Chapter 15: The Sudden Shift

"Now remember Ourana as a little princess,make sure your nice to all those who are nice to you okay?" Panna said as they baked cookies. Fafir smiled and helped his daughter reached for things that were too high. "Okay what about those that did bad things Momma?" Ourana asked. "Well send them to me little one. I have a certain way of dealing with those that may hurt my kids." Fafir said. "Ourana smiled and kissed her parents on the cheeks. "Okie. I promise I won't beat them up too bad. Unless Daddy or Momma want me to." Ourana joked.

"Daughter of the Beast God for sure. You and your dad are one in the same. Just promise whenever you too do get into a tussle you'll take care of your wounds once your done?" Panna motherly said as she wiped some chocolate off her daughter's face. "I promise Momma. Daddy does also hehe. He so strong no one can stop him." Ourana giggled. "I am curious. If we happened to school her Panna or have her play with the other kids,especially since they saw her come outta that explosion won't they be too scared of her?" Fafir wisely noted.

Panna walked up to her husband and kissed him passionately. "You worry too much Daddy. Hehe. Our little Ourana isn't some evil monster. She's just a normal little how old does she look like?" Panna asked as Ourana pretended to gag at her parents kissing. "I say seven years of age. If anyone questions it then...I have ways of destroying them." Fafir eerily mumbled. This made Panna feel uneasy, but Ourana looked amazed at her dad's power.

"Daddy isn't scary he's very strong yeah,but he wouldn't hurt us right Daddy?" Ourana said. Fafir was about to confirm but sense a uncanny terrifying aura deep within his own daughter. This brought a tear to his eye. He was proud and smile.

"Of course not sweety. Your the apple of my eye and if anyone or anything happened to you. Let's just say..Daddy would lose it." Fafir and Ourana giggled. As Destiny watched this she clenched her fists and rushed to Fafir in a jealous fit. Nea chased after her while Psion and Luna continued to watch the screen. "Are you out of your mind.

Destiny..don't do it!! If you do Fafir may very well try to keep you held hostage this time!" Nea shouted to her daughter. The girl flew faster at mach speed and broke the sound barrier she was so fast she crash landed dead centered into the campsite. Ourana and Fafir ran outside to see what the commotion was about. Slowly Destiny rose out of the dirt and brush it off her shoulders. All of the inhabitants bowed.

Happy to see his older daughter Fafir introduced Ourana to Destiny. Destiny gave off a sisterly vibe. She didn't trust Fafir and figured now would be the best time to put whatever plan she had in motion.

"So..this is Ourana huh? Hey little one. I'm your sister Destiny. Are you okay. Dad didn't hurt you did he? If he does. I PERSONALLY will knock his lights out. Destiny said making Ourana giggle. Nea soon appeared behind Destiny. Anger shot up to the surface of Fafir. His fist balled up and the entire camp was on guard.

"Enemy of Our Lord Fafir. Why have you come." One of the generals ask the Queen of the Neotic Gods. Nea said nothing. She looked at Ourana carefully. Scared Ourana understood Nea was a major threat.

"You do realize Fafir. Time Dilation AND enhancing an child's age is IMMORAL and against my will. RIGHT?!" Nea angrily said. Fafir stood his ground unfazed. "You have done many a heinous acts. You deceived these poor souls that hated Luna's mother and used that hatred against them. Make no mistake. I have plans for you once the end begins. For now. A punishment must be made." Nea declared. "KILL HER!!" Fafir ordered. The soilders and all the inhabitants charged towards Nea. All it took was once serious glare from Nea to shatter their confidence. They ran in fear and bowed before her. "You didn't let me finshed. Ex-husband of mine." Nea said sounding a bit hurt by her own comment. Panna looked at her husband and was disgusted by Nea. She grabbed an sword and kicked Destiny in the stomach. Ourana hid behind a building and watched the fight unfold.

"You have more than his DNA in you. Destiny came from that man and Ourana is also mine. If you lose this fight. I will raise her up as my own. " Nea stated. The Red haired Queen prepared her blades to meet the head goddesses neck. She just had to figure the best approach.

Panna rushed the small goddess and swunged her swords. She missed Nea every time. It wasn't much of a fight as Nea caught the swords easily and shattered them into a million pieces. Amazed by this power. Fafir was just surprised Panna held her own. "Slut. You pretend to be what I am? Not even close.

As for your punishment Panna. You will live throughout the rest of your days in sadness knowing the ever coming demise of your husband Fafir." Nea declared. " Oh and once that does happen. I will raise Ourana as one of my own. Today she is no longer in your jurisdiction nor care. She is NOW under the watchful caring eye of the QUEEN OF THE NEOTIC GODS. See you vile snakes and pitiful vermin later. Destiny take the girl. She doesn't need to be with a monster like him." Nea ordered. Angered by this Fafir struck Nea. The goddess vanished and was already far away in the air. Ourana yelled for help but once Fafir tried to go after them a force field was placed around the whole planet.

Ourana yelled for him to save her,but there was nothing he could do. Fafir looked on in disappointment and anger instead. Panna was also angry by this and tried to destroy the force field but to no avail.

"Daddy!! Sniff..w..why did you take me away from him lady. Why?!!" Ourana angrily asked. Destiny hugged her baby sister and told her the horrible truth about Fafir. "Well..ya see..Daddy or..Fafir isn't as good as he seems. He has killed so many people and almost killed your big sister. You wouldn't want that would you?" Destiny ask the angered child. " YOU'RE LYING. LIAR!! Daddy would never hurt you Destiny. He said so." The little girl shouted. Nea placed her hands on her hips and spoke with a stern voice. "Look little miss princess,like it or not.

Your FATHER is a evil evil man and he would have used YOU to kill many innocent people. We're avoiding that altogether. Now your either gonna hush up and stop complaining or I'll have to MAKE you stop." Nea said trying to calm herself down. Ourana stuck her tongue out at Nea and floated in the depths of space. "Hmmph..Momma and Daddy said I'm a princess and a princess gets to talk however she wants." The little girl said in a bratty tone. "Just you wait little girl. I'm gonna spank you when we get home." Nea said as they teleported back to the Hidden Base.

Surprised by this Luna saw that they had Ourana and face palmed. "WHAT WERE you two thinking? Though those brainless idiots were no match for you guys,taking Fafir's DAUGHTER?!..I..I can't even fathom how idiotic that was." Luna said as she noticed tears streaming down Ourana's face.

She knelt down to the little girl and smiled gently. "Hello there Miss Princess. I'm Luna. I know you're having a bad day. Wanna talk about it?" Luna asked trying to calm the saddened girl. Nea went to go cool off while Destiny gave her baby sister a handkerchief to blow her nose. "I miss my Daddy. I know he isn't a bad man. I know it. I read in those books as a baby that he did bad things. Surely he had a reason to. " Ourana said looking for reassurance from Luna.

"Well..One day you'll understand kiddo. As of right now. A pretty girl like you shouldn't be crying. You should be laughing. Hehe. Come on. Dry those tears.Your far stronger than you seem. Don't let any bullies or meanies tell ya different. " Luna said as she help Ourana feel better. The little girl looked Luna in her eyes and smiled. "Your very pretty too Luna. Almost as pretty as Destiny. If Daddy really is a bad man,then promise me you won't hurt him too bad okay?" Ourana asked. Luna and Destiny giggled.

They both said in unison." We promise." The three girls giggled and Ourana got to know everyone pretty well. She was amazed by Azou and wonder what Gala even was. What intrigued her most was Luna's father Zuma.

The muscular deity looked at the small girl and waved. Ourana as curious as ever walked up to the man and asked all her questions. "How do you poop mister?" The little girl asked Zuma. The death deity chuckled and answered. " Well just like everyone else. It's like flying. Everyone can do it. Minus humans. You must be Ourana. My daughter Luna told me about you. Has everyone been nice to you so far?" The deity asked.

"Everyone except that Nea lady. She said she'd spank me. She's a real meanie. I don't think I like her one bit." Ourana grumbled. "Well she only does that cause she loves you, if she didn't she would hate you. I wouldn't spank my kids but instead talk to them. Always remember this little Ourana. Sometimes even adults make mistakes,gods and goddesses are not excluded." Zuma wisely said. His wisdom got the little girl's brain to thinking. Destiny came and searched for her. She found her and showed her to her room.

"Whoa its purple and blue. My two favorite colors hehe. Oh and it has stuff animals even?!" Ourana excitedly said. Luna joined the two sisters and had some new clothes for the little girl. Ourana immediately hugged Luna and kissed her on the cheek." Luna. Your my bestest friend ever mm." Ourana said. Destiny also hugged the two and the three laughed. Luna felt that Ourana would soon get adjusted to her and her friends. At least she hoped. Later that night. The soilders that ran from Nea were being punished.

Fafir strikes them all and Panna angrily did so as well. As King and Queen the two literally held their lives in their hands,but first Panna made a brief speech. "For those that did NOTHING BUT RUN and hide while OUR daughter was kidnapped. I will have you properly dealt with. With a nice execution of sorts. Death by being fed to Numanag. The very Night Worm who will eternally devour your soul and poop you out.

Over and OVER again. As for those that fought but fail. I will beat you until you cannot even see out of your own two eyes AND cut off one LIMB of your choosing. Now for those that fought valiantly and bravely and did NOT shy away from Nea's wrath. Which from what I saw in today's unfortunate event. I am very displeased. However you shall be rewarded when Fafir brings us into the new era. As for a more immediate reward. You shall be the ones to beat any cowards that may have ran away in our midst. That is all! Your dismissed.

OH...If this should happen again and you all fail. I will toss you into Hexus personally myself. I shall see you suffer you will burn in the eternal flames. Do I make myself clear!!?" Panna roared with authority.