Stage 74: Buff Me

"Okay, let's roll," Zeyu whispered, eager to start their covert infiltration of the enemy base.

However, before Zeyu could take even a single silent step forward, a gentle yet insistent tug on his armor halted his progress. He turned, finding Lixin standing behind him.

"Hold on for a sec," Lixin told him when he saw his cousin's confused look. "Let me buff us first."

While their initial plan was to sneak into the enemy base undetected, Lixin couldn't ignore the very real possibility of being discovered. That's why he insisted on buffing them both right away, just in case.

Understanding the need for caution, Zeyu agreed. "You're right, it nearly slipped my mind. Hit me with it."

"I can't do it here," Lixin said, a flicker of worry crossing his face. "What if the guards catch sight of my buff animation?"

Zeyu quickly scanned their surroundings, realizing the validity of Lixin's point. "True, let's find a better spot."