20~ fading Magic

Bella POV

My mother teleported right in front of me as Izzy was about to reply to what I had just said. I'm sorry to interrupt my beautiful children but I have some exciting news that I just couldn't wait to share. My mother says I look at Raven Xavier and William knowing this is the news that will make it the magic fade.

What is it Mom? I asked wanting to get this over with. She takes a deep breath trying to calm herself down so she can tell us. You and William's going to have a little sibling. Isn't that exciting. How's my mother says this I start to feel really weak almost like all the power inside of me is being sucked out. But it looks of it my mother looks about the same.

Xavier runs to me as I fall to the ground. Bella what happened are you okay? My beloved mate asks. I just feel like the magic within me had been sucked all out. I guess the prophecy has come true about the exciting news that magical fade until someone dies. I tell him what they said look on my face knowing someone will have to die real soon.

Before he can reply I hear shouting as someone yells.



Ravens POV

Someone's yelling about demons being in the pack border. I turn around to see hundreds of demons running towards us. With my best friend week without magic along with the moon goddess. We are pretty much defenseless without magic even Jade's and Zoe's magic isn't working. Even my mates magic since he's the son of the Moon goddess isn't working.

Deciding it's now or never that I protect my family and my friends I run at the demons killing as many as I can before I feel a sharp pain in my back. I turn around to see biting at my skin. It was incredibly painful I try to knock them off but they are just too strong. I look back at my friends and family knowing that this is probably the end.

I cry out in pain as the demons keep eating my skin. Skinning me alive. I look at Bella and remember all the times we had. I look at William my mate thinking about all we could have had. Finally I look at Xavier the person we went all through a whole bunch of trouble to bring back to life to make my best friend Happy. I know my best friend will be taking care of. The question is will my willy be okay when I'm gone.

William gets up even though he's an incredible pain and starts running towards me. I tried yelling at him not to come over any closer. But he doesn't listen he fights off the demons that were eating me killing them one by one. I fall to the ground. William picks me up crying.

Come on Raven you've got to make it through this. Please Don't Leave Me I need you. William Cries Out I smile wiping away his tears. Thank you for all the great times we had together. Just remember my willy I love you. I say before I enter the darkness.