Stage 73: Base

After Zeyu had finished modeling his new, upgraded armor, Mr. Press led them to the front desk for payment. The front desk was a polished wooden affair, its surface gleaming under the warm shop lighting. Lixin couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship in the shop's interior design.

At the desk, a familiar face awaited them. It was the same attendant who had gracefully served them tea and snacks earlier. The attendant stood there with a poised demeanor, her attire perfectly matching the upscale atmosphere of Silken Envy.

"Beema," Mr. Press addressed the attendant in a friendly tone, "Ring up this blonde gentleman; he owes 300 bronze coins."

Beema nodded and efficiently opened a register, swiftly processing Zeyu's payment. Her movements exuded an air of professionalism, befitting the high-end establishment.