Got a thing for you and I can't let go

Naikhee shoots out his hand and, from Nicole's surroundings, space begins to warp like fabric and formed drills made to skewer her body. Like trying to barbeque a giant piece of meat- or in this case, a cybernetically fabricated body, he gave no time for her to recover.

As the attack supposedly "lands", Blondie found himself met with a knee of a particular white blur, causing him to be knocked towards multiple buildings frozen in time, acting like a solid trampoline to un-cushion his sideways descent.

"Relying on momentum… huh?" he muttered, trying to get up as his bones popped and cracked as cabbage smashed with a sledgehammer, " sure are stretching the limit when it comes to incapacitating people…" A chuckle followed as props himself to stand, using the rotating wind to move whilst the circles do their work.


However, airplanes flew out acceleratedly, making them ignite in flames as they came in contact with the spinning air, combusting Naikhee in the process.

"To compensate for his lack of regen, he tries shaping his body with those circles to cover up the wound. But inflicting something like this should tamper with it" a flying Nicole thought, having used the recoil from her previous blow to launch up in the sky, gaining higher ground.

But that ground isn't enough to be considered high, as the smoke that followed after wasn't a roasted Blondie ready to be served on a silver platter. Rather, there was… nothing.

Nothing but plain charred concrete and the poignant smell of burnt paper, and last but not least…

Yet another bang was all that the Earth could ever ask for, something no history's nukes nor modern weapons could ever compare themselves to. The explosion left nothing for the frozen bystanders to watch, not even the clouds nor any satellite or falling rock about to cross this forsaken planet.

"Tch!" with an audible grunt, Blondie goes for another strike knowing an attack like that won't kill her. Swinging down his right hand like an anvil about to fall down, he follows up with a flurry of spiraling kicks to wherever Nicole could be behind the white flash.

Continued as he might, he found no bones breaking nor even finding his attack landing at all. It's as if he's punching and kicking at some sort of vacuum, like hitting the very void of space.

Soon, the white flash clears to reveal a black gradient, like a negative switch turned on to insinuate a message Blondie knew all too well, much like an amber alert blaring through his phone, just after watching a piece of news about it seconds ago.

Nicole stopped time, just as she was about to take the attack. "But it wasn't meant for her; that'd be a waste of energy. She reversed the course of my plasma to avoid unnecessary destruction here on Earth by using the mechanics of how stopping time on an object works. Since time doesn't exist, cause and effect won't occur until she resumes them, thus they are indestructible..."

Naikhee tried to make distance by propelling himself toward the roof of an apartment building, vaulting into the Las Vegas Monorail, and flipping back to the frozen crowd to hide inside the walls. Hoping to have the element of surprise, he waited like a sitting duck. Not much aside from escaping was all he could do, lest he risked another counterplay.

From there, he silently traversed a hotel to his right, ducking under a narrow passageway as he planted four circles to the upcoming pillars, around seven meters of distance in between.

Much to his worry, this was to be clearly expected.

A being who exists above space and time? That's only something one could hear from some stupid fanfiction about a Chinese character of a stupidly long name with powers that make the story not worth taking seriously, something only heard in kids' banter on who's the strongest.

Taken into a podcast, a power like hers is not to be messed around or joked with. Words like self-insert, overpowered, over-the-top, and self-indulgence. Meaning starts to lose itself when one factors in those phrases in a person like Nicole.

But, her existence being like those same dumb tropes found in cartoons is... true. They're all true.

So true, in fact, that the person he's trying to avoid is somewhere that the word "front" becomes the exact opposite- a switcheroo if the term calls for it.

Rolling to his side, Nicole follows up with an accelerated thrust with an umbrella- one of those free-to-borrow offered by the service upon a rainy day- aimed directly at the kneecaps, which she finds getting hit to the side with Naikhee spinning lower to kick her with his right leg boosted by a circle he made beside him moments prior to her attack.

She tries to recover by stopping time on the glass wall, and going for a blind straight with her free hand, but caught with Naikhee's as he grapples her to the ground and puts her on a leg lock.

But as much skill he puts on it...

He, however, gets flung by an umbrella opening, fast enough to send a powerful gust toward the assailant and forcibly free her from the referee counting down to ten. Using another circle to break him from going back any further, Blondie preemptively blocks instinctively despite having no attack coming right after.

Nicole, not stopping on the pressure, shoots out her opened umbrella, spins it, and accelerates time whilst pulling it, making a vortex to haul Blondie in. She backs this argument by making a forward charge, whilst grabbing something off the wall as Naikhee summons spatial rotating spears.

As the two bullets meet, Nicole stops the time on the shield regardless of the visible spears he just made, piercing through the umbrella only to.. stop?

There was no time to figure out what she planned for this to happen, going for a second attempt at counterplay with him grabbing the spear stuck to the gamp, flinging to the right side as chucks a nearby plant vase, rotisserie-style as always.

Nicole staggered but didn't let go of the umbrella as she delivers an in-out kick to the side of Blondie, yet he reacted fast enough to make a wind circle to push his body and feet to kick her already shot-out leg, having her and the umbrella part separate ways.

Going for another strike, unfortunately, Naikhee's eyes widened by seeing his left hand nearly torn off, having little skin for it to hold onto. It was a pebble- one fired from Nicole's right hand, which is the one grabbing the metal parasol earlier.

...he cannot match someone of raw power.