14~dangerous path

Bella POV

We spent the next week at the pack just to make it seem like a normal visit. Today is the day we head back to my Palace. Hopefully soon I'll be able to have my mate in my arms. I can't wait to get back and talk to my mother and get this all sorted out.

We are walking down to the front of the pack house getting ready to leave the limousine is already out front. Me William and Raven walk down the stairs and out the door.

I hope you enjoyed your stay and everything was okay. Izzy says. I smile thinking she's going to be a lovely sister-in-law. Yes everything went totally right your pack is going smoothly there is no critiques here. I reply.

I'm glad you enjoyed your stay. Have a safe trip back to the castle. Izzy says. I smile shaking hands with all the high ranking members. But when I get to Jade she pulls me in for a hug instead. What your mother's about to do is dark magic. After she performs the spell watch her carefully. Dark magic feeds on power and since she's the moon goddess she has a lot of power. If she's not careful it could kill her. Jade whispers in my ear before letting go.

I nod before turning to the limousine and getting it. The thought of the dark magic killing my mother weighs on me as we drive back to the Palace.


We're back at the palace. We get our things unpacked before teleporting to my mom's Castle. When we get to the castle I'm immediately thrown down on the ground in a hug. I look up to see my mate Xavier. You didn't have to tackle me to the ground you know. I tell him.

I know but what's the fun in that. Anyway you saw my sister how was she? He asks. I just chuckled at how excited it is he is to hear about his sister. She's doing lovely and your niece and nephew are quite energetic things. I reply with a smile.

That's wonderful anyway your mother's in the conference room with everything she needs for the ritual. Xavier tells me. I know my head and follow him to the conference room where I'm greedy with my mother and father. When I look at my mother Jade's words echo around in my head.

I'm snapped out of thought thought with fingers snapping in my face. Where did you go sis Mom asked you a question. William tells me. I look at my mother with a questioning look. I asked if you're ready I know this could be a little stressful for you. My mother asks. I am on my head and take a deep breath getting ready for what's to come.

My mother starts to Glow as she can't us language I can't quite recognize. Gravity started to disappear as things start to lift up into the air. My mom starts to Glow brighter.  In Tell her eyes turn black as night. The ground starts to shake. All of a sudden everything falls to the floor and my mom falls with everything.

I run to my mother to make sure she's okay I shake her a few times to get her to wake up. She doesn't I knew this was a dangerous path using dark magic but I hope I didn't lose my mother. William runs in with a bucket of water and splash it on our mother. She jumps up glaring at my brother.

Before turning to me with sad eyes. I'm sorry hun it didn't work. And I'm too weak to do it again. My mother tells me. I begin to cry when William gets a weird look on his face. What is it William? I ask. He thinks for a minute.

When me and Raven was at Jade's Temple she gave us a prophecy. We didn't know what to make of it all we know is it was of the future. William tells me.

Okay what's the prophecy . I asked. He takes a deep breath before telling all of us.

Unexpected problems will arise, go to the place the moon for showed.

Magic will fade when exciting news is shared, magic will return when one dies.

In a flash of rage to shall lose their selves, the enemy shall fall.

A solar eclipse will be the sign of the moon fall, the next moon May step up.

William repeats the prophecy. I look at him questioningly. What does that have to do with the spell not working? I asked my brother. We all wait for him to reply.

I think it's the first part of the prophecy. In the prophecy it says unexpected problems will arise. What is the unexpected problems is the spell not working. William tells us all. I think about it for a moment it would make sense.

If that's the case then we need to go to the second part of the first prophecy for the spell to work. The second part of the prophecy States go to the place the moon first showed. Raven says.

It makes sense Jade is a moon witch who has the power to see the future. My dad says. We all think about it for a minute. Where was the moon first showed? Xavier asks.

I don't think she was talking about the actual Moon maybe she was talking about me. My mother States. I think about it for a moment it would make sense there has been multiple times where a prophecy has stated Moon meaning my mother.

But that could have been many places it could have been when you first created dad. Or when you were born. I say. We all think about it for a few moments.

Wait let's think of this about from Jade's point of view. When was the first time she knows of mom showing up. William says we all sit there for a moment thinking. Until it finally hits me.

Jade is the daughter of Zane the Moon witch. Mother first showed herself to Zane to ask for help getting rid of dark magic. But since Zane's in the afterlife it wouldn't work because we're already in the afterlife when we tried to perform the spell. What if she meant his Temple. I say everybody looks taken aback at my hypothesis.

Then that's where we go we go to Zane's Temple.....