
Bella POV

I watched as my best friend died because of those flesh eating demons and I saw red. I saw right as soon as I saw my uncle walk out with a proud tomorrow on his face as if he had won the lottery. I wanted to write that smirk off his face I had just lost my best friend and he was smirking I don't think so.

All I can see was red is I ran up a demon starting killing them one by one finally getting the strength of my magic back after my best friend had died. I guess the prophecy was right someone had to die for our magic to return. Using my magic I started killing the demons off one by one I broke their necks without even touching them. Before moving on to some more demons.

This is my revenge for my best friend killing every single demon and then I will kill my uncle for the chaos he has brought up on the mortal world my world. If these disgusting flushing and demons cannot value life then they don't deserve to live. They are disgusting creatures that deserve what they get.

I look over to see my brother killing demons one by one with tears running down his face. I may have lost my best friend but he had lost his mate. No one should have to go through that pain. The pain that's almost unbearable almost as if you can't live anymore.

Demons may be disgusting flushing creatures but they're pretty much mindless they follow anything their King says. Their King just so happens to be my uncle and I hope I get to him so I can kill him first for the pain he's caused me and my brother. This is my revenge.


William POV

After only seeing red I go after every single demon I can see. My rage not letting up at all my goal kill all of them and then go after their King my uncle. He took away my sister's best friend and my mate deserve to live anymore he should have died or stayed dead when my parents killed him for going after my sister.

Me and my sister give him the most painful death ever experienced because he deserves it with so much more. I will get my revenge for my mate. I continue to kill the demons as I get closer to my uncle aiming for the kill. Soon all the demons are dead the only person left is the king of them all my uncle.

Both me and my sister lunge ready to take his throat for the death of Raven. Oh sweet Raven she didn't deserve to die she was innocent. And I shall get my revenge. Bella serves a right hook to his nose breaking it with a satisfying crack. Knocking that cheap demon Crown off his head. I we're having by the hair pulling him down hitting his head on the ground.

Both me and Bella get in a few punches before I grab the crown that he wore proudly on his head freaking it into sharp pieces. Before taking one of the sharp pieces from his crown and stabbing it into his chest kill him for once and for all. Once he was dead I fell to the ground into tears all the demons were dead but so was my mate.