Stage 56: Off To Shop

Lixin stood there for a moment, a bittersweet expression lingering on his face after Peter's departure. However, the feeling soon vanished as quickly as it had come. There was no point in getting attached; he knew he had to adapt to the transient nature of NPCs in this game.

Shifting his thoughts away from the NPC, he refocused his attention on the task at hand. First thing first he closed the notification screen that had hindered his view. He then placed the envelope Peter gave him in his inventory without a second thought.

Curious about the time, he opened his Cora to check. The in-game clock read 7 am, indicating that he had ample time before his train departed for Silverport. He decided to seize this opportunity to gather any essential items he might need before bidding farewell to the beginner town.

In that spirit, he approached the door, his hand reaching out for the handle. However, just as he was about to grasp it, Berry Fairy popped into his mind. He remembered promising to contact her once he had completed his quest.

With the intention of keeping his promise, Lixin opened his Cora once again and navigated to his friends list. He quickly located Berry Fairy's name and clicked on it, bringing up her info screen. After glancing at it for a moment, he noticed the video call request button. Without hesitation, he pressed it, eagerly waiting for her response.

In a matter of seconds, Berry Fairy's familiar face appeared on the screen. A warm smile spread across Lixin's features as they greeted each other.

"Did you finish your quest?" Berry Fairy inquired, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"Yep, mission accomplished," Lixin replied with a nod. "And guess what? I've got a free train ticket from it."

Berry Fairy playfully rolled her eyes. "No way, I had to buy mine off of my persona's aunt at a discounted price."

"What can I say? I'm a lucky fish." He chuckled playfully.

"If only some of that luck would rub off on me," she sighed, but her smile betrayed a hint of amusement. "So, when does your train depart?"

"Today at four. What about yours?" Lixin asked, hoping their schedules aligned.

Her smile grew even brighter. "It's the same as yours."

"Nice! I was just about to head out for some shopping. Would you like to join me?" Lixin proposed, his excitement evident. The thought of experiencing a shopping trip with a friend filled him with anticipation, as he had never had that kind of experience before.

"Sure!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm matching his own.

Lixin quickly devised a plan. "Let's meet at the shopping district. Then we can buy the things we need while they're still reasonably priced."

"Ok! I've been wanting to spend my coins anyway! I'll head there immediately," Berry Fairy exclaimed as her eyes sparkled with excitement.

"See you soon then," Lixin said with a wide grin.

"See you!" Berry Fairy replied before ending the call, her image fading from the screen.

As the video call with Berry Fairy ended, a feeling of excitement and anticipation bubbled within Lixin. He opened the door, stepping outside into the refreshing embrace of the early morning. The sun had risen, casting a warm glow over Azalea Cove. It was a beautiful sight, and Lixin couldn't help but take a moment to appreciate the tranquil ambiance.

The streets were relatively quiet, with only a few NPCs strolling about. It was early, after all, and they were most likely at work. Consulting his map, Lixin quickly located the shopping district and started making his way towards it.

As he walked, a delightful aroma wafted through the air, catching his attention. The enticing scent of freshly baked bread filled his senses. He couldn't remember the last time he smelled that aroma.

If he didn't have plans to meet Berry Fairy, he would have definitely indulged in some of the delicious bread. However, it did remind him that he should try some of the local delicacies before leaving the beginner town.

His thoughts drifted back to his upcoming shopping trip with Berry Fairy, and a smile tugged at his lips. The prospect of shopping together and exploring the bustling district filled him with joy. He was eager to experience this new aspect of the game alongside a friend.

After walking for about ten minutes, he finally arrived at the shopping district. Spotting Berry Fairy waiting for him near the entrance, his grin widened. Her avatar stood out among the crowd, and her excitement was palpable.

With a wave of his hand and a bright smile, he approached her. "Hey Berry Fairy! I'm here!"

Her gaze swiveled toward him, and delight danced in her eyes. "Hey, fishy! I've been impatiently waiting for you!" she exclaimed with a playful giggle. "Are you ready to shop?"

"Absolutely!" Lixin replied, matching her playful tone. "But before we start hunting for the essentials, can we make a quick stop at the tailors?"

Curiosity painted Berry Fairy's expression as she inquired, "Sure thing, are you buying some armor?"

"Yup. Well, not exactly buying," Lixin shared, explaining how he had received a free voucher as a quest reward. "...and after rescuing Mr. Earhart's wife, he rewarded me with a C-ranked armor voucher."

Her eyes glimmered with a tinge of envy. "C-ranked armor? Seriously? You won the lucky jackpot! Do you have any idea what I'm stuck with for now? An ancient F-ranked armor my Persona's mother left behind! I'm seriously jealous," she lamented, but with a playful tone.

Lixin grinned, teasing her knowingly. "Well, maybe you should try finding some four-leaf clovers or horseshoes for good luck. It's not my fault you have zero to none!"

Berry Fairy made a mock threatening gesture, shaking her fist playfully without saying a word. A mischievous gleam flickered in her eyes, and Lixin playfully took a step back, feigning fear. "Oh, I better run!" he exclaimed, adding to the fun.

The two friends burst into a playful chase, laughter echoing through the bustling shopping district as their avatars darted between NPCs. They weaved through the crowd, enjoying the thrill of the chase, until finally arriving at the tailor's shop.

Chuckling together, Lixin and Berry Fairy stepped into the cozy tailor's shop, accompanied by the soft jingling of a bell that announced their arrival. As they entered, the pleasant scent of fabrics and dyes enveloped them, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Lixin's gaze met those of Mr. Earhart, the shop's owner, whose face lit up with a genuine smile of appreciation.

"Ah, Fortuitous Fish! It's a pleasure to see you again," Mr. Earhart greeted Lixin warmly, his voice tinged with gratitude. "I can't thank you enough for what you did for my wife. She's back home, safe and sound, all thanks to you."

Lixin responded with a modest facade. "I didn't do much, just gathered some leaves. It was Peter who made the antidote. I'm glad I could be of help, though."

The tailor chuckled, his eyes crinkling with warmth. "You're quite humble, young one. Nevertheless, your assistance meant a lot to us, and we are eternally grateful. If there's ever anything you need, please don't hesitate to ask."

"I already received a wonderful reward," Lixin replied gratefully. "I couldn't ask for anything more."

"Speaking of that, you must be here to get your armor," Mr. Earhart said, knowing Lixin's purpose for visiting.

"You're correct," Lixin replied, reaching into his inventory and retrieving the voucher. "I'm leaving town today, so I'll need it for the journey ahead."

"I heard about your journey from Peter. You're heading to Silverport, right?" Mr. Earhart inquired.


[Cora:] [A quest has been triggered!]


Author Says: What quest does Mr. Earhart have for Lixin? Let's wait and see.