Stage 82: 93 To Go!

"What's wrong?" Zeyu asked, noting the change in Lixin's expression.

Lixin didn't reply but walked over to another fallen chicken. With practiced ease, he held his hand over the lifeless bird and quietly commanded, "Collect."

[Cora:][You have gained a purple feather!]

[Cora:][You have gained 10 Bronze Coins!]

The absence of the meat he needed left Lixin puzzled, and his brows furrowed in confusion. He shook his head, still unable to comprehend the situation, and moved on to another chicken, only to be met with the same results.

Zeyu observed Lixin's repeated attempts with growing concern, realizing that something was amiss.

"The Aureate meat I need isn't dropping," Lixin finally voiced his frustration, his tone tinged with confusion.

Zeyu frowned, knowing that Lixin's luck should have granted him the meat from each chicken. "Perhaps it's super rare."

"Maybe you're right," Lixin conceded.