The next few days of Fafir and his newest recruits followed with some adventure but most of the time it filled with a pretty easygoing time. Monnie was happy that Fafir was happy. Here some of the most bravest of men and women followed them to what they believe was a utopia. Who was Monnie to tell then any different. Fafir stopped for a mere moment and asked one of the solders to map out the area.
"Sir. Lord Fafir according to this map we found a few days back, it says were leaving the Merribel Woods and entering towards a small village. A Voricle Village I seem to recollect?" The solider thought. "Why my lord we can use this as a perfect time to convince them to unite under your cause?" Eya said as she waved her scepter around wildly. Fafir talked with Monnie for a few minutes. They came up with a plan to have only Fafir,Monnie and one other enter the village, if all goes well then he has new allies,if not then brute force would have to be initiated.
"YES LORD FAFIR SIR!!" The small army responded. Still only twenty members or so,but this did not stop Fafir in his tracks. The deity confidently walked into the small village. Many villagers cowered as soon as he stepped a single foot into their lives. His presence was like that of a shadow and his aura fully encompassed the whole place. To some villagers, the elders in specific Fafir was like that of a hurricane. His presence alone intimidated them.
The Beast God,Monnie and one mere solider followed suit. Eya was in charge and had the others take their positions just in case things got nasty. A old woman reluctantly opened her home to Fafir. Her husband was not happy at the slightest. The mere woman visibly shook at Fafir's presence. She ushered him and his party to their dining room table for a place to sit. The husband of this cowering woman took over and demanded to know what the evil one wanted.
"Why are you here milord? We are but a poor village, we have nothing for you. Absolutely zilch!!" The cranky old man snapped at Fafir. Fafir said no words instead a eerie white aura formed around him. It was at the point it could be visibly seen. The old man stood his ground and grabbed his cane ready to whack Fafir and his crew on the head. "Now now boys!! Uh um..gentleman please..uh surely this isn't nessacary is it? Earl let Lord Fafir say his peace please?" The man's wife begged. Fafir looked over into the woman's direction and scanned her from head to toe. Fafir liked what he seen. The woman wasn't that bad looking. She was tall,slender had long curly red hair and a few wrinkles on her,but Fafir consider anyone younger than him beautiful. The old man caught the gaze and reach under the table and held a shotgun straight to the leering god's face.
"God or no god. You ain't about to add my wife as another one of your concubines. Now tell me what is it that you want?" Earl said as he had his finger right on the trigger. Monnie readied her sword and gun while the solider also had his blade unsheathed and ready for the kill. Fafir smirked and began to softly chuckle. He chuckled some more unto it turned into a menacing laugh. "SHUT UP!! IF YOU LAUGH ONE MORE 'GAIN, I'll blow your brains out!!" The old man said trying to intimidate Fafir. The shouting attracted attention outside. Some people looked into the windows and internally panicked once they saw Fafir.
"This isn't good what does he want with us!!?" One woman yelled. Another said. "Has the dreaded hour come?!! O Woest unto us and our children!!" Many more people were in a uproar due to the current situation. Suddenly a gunshot went off silencing the noise. "KBPOWW!!" The gunshot echoed through the sky. A dead silence formed and the people returned to watching Fafir and Earl's debate.
"Sorry bout that hon. I'll fix the roof later. Just thought I show this here FOOL just exactly who he's messin with." The old man arrogantly said. He looked Fafir dead in his eyes and Fafir followed his exchange. A intense silence loomed over the whole village. Monnie silently prayed under her breath that the old man would not die on this night. "Leering up my wife is a horrible offense in the house of Earl sir. You got ten seconds before I put this here shotgun up were the sun don't shine. Now tell me why. Are. You. H-" The old man paused as Fafir grabbed the shotgun with one hand. He easily broke it into two as the old man was about to shoot him.
Shocked Fafir grabbed the old man by his throat and threw him with such force he broke through the window and collided with the neighbouring house across from them. The people screamed as Fafir stood from his seat. The wife of Earl panicked and screamed. Fafir slowly walked towards her and gave her a order.
"STRIP!" His powerful voice echoed across the entire village. The woman cowered in fear yet she slowly and nervously did so. The soldier and Monnie kicked the front door off its hinges.
Fafir grabbed the cowering woman by her arm gently and noticed very strange scars and bruises. "That man..has he been hurting you my dear?" Fafir asked in a concerned voice. The woman nodded and confessed to him. "For about twenty one years lord..I have been nothing but the subject of his abuse. I've tried to be nice, alluring and patient as I can be..b-but.." The woman paused as Fafir placed a finger on her lips. "You needn't fear any longer. He can't hurt you anymore. I will make your pain end. Behold a new Neo is coming on the horizon, one of PEACE not of WAR!! Sadly war must be involved so we can bring about said peace." Fafir spoke. He had the semi-naked woman covered with a blanket and sat her on the ground. "What is your name my ginger headed beauty?" Fafir asked.
The woman blushed and faintly smiled. "A..Alexandria sir..I am Alexandria. All I ask is that you spare these people. They are afraid and scared,please show them mercy." The woman pleaded. Fafir destroyed the remains of the house and turned towards the small throng of people. They wisely took a step back as Fafir towered over all of them. The Beast God began to speak yet another speech hoping to win them over. If not then they would be killed on the spot.
"I did not come to cause any harm my fellow Neotics, but I came to ask for your help and your weapons. I came to ask for your courage,your strength and your hope. I know that this village in particular has had a encounter with the mother of my adversary Luna. You also have encountered Luna herself. What are your opinions on her hmm?" Fafir wondered.
In a instant the people of Voricle Village unanimously yelled. "We HATE HER AND HER KIN!! DEATH TO LUNA,DEATH TO SKYRA!!" They cried. Fafir sensed hatred and wisely picked up on it. "It seems Skyra's past has caught up to her. Her evil tirade and indiscriminate abuse of old has hindered ALL OF YOU. That is why even I WILL SETTLE THE SCORE. I will be your god,your warrior, your sword and your shield. This tyranny and madness of Luna and Nea must end!!" Fafir exclaimed. The villagers shouted and agreed with him. "So will you join me and my army in our ranks? We could use all and I mean ALL of your wealth,intellect,power,skill and strength. I ask this not for me,but for the sake of a world were our grandchildren and their children can play. This is what I ask..for their sake. " Fafir says as he notice some of the villagers are moved by his words. He even noticed a few had tears streaming down their eyes.
"Faffy think ya won them over, just to be sure really hit it home." Monnie said as she whispered into his ear. Fafir nodded and followed up his speech with a few more powerful words. "I too have witness this for myself. The despair, the desperation, sadness,frustration and rage, hatred and what's even worst Luna and Nea will deceive your own children, they say they fight for peace. Do not let the little ones even near them. For even venomous snakes can yield their deadly poison." Fafir wisely spoken. What was meant to be a speech became his genuine feelings. They were on full display for all of Voricle Village to hear.
Even the small children listened and pumped their small fists into the air. They chanted. "ALL FOR FAFIR. NO MORE LUNA. ALL FOR FAFIR. NO MORE LUNA." The adults followed suit and soon all of the village bowed to Fafir and worshipped him as their god. Fafir smiled and issued his first order to them all. "I see we have made peace here. I will be the one to END that wretched Luna and destroy Nea. Then I will be your god as I am now,but only stronger. Gather your things you people, young and old, small and great,skinny or fat to strong. ALL OF VORICLE VALLEY IS WELCOME TO THE ARCHTEN ARMY." Fafir announced. He let out a mighty roar to seal the deal. Small shockwaves formed and the people cheered. Monnie and the previous twenty soldiers of Fafir's army clapped.
What was a small group of people became a whole village of people. Fafir the following day inducted them as his family and offical members of his army. Luckily he had five skilled blacksmiths, merchants and those who operated in apothecaries on board. A scientist happen to noticed the large group from afar he rushed to seek forgiveness from Fafir himself.
As this lone scientist ran,two villagers with pitchforks guarded the makeshift entrance and demanded a answer from him. "Halt!! Fool. Why ya tryna sneak in to see our Lord Fafir hmm?" One of the villagers asked. "Please without me and my crew,Lord Fafir hasn't a chance to defeat Luna. I only wish to help. " The scared scientist pleaded. Angered by such blasphemy. One of the villagers on the inside volunteered to kill the man on sight. Fafir overheard this and walked to the entrance and recognized the cowering man.
"Soo you lived huh? Were are the other scientists that operated on my formal captive hmmm? You best answer lest my patient be tried. I pray you speak soon." Fafir said scaring the man. As he groveled before Fafir he cried and explained all the events that happened. He even explained how Destiny herself must've been alive this whole time.
"And how can you be sure Destiny FAKED her own death!!? My attack that day was meant for Luna..NOT HER!" Fafir roared. His anger began to form to the surface. It was quickly quenched when Monnie caressed his muscular arm. She took out a dagger and held it to the groveling scientist's bald spot.
"Best not mention HER again. Otherwise I'll kill you myself!!" Monnie yelled. Fafir smirked and kissed his beloved on the lips. "My Lord..Fafir have mercy on this wretched fool..all I know is that the other scientists also seek forgiveness for our negligence and our cowardice. Please shower us with your mercy!!" The scientist grovelled some more.
" and your crew our forgiven. I need you alive more than dead anyway. However. If you get out of line ONCE..I'll execute you in the WORST way possible. Now GO! SEEK OUT THE OTHER FORGIVEN SCIENTISTS AND BRING THEM HOME AT ONCE!!" Fafir shouted.
"Y..yes..right away my Beast King.." The scientist ran. Fafir saw a noticeable wet spot on the ground where the man was. He had his new guards clean it up.
Fafir sat on a tree stump and made a small announcement. "From this day on. I'm sure you all have seen this lovely young woman here. She is named Monnie,she is mine and I am hers. Together we are ONE. IN SICKNESS, IN HEALTH,IN DEATH AND FOREVER. Let it be made know two very important things: ONE..IF I AM INJURED SEVERELY, SICK OR EVEN INCAPACITATED.. My dear Monnie is to be address as Great Queen. And second...IF ANYONE DARE PLANS ANY TRICKS, ASSASINATION ATTEMPTS OR ANY OTHER UNDERHANDED TECHNIQUES. They will meet death. Am I understood!!" Fafir declared. The large throng of new troops shouted. "Yes MIGHTY LORD FAFIR!! ALL HAIL FAFIR THE BEAST GOD AND GREAT QUEEN MONNIE!!" Monnie blushed as a makeshift crown and red ring were placed on her head and left ring finger. Fafir also had a red ring on his left ring finger. This signified they were now married and a couple.
Because of this later on in the night. Fafir bestowed some of his deity like immortality and powers onto her. The girls appearance change drastically. Her short orangish-red hair was now a vibrant scarlet wave and her body was slightly taller than before. Her eyes were now sharper and large red markings spiralled around her entire body. She looked in awe as her hair was as long as she was tall. Her previous clothing tore away and left her naked. Fafir licked his lips and kissed her intimately.
"I don't think Monnie is a appropriate name for me anymore Faffy?" The woman with red spirals said as they laid in their tent. " Oh? What would you like to be called than Great Queen?" Fafir asked his new wife? The woman placed a finger on her lips and played coy and she unzipped her husband's zipper. "Hey now..not until we get a new name?" Fafir said as he groped his new wife's now more ample bosom.
"I will now be called Pannamyth or Panna for short. In Neotic it means. "Mother of a brand new Utopia, Keeper of Peace and Chaos, Author of Evil and wife of The Beast." Or well..I maybe added those last few things in hehe." The woman laughed. "Fafir also chuckled and sniffed Panna's scarlet red hair. " smell of cinnamon and roses..two things I love. Tell many kids does the "Mother of a Utopia want?" Fafir asked. Curious she wanted to test out her new godly powers. She smirked and groped Fafir's butt. "One million. Hehe. But for now..Let's make a DESTINY 2.0." The woman cackled. Fafir agreed and the two both now fully naked proceeded in sexual intercourse.
The noises were so loud literal earthquakes shook all of the camp and everyone in it. "Ah..ah.ahh.ahhhh..OH DADDY FAFIR..AHHHHH!!" Panna yelled waking everyone up. Fafir growled and moan as well. Both were in such ecstacy everything else was a blur.
"Ha..haa... Panna..mmm..haaaaa!!!" The Beast God moaned. A few soldiers silently laughed at this while the others were trying to sleep but couldn't. The twos love making lasted until late afternoon the next day. Both were satisfied. Fafir emptied his seed into his new wife and Panna had a hand placed over her lust stricken eyes. Her mouth leaked drool. She two was relieved of her sexual desires and was no longer pent up. The young woman woke up first. She kissed her larger husband on his head and rubbed his naked butt some more. " whittle beast man is all tuckered out..Men are so easy to read hehe." The woman laughed to herself.