
After Aldemar said those words to both Amil and Ace, a bright light engulfed both boys and they appeared in another white room, they were really surprised though. In this room, Ace and Amil saw each other, but thats not why they were shocked. They were shocked because there were two Aldemars and Evelyns.

"Am i seeing double?" ace asked

"seems we both are" Amil said

"I'll explain." Aldemar calmly stated "Evelyn and i were speaking to you both simutainiously so that neither of you had to wait. The moment the clock struck twelve and your birthdays arrived, you teleported here. You are here because we have a task for you." Aldemar watched them calmly while waiting for the questions he thought he would be bombarded with for a while.

Surprisingly, the two boys were calm as calm as a rippleless lake. "Well thats not something you see every day." Ace chuckled. Amil then calmly asked "Do you mean we both have the same birthday or do we come from different times?" "Correct" aldemar said. "Huh??" The boys didnt understand his answer.

"I said correct. You both were born on the same day and you are from different times. You are also from different worlds. Ace, you are from the era where times were primitive compared to Amil. Amil comes from an era where humans can fly on vehicles kown as airpalnes. His era also has something called smartphones which are devices that allow you to communicate from long distances away, save imagery and has an infinite library called the internet where they can learn anything they want, anywhere they are."

Ace was left flabberghasted and had his mouth wide open. "And Amil, Ace here is from those ancient times you would see in the movies, other than the dragons and mystical creatures,everything else was correct. And you both are from a planet called earth, just not the same earth." Evelyn said .

"Now i shall tell you something that will blow both your minds. Are you ready?" Aldemar said mysteriously. The boys both nodded in unison and waited for Aldemar to continue. "Everyone in this room are blood... we're family."