15~ new life

Xavier POV

After discovering we have to go to Zane's Temple for the spell to work. Bella went back to the mortal world to her castle to pack her bags yet again. William stay with me watching movies and playing video games until she got back.

The spell had failed in the afterlife. So they have to go back to the mortal world to Zane's Temple to be exact. Which means I'm stuck in the afterlife when they go and try to bring me back to life. There is no way to bring a soul with you to the mortal world.

William agreed to stay with me why the others go to the temple. Only way I will know if it worked is if my soul is sucked back into my body after it appears at the temple. You know it's not that bad. We just got to wait a little while go figure it out. Plus the prophecy States it would work pretty much. William tells me. I sigh I guess he's right.

I guess you're right. But he really have to leave again you guys just got back I wanted to spend some time with my mate. I say William smiled at me before shaking his head. Whipped. He whispers. I glare at him. What was that? I asked.

You are whipped for my big sister. He says and I slap him on the back of the head. He laughs and I laugh with him. But in all seriously dude I'm staying with you and my mates going with my sister. We're both going to be whatever mates for a little while hey at least you're going to be sucked back to your mate when the spell works. William says.

I guess you're right still doesn't mean it's not hard. Like come on I'm dead she's alive. His mother is attempting to bring me back alive. When she made the decision to kill me off. I tell him. He chuckles and shakes his head before trying to stop the laughing and glare at me because I'm talking about his mother.

He couldn't keep a straight face before he started bursting out in laughter. I laugh with him I guess this whole situation is funny. We go back to playing video games when I feel hands wrap around my neck in the back. I turn my head to see the most beautiful creature ever my mate.

I'm sorry I got to leave again so soon. Bella says. I smile at her and shake my head before replying. It's not your fault the future has different plans. Things will work out for the best. I tell her she smiles and nods before letting go and saying goodbye.

Just think soon you'll be kicking it with us living people. William says I just smile and laugh. I guess he has a point there I'll be joining the living Club soon. Life is such a complicated thing. You never know what's going to happen until it happens. I just hope things get better.


Me and William are playing video games which may I add I'm kicking his but in. We continue playing for about an hour or two. Before he gets up and goes to get something to eat me being dead not needing anything to eat. I lay down on the couch and start to doze off when I feel a weird sensation happening in my stomach.

I open my eyes and see everything around me is starting to get fuzzy and blurry. One moment I'm in the front room of the Moon goddesses Castle and the next I'm in a gray room with weird symbols all over the walls.

I find myself no longer laying on the couch but on a hard cold floor. Sorry about the floor but that's where I had to put you. A gentle almost mother-like voice says. I look up to see the moon goddess and next to her my beautiful mate Bella.

You're going to feel a little weird for the next 30 minutes it's part of the spell but after that you'll be totally fine. Bella says and I smile. That's okay I feel just fine. I reply I guess I'm now living and I'm going to spend the rest of this new life with my mate.