Chapter 16: Things Are Changing

"But I don't wanna eat that smelly stinky goopy stuff." Ourana yelled. She kicked and screamed as any child would. Destiny wasn't having it though and remained patient trying to feed her the rather strange concoction. " Smelly? Oh no this is not that smelly. It's just Molta Jelly. Its really good. Come on watch big sister try some okay?" Destiny said as she caught a big whiff of the unappealing gelatinous mess. The girl almost hurled at the mere smell. Ourana smirked and folded her little arms. "See I told you Destiny. It's icky icky stinky. Even you don't wanna eat it so why should I?" The child asked her sister.

Destiny stomached down her disgust for the strange food and gulped it down all at once. This caught Ourana by surprise and she giggled slightly. "Destiny?" She said in a concern voice. Destiny's face cringed and twisted as the rancid and sheer dankness of the jello was almost too much for the grey goddess. Destiny forced it down and let out a huge breath of relief. "You okay Destiny was it as stinky as it looked?" Ourana asked.

Destiny just faintly smiled and went to the nearest bathroom to brush her teeth and tongue. Ourana decided if her big sister could eat the stinky jello,then surely she could. The small girl used a spork and swiped it up. This followed by her immediately swallowing it all. The little girl wasn't really fazed. She shrugged it off and floated to see if her sister was doing okay. "Destiny it's all goneee.

You were right it was good hehe." Ourana sanged. Just then Nea surprised Ourana from behind and tickled the little girl's sides. "EEEKK!! Oh Nea!! Haha..s..stop it. it..haha..I'm gonna pee..hahahaha." The little girl said as she was overcome with laughter. Destiny finished cleaning her face and picked Ourana up. The little girl rested her head on her sister's chest and smiled. "Mmm. I'm baby. Right Destiny?" The little girl said cutely.

"Oh hush redhead. All this hair is just too soft and yet so wild. Then again. Considering you lived in a campsite,you didn't have access to a shower." Destiny said as she caught a horrible stench from Ourana. "Eww..then again..someone needs a bath. Come on. Let's get you cleaned up. I'll also teach you how to bathe yourself." Destiny said as she places Ourana on her feet. She held the little girl's hand and walked her to the nearest bathroom. Psion walked in with his sister's boyfriend Na. There he was doing his brotherly duty in protecting his little sister.

"So how long have you been dating her Na?" Said the God of Life. Na confidently answered the following questions Psion asked. "Well little over a month if not two." The smaller boy said. "Do you plan on protecting and providing for her until the end of time?" Psion interrogated. "I assure you Psion.

If I may be so bold Lord of Life, I do not have any ill intentions towards her. I respect that Destiny is a warrior first, goddess second and admittedly speaking..A gorgeous woman. A beautiful white haired, grey skinned and yet VERY powerful woman." Na stated. This remark caught Psion and Nea off guard. Pleased by the skinny boy's bravery. Psion clapped his hands and slapped the boy on the back. "Haha. Well Na. I do say. You definently aren't a push over. Considering your a mortal and Destiny is far stronger than I. I do hope you can handle her. If not..well let's just say..Nice knowing you." The deity said as he laughed and left the kitchen.

Nea looked up at the boy and placed her two hands over his and smiled. "You have my blessing to marry Destiny Na." The Queen of the Neotic Gods said. Shocked Na didn't know what to say. " Goddess? A..are you sure? I'm not worthy to marry let alone date someone" Nea pressed a finger on the boy's lips thought she has to float up to his eye level.

(Considering how short she was). "I said it. And so it shall be,but the rest is up to you. If you decide to bed my daughter. I will happily take good care of my grandchildren when they or he or she is born." The small goddess said. She laughed and also floated away. In awe by her words. Na had to take some alone time to himself. He saw Gala and Psion making out not too far from where he was standing. The couple hugged and kissed passionately. Almost to the point,things were about to get spicy.

Gala happened to notice the young lad from the corner of her eye.

"Hmm? Psi Psi. It's Na why is Na peeping on us? Gasp..are you having girl troubles?" Gala asked innocently.

Psion kissed her on the lips and sat next to Na. "I see my mother has already given you her blessing. I can't imagine what's going through your mind right now mortal. Sigh..What I do know is this; when the right time presents itself,I know you'll be ready. Just like with me and my obsidian beauty here. Gala looked at him and gently smiled.

See Gala is indeed well uh.. Different, yet also very beautiful and sweet. So take your time. Just..try to not seal the deal until you know you wanna spend every day with her?" Psion said as he kissed Gala on the lips and rubbed her butt.

"I assume by "sealing the deal" you Right?" Na asked. This made the young man blush a bit. "But of course. Do you see how curvaceous Gala is?" Psion asked. "She has all the perks and then some, but that does little for me. Even if she didn't. I would still do my duty as a god. a man. I wouldn't fornicate though. Learn self control okay. Don't be like me." Psion said wisely. Na took this advice into consideration and went to find Destiny. He wondered about his future. Only one thought remained. "Will I be enough even to help win this war we're in? Fafir could take it all away and yet. Nothing would have mattered. " The boy thought.

He sat in a chair near the closest bathroom. There wearing a green robe and a towel on her head. Ourana walked up to Na and smiled. "Hiiii! Imma princess. Will you be my friend?" The little girl said as her red hair covered her face. Na looked at the little girl and rustled the towel on her head. The girl laughed loudly and caught Destiny's attention. "Oh? Babe I see you met my kid sister Ourana. Don't be fooled this girl is deceptively strong. She's so strong she literally changed the landscape of the campgrounds back in Neo. I'm just glad I got her before my stupid dad decided to brainwash her with some mumble jumble." Destiny said as she also dried her hair.

"Yeah but I still miss Momma and Daddy. I didn't even show them and the other kids my rock collection yet." Ourana said as she giggled. "She's very smart for seven years old. Heh. Maybe she could take Fafir's place as Queen of the Beasts." Na joked. Destiny sat on his lap and folded her arms. Blushing, Na internally panicked.

"Don't joke about that okay? I don't want that sweet little girl's head filled with deceit. What matters now is Luna getting the best mental,spiritual and emotional training as possible. Also the same should apply to us." Destiny said as Ourana noticed her sister moving very weird on her boyfriend's lap.

"Why they sitting so weird. Eh. Probably a potty dance." The girl thought. She skipped happily to her bedroom to get changed. Later in the night as the girl was sleeping she could dream she was still there with her parents. But that was only a dream. The little scarlet haired princess would toss and turn in her sleep. She could only hope things would be okay on the other end.

Meanwhile, it has been confirmed that the new Red Palace has for the most part been built. The interior was still being worked on and the throne room for Panna and Fafir was the first thing to be built. The couple sat in their new palace and immediately the Pannamyth Squadron followed. They were appointed as the palace guards. Panna crossed one leg over the other and proceeded with a plan. "So since we now know that Nea so carelessly and arrogantly swiped OUR daughter. I proposed HER head be mounted on the palace walls. That or a stake."

The angered queen spoke. "Or we could torture her as we also take all of the Heavenly Realm of Nius and Hexus for ourselves." Fafir said. Panna evily smiled and groped her husband's crotch." I want this in me NOW! It will..relieved some stress for the both of us." The woman said. Fafir obliged and picked up his wife. They went to their tent and proceeded with their lovemaking. "Seems the two are still upset by Lady Ourana's capture. It was so sudden too. I wouldn't expect this from Nea of all people yet..she did so." A guard said unto another.

The generals of the Archten Army assigned which squadron would guard what area and where. "Palace Gate 1A to 3B will be the 1st and 2nd Squadron, The grunts will of course be in the forefront and defend the campgrounds as usual. Squadron 3 and 4 will guard the Innermost Sector of the Red Palace once the interiors have been finshed. And finally some of you will guard the scientists and special areas Lord Fafir or Lady Panna assigned. Are we clear ARCHTEN ARMY!!" The generals instructed. They all shouted and agreed. Soon each squadron went to there assigned stations. Those that did not were sent to build a barracks area for the resting troops. Morning rose and Panna emerged from the tent. This time with a entirely new look.

Her hair was wild yet short, She wore a leotard that revealed her hips. The stomach was semi-transparent. She wore a red sarong around her waist as a open skirt, studded spikes decorated the top of her thigh-high boots and neck collar. The woman also adorned a red mask as well. This alarmed some of the troops but she calmed their surprise as a way to mourn her daughter. "Don't be afriad. I figured I looked the part as Queen of the Archten Army and Beasts. I do not wish any one harm. Least not yet,if they shall offend or speak out against me. I will smite them. May it be QUICK as possible." The strangely dressed woman said.

Panna draped a short red cape around her shoulder she walked to the Red Palace and went inside. Stunned not only by the woman's change in demeanor, but her body as well. Some soilders stared as much as they could at their Queen's behind while she walked. To avoid getting caught. They would nudge one another with their shoulders or elbows. Fafir soon followed after. He caught a few soilders in the act.

"Having fun staring at my wife's behind gentlemen?" The Beast God Fafir said. He was dressed in a red and black getup with a white cape and white fingerless gloves. His cold eyes pierced holes in the perverts heads. Fafir then smiled and chuckled." Stare at her behind all you like. Even her bosom,but know this. None of you shall have anything as good or even DIVINE like her." Fafir said arrogantly. "Worship your Queen and praise her. For if any shall touch my wife. I will torment them for LIFE." Fafir said as he caught even some lady soldiers stare at Panna's figure. They straighten up quickly and bowed repenting for their lust.

"Good. I assure you all. That day is coming be ready. For the End Begins..soon." The Beast God evily smiled.