Stage 81: Foul Eggs

After hearing his cousin's plan, Zeyu couldn't help but laugh before asking, "Do you genuinely think this will work?"

Lixin understood Zeyu's skepticism. These chickens were incredibly swift, and even if he managed to ignite one with Ceylon, there was no guarantee the flames would spread to the others quickly enough.

"I hope so, but if it doesn't, we can always try something else," Lixin replied, sending a thoughtful glance toward the plushie-like birds. 

"You're right," Zeyu concurred before a sly smirk crept across his face. "Yet, I secretly hope it does work. I've always wanted to witness a group of flaming hot chickens."

Lixin couldn't suppress a chuckle at his cousin's choice of words. Shaking his head, he watched in amusement as Zeyu expertly vanished into the lush grass, his blonde hair providing fleeting glimpses amidst the sea of greenery.