Stage 57: Off We Go

Lixin was somewhat startled when the quest notification appeared in front of him. He hadn't anticipated receiving a quest, and curiosity crept into his mind, wondering what it would entail. Did he need to gather materials or something of that sort?

He inwardly hoped it wouldn't be, because he felt whatever materials he needed for C-ranked armor would probably be difficult to get. He would most likely not have enough time to gather them before it was time for his departure for Silverport. However, his concern subsided as Mr. Earhart began to speak.

"It's a relief to hear that you're headed to Silverport. That makes what I'm about to say easier," Mr. Earhart explained. "You may not know this, but my wife is still in the process of healing. She's the one who usually makes the armor, while I'm all thumbs when it comes to crafting. Unfortunately, because she is ill, we won't be able to complete the armor before you depart."

Lixin nodded, offering an understanding expression. He knew where this was going. "No worries, Mr. Earhart. I completely understand."

"I knew you would. You're such a good boy," Mr. Earhart said warmly. "However, I had already planned ahead for this situation. Since you're heading to Silverport, my talented apprentice, Gregory, works at a tailor shop named Silken Envy. He can finish the armor for you. I've written a letter for you to take to him."

Mr. Earhart handed Lixin the letter, and as soon as he accepted it, a familiar ding sounded in his ear.

A Better Armor

Due to his wife's illness, Mr. Earhart is unable to craft the armor for you. Fortunately, he has a renowned apprentice named Gregory Press in Silverport. Mr. Earhart has written a letter requesting Gregory's assistance in completing the armor. However, he needs you to deliver it on his behalf.

Objective: Bring Mr. Earhart's letter and sewing pattern to Gregory at Silken Envy.

Reward: 100 EXP

Item: Brokeback Armor set

Reading the quest details, Lixin's face lit up with a smile. "That would be wonderful."

Mr. Earhart nodded, pleased with Lixin's understanding and cooperation. "As a token of appreciation for your kindness, I have something special for you."

With a flourish, Mr. Earhart presented Lixin with a beautifully crafted sewing pattern. The design was more intricate and detailed than the original, catching Berry Fairy's attention. She gasped in awe and shook her head, muttering something unintelligible under her breath.

Lixin's lips curled into a teasing grin. His eyes darted toward her, giving her a knowing glance. Her response came in the form of an eye roll accompanied by a playful huff, clearly amused by his antics.

Turning back to the NPC, Lixin listened intently as the man explained the significance of the sewing pattern he had received. The tailor's voice held a mix of pride and excitement as he described it.

"This sewing pattern is no ordinary one, my dear Fortuitous Fish," Mr. Earhart began, a twinkle in his eye. "It's a B-ranked pattern, which means it will provide you with superior protection compared to the standard C-ranked armor. With this pattern, you'll have a sturdier defense against any potential threats you may encounter on your journey."

Berry Fairy's jaw dropped in shock upon hearing about the B-ranked pattern. She muttered under her breath, "It's not fair." She couldn't help but feel a tinge of envy, knowing how much better the B-ranked armor would be compared to her current D-ranked one.

Unaware of Berry Fairy's reaction, Lixin remained focused on the NPC, completely in awe of what the man was telling him. He thanked the NPC for the generous gift, but the humble craftsman shook his head with a warm smile. "No need for thanks, young one. You've done so much for me and my wife, and it's the least we can do to show our appreciation."

After thanking Mr. Earhart once again, Lixin and Berry Fairy exited the tailor shop, their spirits high for their upcoming shopping spree. As they stepped outside, the warm sun embraced them, creating a pleasant atmosphere for their day of exploration.

Their first stop was a cozy grocery shop, run by a kind and elderly woman. Welcoming them with a warm smile, she handed each of them a shopping basket. The store was a treasure trove of delights, boasting an assortment of packaged food and fresh ingredients that tempted their taste buds.

As they meandered through the aisles, Berry Fairy made a beeline for the freshly baked loaves of bread, her disinterest in everything else evident in her eyes. Meanwhile, Lixin's attention was captured by a display of jars filled with dried fruits.

He picked up one of the jars and glanced at the expiration date. He was shocked. The jar of dried fruit had a shelf life of six months. Realizing its significance, he knew he had to get some. These dried fruits would undoubtedly come in handy if he ever found himself stranded without a means to acquire more food.

After placing five of the jars in his basket, he suddenly remembered his secondary storyline. While he was here he might as well stock up on some ingredients to help him level up his cooking skill.

Opening up his Cora he navigated to the cooking tab, checking his list of known recipes. Lixin sighed when he saw the two recipes available were Milk Bread and Steamed Carrots. However, they would have to do, for now.

They would be of great use to him as cooking practice until he learned more recipes. As he continued to roam the shop, gathering the necessary ingredients for the two recipes. When he had everything he needed he checked the price to see it only set him back 54 bronze. While he was debating about buying more ingredients, he heard Berry Fairy's voice calling out to him.

"Fishy, are you done?" Berry Fairy called from the counter, her own basket brimming with an assortment of bread.

"Yep," he replied, heading toward her to pay for their purchases. After buying what they needed, they left the grocery store, ready to continue shopping.

While they were walking, Berry Fairy expressed her interest in visiting the weapon shop next, hoping to swap her current equipment for a more powerful one. However, upon reaching the store, they found it stocked with low-quality weapons that would be a downgrade from the one she was already using.

Disappointed but undeterred, they continued their shopping journey, exploring various other stores in the district. As they browsed through the shops, Lixin occasionally checked the time. It was already 1 pm, and Lixin thought they should take a break. Plus he was tempted by all the delicious smells coming from the food stalls.

He suggested the idea to Berry Fairy, who, though less enthusiastic, agreed to join him. The food stalls boasted a delightful array of dishes from different corners of the world, ranging from America to Zimbabwe.

Seeing how cheap they were, Lixin couldn't resist the temptation and decided to try a variety of flavors. He purchased one item from three different stalls before joining Berry Fairy on the bench.

His taste buds were in for an adventure as he savored the succulent Pulled Pork Burger, the mouthwatering delight of Takoyaki, the sweet and tangy Sugar Coated Haw, and a refreshing drink. Each bite brought a burst of unique and exquisite tastes, leaving him thoroughly pleased with his choices.

Berry Fairy, on the other hand, had opted for a Strawberry Jam Milkshake, yet she declined Lixin's offer to share his food. This wasn't the first time he noticed her disinterest in eating, and he wondered if she was facing some kind of problem. However, he refrained from commenting, knowing everyone had issues they didn't necessarily want to talk about.

Changing the topic, Lixin asked, "So, do you know where we should go next?"

"Well," Berry Fairy began, scrunching her face as she thought. "There was this shop down the block that looked interesting. I think they sell accessories."

"I do need more inventory space. Let's check it out once we're finished here," he replied, intrigued by the idea.

"Alright," she said with a smile as she sipped her drink.

Once they finished their delightful food, they made their way to the accessory shop, eager to see what unique items it held in store

The accessory store displayed an array of items, but most of them lacked any significant buffs or benefits, only offering a single inventory slot. Among the collections, Lixin stumbled upon a rusty ring that intrigued him. Utilizing his appraisal skill, he learned that the ring needed repair to unlock its full potential. Skeptical, he hesitated to purchase it.

Seeing his indecision, Berry Fairy casually said, "You better buy it. If you don't I will. Knowing your luck, it might turn out to be an epic item."

Lixin laughed, knowing there was some truth to her words, and decided to take the risk. He acquired the rusted ring, and the excitement of its unknown potential tickled his senses.

Their shopping adventure continued until it approached 3:30 pm. With their inventory now filled, and with less coins, they made their way to the train station.

The train station was an architectural marvel hidden beneath the bustling streets, a hidden gem of underground splendor. As Lixin and Berry Fairy descended into its depths, the ambiance transformed into a magical world of glistening crystals and opulent decorations.

This was reminiscent of a cave adorned with precious jewels. The soft glow of enchanting lights cast a captivating hue upon everything around them, leaving them in awe of the captivating beauty that surrounded them.

The train itself was a sight to behold—an exquisite creation fashioned from translucent crystal. Its sleek design and futuristic allure made it look like a product of some advanced civilization from a distant future. The crystal walls reflected the ambient light, causing the train to gleam like a radiant gem, enchanting all those who laid eyes upon it.

"Wow," Berry Fairy breathed, her voice filled with wonder and captivation as she took in the sight before her.

"I know," Lixin replied with a smile, equally mesmerized by the sight. "I bet the interior is even more impressive."

Berry Fairy's eyes sparkled with excitement, her eagerness palpable. "Let's find out," she said, unable to contain her enthusiasm.

Boarding the train with their tickets ready, they stepped inside, and a wave of enchantment washed over them once again. The interior of the train was nothing short of astonishing. Intricate crystal carvings adorned the walls, each depicting scenes from the game world's history and lore. The ceiling, too, was a canvas of swirling patterns, mimicking the ethereal beauty of a starry night sky.

As they ventured further inside, they discovered that the seating areas were spacious and comfortable. They had plush cushions and elegant designs that made them feel like royalty. Though they were disappointed to find that their seats were not together, they didn't let it dampen their spirits. Instead, they exchanged knowing glances, silently conveying their shared excitement for the journey ahead.

Settling into his seat, Lixin's heart swelled with anticipation and a sense of adventure. The luxurious surroundings and the promise of new experiences ahead filled him with determination and excitement. With a resolute spirit, he was ready to embrace whatever awaited him on the journey to Silverport. He was eager to uncover the mysteries and challenges that lay ahead in this wondrous virtual world.

Author Says:

MomoCatt: It's finally time to say goodbye to the beginner town. How do you feel?

Lixin: To be honest, bittersweet.

MomoCatt: That's understandable, you experienced a lot here.

Lixin: I truly did.

MomoCatt: Maybe a piece of Gateau Chocolat would cheer you up. Its taste matches your mood.


End of ARC1

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