warm smile. "The train to Silverport departs at 4, so make sure you're prepared by then. As for me, I must attend to those who are sick, so I won't be able to accompany you."

Lixin nodded understandingly. "That's alright, Peter. Take care of those in need."

"Goodbye, Fortuitous Fish. I'll be eagerly awaiting your good news," Peter said as he bid him farewell.

Lixin watched as Peter left the house, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. Although Peter was an NPC, he held a special place in Lixin's heart as the first person he encountered when he truly entered the game. Silly as it may sound, Lixin knew he would miss the presence of the kind-hearted older man, even if it was just a virtual connection.


Author Note: Everyone come, and say goodbye to Peter.