The seal weakens

"..." Amil and Ace were wide eyed and frozen. The did not even dare breathe. "I know it may come as a shock to you but i am your father, Evelyn is your mother and you are twin brothers although you aren't identical."

"Amil, you were born with the afinity for water, which attributes with your tranquility and ability to think in tense situations. Ace, you were born with the fire afinity, which explaims your energy and spontaneous personality."

"There are many gods for many things but we were the ones whom looked over the fire and water elements before you were born into them, and now they're under your control, youll just have to learn how."

"But our creation and chaos afinities are the most powerful in existance. And due to you two being our children, you both also have the afinities for chaos and creation as well." Aldemar explained.

"I know you both are wondering why didn't you know you had such power, or why you were sent to those worlds instead of being with us. Both of the reasons are connected so i will just tell you from the beginning" Evelyn said sadly, seemingly remembering something painful.

"Let me start by saying that gods cannot reproduce. Aldemar and i would just create a god when needed. So it came as a surprise when i became pregnant with the two of you. Not knowing what happens to the children of gods, we pannicked. When you were born, our fears were realized as you both were on the verge of dying." Evelyn said with sadness in her eyes.

"We realized that although you are original gods like us, your powers didnt even form yet meaning you were as fragile as human babies. Eden is filled with creation and chaos Qi which would make normal humans burst upon contact." Aldemar continued

"So in an attempt to save you, we put a seal on your powers to allow them to grow but not be noticed the humans. Then we tried to send you both to the advanced earth. But because we had to move quickly, the spell broke while you were in the void and you separated with only one of you going to advanced earth and one going to primitive earth." Evelyn shook her head while remembering the tragedy.

Both the boys' mouths were practically touching the floor at this point

"I cant believe im a god!" Ace yelled

"You! You are my brother, come and gave me a hug broo"

"I okay" Amil said flatly

"Hahaha, We'll work on that. So are you guys really my parents?"

"That is right Ace" Evelyn said

"Although i would love to stay here and make up for lost times kids, we still have important matters to discuss.." Aldemar said grimly

Evelyn also suddenly had a anxious expression.

"What do you mean?" Said ace

"You guys are still indefinately weak so even though this is an isolation room, to keep you two here too long will hurt you. You must train into god hood to be able to stay in eden.." Aldemar said

"Thus, we will have to send you two away again. But this time, we will send you to the world we created to produce gods. There you will start from the lowest possible stage of that realm. As mortals. With our blood running through your veins, you will breakthrough your cultivation stages faster than any ordinary being." Evelyn continued

"This world is called Estia, it is filled with humans, cultivators, immortals and demonic beasts. It even has minor gods here and there. In this world you will pose as ordinary humans. You will both be sent to a remote place in Estia called Dabrus. Although its a very small island to us. Compared to your earths it would be dubbed the largest continent on the planet. So do not underestimate it." Said Aldemar.

"Although we love you both very much and would love to see you as soon as possible, we will not tell you anything on cultivation because we dont want to spoil you. To become great warriors and leaders, you will need experience and what better way than to be dropped into an unknown world with little knowledge" Evelyn said half jokingly.

Amil and Ace looked at eachother with worried expressions. "Hahaha, do not worry little ones, i know you are strong enough to get through everything easily. After all, your my sons." Aldemar laughed.

"Off you go my beautiful boys, for your journey awaits, I love you both" Evelyn said softly.

"Goodbye mother, father" Ace said emotionally. He always dreamed of having parents. Who would've thought that he would have to leave them so soon?

"See you" Amil said with a slight smile

Once again, a light gradually enveloped the two and they dissapeard into the void.

A few minutes later...

The sound of quick and heavy footsetps sounded in the background. Suddenly the white in the room dissipated revealing a large, red throne room with gold lining.


The door to the room burst open and a burly man kneeled infront of Aldemar and Evelyn. "Your magesties, its about Ragnarok. Although he is still under the spell, the array is gradually weakening. If the seal remains in its current condition, he will awaken within three centurie's time. But if it weakens further..." the man said worriedly.

"Gather the gods, we have to try to keep him sealed untill our children return" Aldemar yelled.

"I hope they'll be okay" evelyn said

"They will be my queen." aldemar assured

"They have to be.....