Like a mind rescuing its body, Nicole's face delayed like she was literally in an online meeting as her CPU went red after hearing she was the next student to present her work, all the while cramming on what to do since the last two weeks of nothing but procrastination, prayers, and even bloody tears.
She gave both roads of the salon a good left-to-right look as if wanting to confirm something that wouldn't happen- Naikhee… had already escaped.
"There's no denying that…" She raised her hand to scratch her roughed-up hair, placing each of her fingers close and sighing.
Within a moment's notice, the whole city inverts in color. White becomes black, blue becomes red, purple becomes yellow, and so on. The air found itself no longer able to move, and the light no longer could shine upon anything the inversion conquered. Like a bubble, Nevada became a frozen snow globe.
She closed her eyes as she took in breaths in an otherwise vacuum of time. "I guess I have to fix this…" she muttered, slowing walking to place back the thrown items back in their original spot: the scissors put in the drawer, the hair dryer hung at a holder, and the hot towel back at the machine.
At the grilling station of smoke, she rearranged the tiles like kids in a line readying for the flag ceremony. By height, she put the smallest piece first before the tallest kid at the very back. Rubbing her hands as if to clear any dirt, she gave the hotel and the rest of the many buildings a look before sliding down and slowly striding toward the crowd.
Along the way, there were falling drinks, pieces of pizza about to fall to the ground, and some kid being beaten up by thugs. Like a recipe for the dish "How to solve problems in Nevada while your time stop has a limit of around a minute", Nicole takes the step-by-step method in her very own cookbook.
First, she approached the mechanical vendor stand. The structure is similar to unfinished buildings constructed in the 21st century: pipes as pillars for support, multiple lightweight boxes suspended in low-level anti-grav, a cupboard for the ingredients, some briefcases aligned vertically with little t-rex hands that generate food, and a little faucet for the drinks. Next to it was a boy, shaky hand and all. A sky blue long-sleeve adorned with tiny black pigeons. His face had… "that" kind of look. A look that paints the exact opposite of happiness.
The boy was just moments away from throwing a fit, his hands just about to toss this cup to kingdom come. Glad as Nicole was, even if for a little at that moment, there was no analytical system in her current arsenal that gave a clue as to what made this boy do it, in front of the public no less. But "to cut 'em some slacks" as they say, she did this poor guy a favor and had the cup filled with the about-to-fall juice.
Over to the side, leftover pizzas are... well, "left" on the table. As obvious as saying the color of the sun to a four-year-old kid with schizophrenia, Nicole Closed-circuit television's her way to the very chill people— literally— and have said pizza be some sort of gift from the Gods. Eating her reward early in the major quest, she fills up her prestige meter— if it even exists— towards the pizzas pushed by Mister Meanie Gravity. The advisor of the class soon meets up with the faculty before becoming a carpenter on the side, fixing the buildings and premises that she couldn't put in the timeout corner. Reverse here, blibopbidododoo that, and even some flippity floppity poo there.
There was more to do— which she did; but the thing that caught her eye more was just a random person getting jumped by more random people. Violence, as quiet as it is, remains prevalent regardless of the way humans hide it. Be it the regression of the inability to sympathize or the incompetence to simply resist the urge, many types of humans simply desire to hurt for the same reason they exist. One-dimensional as it is, Nicole couldn't help but try to save this person from them.
Maybe for the same reason? Maybe for something she'll get? Possibly Karma does exist...
"Nothing's wrong with doing a little good toward people, no?"
Right. There exists an apparent 'reason' for why she's doing this. Not like a being such as her could ever refuse a fact, let alone something stated by him. Truth be told, doing something good is healthy— not just for the body and soul, but for everyone around them.
Walking to them in a maze of multiple humans lined with many dead ends. Some are about to run away, either too late from the ability activation- her fault- or just scared of the earthquake- also her fault. Tip-toeing and some hops through vendors and fences, Nicole ducked under the curtain blocking the way of the oh-so wonderous jumping of 2040.
Like a sorcerer fight, two of them- one buff and one stout- kicking some poor man's luggage and his jewels for good measure, gotta make sure their bloodline won't progress in case they get revenge if they're still alive to remember some douche runs to their turf.
Breath in...
Breath out...
"Right, right..." it took a while for her to compose herself. I mean, having duked out with some circles dude, stole some kid's airplane, and now having to beat people whilst time is stopped? And that's for free, mind you. Like, no red-and-blues out to arrest, and no resistance at all.
"I, uhh, hehe.."
Not much was she could say, scratching her head as she flipped to get a good look at her pale hair. "Shampoo for later..." and with a sigh, she held her hand out and had their feet meet each other's legs.
"Seriously... what's going on?"