
William POV

It happened also fast one moment my mother is giving us the news that she's having another baby and that I'm going to be a big brother. The next all magic starts to fade and demons start to attack the pack. From the corner of my eye I see my beloved mate Raven run towards the flesh eating demons.

At the beginning she was doing really well. She was killing them one by one. Dropping them as if they were bugs that she had just sprayed bug spray on. Then a whole bunch of them started to attack her from the back ripping off her skin. I was too weak to get up to get to her and help her. I kept trying and trying. I just couldn't get up I just watched them eat my make skin and hear her crying with agony

Good as if I was blessed with extra strength I finally was able to get up I ran towards I made as fast as I could kill the demons that was eating her skin. As soon as I got them off her she fell to the ground. I pick her up in my arms crying. She can't believe me she just can't.

Come on Raven you've got to make it through this. Please Don't Leave Me I need you. I Cry Out she smiles wiping away my tears. Thank you for all the great times we had together. Just remember my willy I love you. She says before going limp in my arms.

No Raven you can't leave come on wake up. I need you come on. Please don't leave me yet. You can't leave me yet. Please please please please. I Cry as I rock her back and forth in my arms. All of a sudden I start to feel stronger as if my magic is returning.

Why wasn't my Raven who had to die to return the magic. Why couldn't someone that I didn't care about. Why did it have to be my mate. Why why why. I continue rocking her back and forth.

I look around to see all the demons we're splitting in different directions kind of like they were trying to make a path. I see a man with a big gold crown on his head coming through the path of demons have made. A man that looks very similar to my father. He wears a proud smirk on his face as if he was happy at the destruction the demons caused.

I hear people gas behind me mainly my mother and father. But I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying oh I could do was look away from the man and look back at my dead mate. The love of my life had died because of those demons and this man was looking like he was proud of them. What kind of evil person would be happy for the demons to kill and eat people alive

Everything started to register in my mind now that I have finally acknowledged that my mate is dead. I finally realized the men looking so proud of the demons is their King and not only their King but my Uncle cole the one my mother and father had to kill because he kept targeting my sister.

I look down at my dead mate one more time before all I can see is red. As my head is clouded with rage.